Voting for Jayn! From what I've read, everyone likes her. Which makes me want to know her more. What I only know about her is that she is a part of the Staff, and she's famous for KHV Chorus.
I'm voting for strfruit nee-sama! Sorry Dinny....
Amaury. No contest. :3
Kingdom Hearts III Announcement. Because it's the happiest moment that I ever had this year and it is the only event that I know about, besides KHV Chorus, so.... :3
Cat~ Because of them fandoms!!!
I vote for Dinny for this one. Well, you are nice with me.... :(
Who or what made you get so addicted to it? If you don't mind answering...
Hey, Nora. I see you have an addiction for The World Ends With You....
I Hope we can still chat. And I didn't forget what I promised for you! I was just too busy with school work and exams... -_-
I may not know you that much, but from what I've read, you sound like a good guy. It's too bad you will be leaving the site. Hope we can see you back here again!
Welcome to KH-Vids! It's nice to see someone with so much talent joining here! Please look around the FAQs or ask any staff member if you have any questions. And feel free to ask help from any one of us if you need any. See you around the forums!
Wait, he left the site? Well, that's such a shame.... At least I can still contact him.
Wish you luck! Fine. It turns out the exams are easier than I thought.... And I'm getting addicted to Left 4 Dead 2 and Metal Gear.
True that. So how's life? I had to take exams.... -_-
Congratulations! Now wait for 2.5 REMIX, and you have to face the Lingering Will/Sentiment, Mysterious Figure, And Bugged Data-Roxas (In the case when Re:Coded is playable.).
I'd have Philosophy with Itachi (Even though I know he will use Tsukuyomi on me if I fail.) Mathematics and Botany too. And I'm sure that I will be fast friends with the headmaster. :3
Well, Most animes. And most of you are right, there are some animes that have nothing supernatural. But yeah, the supernatural stuff outnumbers the non-supernatural stuff.
There are a few games that really take a while in development, like Diablo 3, Half-Life 2 Episode 3, Duke Nukem Forever, Brothers in Arms 4, and a few others. But Yeah, It's Square, and they want both FFXV and KHIII to have the best playing experience possible.
So Zetta Slow?