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  1. xekushi
    I'd use the toy to see what they look like in general.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. xekushi
    That will be very nice and helpful cause I'd like a better look at the monster and the parasites.

    Yes shes right which is why I've been replying to the stupid things you say. Also I'm a guy >.>
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. xekushi
    What does that even mean?
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. xekushi
    That was the dumbest thing I've read all day. And the parasites living on the body of a giant monster isn't anywhere near orignal. Heck even whales have things living on them. And you do know that epic only means big right?

    That seems extremely racist. Also no ones yet to come up with a picture.

    Still I enjoyed the movie.

    Thats nothing to be proud of. Just makes you look like an idiot cause you will only use an argument if it favors you. Even burnitup is doing a better job then you.

    I can't quite picture CF throwing a punch at Godzilla. I mean we see Godlizza fight other monsters all the time but the limited footage of CF aren't really attacks. Still would be interesting in my opinion.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. xekushi
    Where to begin

    I could say the same to you buddy.

    My defence for this will simple by a quote by a certain someone.
    Director call he said "jump off a clif"

    Powerful argument I'm really hurt.

    Indeed so in a short while I'll go off to a friends house cause too much comp, tv, movies and video games is bad. So sorry to leave you on your wn kikame.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. xekushi
    Did you even read what i said?
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. xekushi
    Okay go rent SsT and then come back and tell me what you think.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. xekushi
    Umm by mojority you mean like 20 people or so. Theres plenty of topics that say that on gamefaqs and each time they get gun down by other people plainly saying "they look similar and that is all idiots" something along those lines. Also despite the fact that I don't belief Zack to be Terra, your using an argument that hasn't been proven wrong or right.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. xekushi
    As i said you are telling us about your memories and not providing much more then that. I have looked for images and have nothing. I've given an image of what i think it looks like and links to other people that think the same. You and the other had are crying "your wrong" with most of your arguments.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. xekushi
    His proof is the fact he says he rememebers things. Other then that his hasn't provided much on the parasite thing.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. xekushi
    Never said it was fact, I said others thought the same.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. xekushi
    Well alright then just give us a peak at your memory /sarcasism
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. xekushi
    Actualy you can do a google search and theres a heap load of people that think they look like the warrior bugs.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. xekushi
    "and the parasites look and move too much like the bugs from starship troopers just smaller..." quote by drewski37 from
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. xekushi
    Provid an actual image and I will stop depending on the results.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. xekushi
    Details and yet no image.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. xekushi
    This "most powerful non-nuclear" weapon didn't distroy the city like it really would've.

    I think the army killed her to quarintine the people seeing as she was taken into a tent and "exploded" as soon as she got there and only seemed to "explode" in one direction. Looks to me like the shot here.

    Yes they really do look alike.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. xekushi
    Yes i agree with Kikame, what your saying is that Riku verses ORG13, Riku would win cause theres no one else in the room. >> And those final fights wer're just Riku sand Sora slashing around at nothing. Also im Sure a one on one with alot of KH people can beat your CF.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. xekushi
    Blue whales are the largest living animal. Also something that big would not work. It would need massive amounts of food and if theres more then lets say 10, all the whales in the world wont feed them for long. Also it would need one hell of a heart to pump its freaking blood around its body.

    Earthshaker is pretty damn close to the size of CF.

    Actually you know what the freaking Nobody dragon IS bigger then CF and Sora and Riku to care of that.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. xekushi
    Umm right... You did notice that they were getting closer that whole time didn't you?

    Also Sins says hi to CF.

    I'm sure Riku can beat that slow movie CF and Sora is just as strong as he is.
    Post by: xekushi, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media