I never knew, that the lead singer had a rough childhood. That explain's all to me. Now I trully understand there songs, and I came to the belief, that they were emo, but they are not anymore. Just had to post this becouse people like to listen to them
go premium
I wanted to discuss this matter for a long time now. So here it goes. You know games like WOW and guild wars. They're online. Many people (even me) believe that these games can make somebody so obsessed that they don't do anything then play the game. I read that people already died becouse of playing WOW, they didn't drink or eat anything just becouse they wanted to play. Do you think that online games can really make you so obsessed, that you don't have no other life than the online life
that would explain the pics I found about them
yay, cokkie *eats*. I'm off now, we have to go. Bye for now
If you are on in school, you're not a loser, I am
I'm on in school, I am a loser
I'm on in school. I'm a loser, yay
bye, Im off. Gotta eat pizza
11996 you want to hear a better game quote than got it memorized, well here it is Dante: let's rock Dante: dude. my father wasn't that hideous, can't you tell by looking at me
11990 nothing to write, ohhhh
11985 heh, no problem:D
eh, I'm here since april too, and look at my post count. It's nothing special to be premium
11983 You have low self confidence? In that thread, you know love real, you helped me get back a little bit of my own. Common don't fell bad, you are definately not ugly, nobody is ugly. And if you still think you're ugly, I bet you better looking then me. Don't have low self estem, you don't want to become like me now, do you? Have confidence in you, you know you're cool
11980 yes, that can be "very" tragic. And why do you fell emo
11978 emo becouse of what
11974 eh, don't worry, everybody has an emo moment someday
thanks, I fixed the alcohol pussy now
look at this big pussy http://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-fat-cat-UAP.jpg pussy playing solitaire http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/images/jmiles/2006/03/15/cat-playing-solitaire.jpg pussy with an alcohol problem http://www.volcanovillage.com/Hawaii_Picture_of_the_Day/drunkencat.JPG and just look at this pussy http://www.123mycodes.com/funny-cat/23.jpg and look at my sig for a kung fu pussy yes, I love pussyes. Got a problem hahahaha and you probably thought it was porn
I don't know what to say except you lucky man. No ofense. Please don't ban me