He's definitely talking about his encounter with Sora. Unless Nomura is planning something else, but I highly doubt it. Maybe some of Sora's memories were removed unintendedly? But who knows? You're right about one thing though, maybe Nomura might retcon it in KHIII. As for the color swaps, I'm sure it's just a gameplay element, since not all of the Heartless have their color schemes changed (Usually the Emblem Heartless.)
To Be honest, I started with either KHII or BbS. I can't really remember but I'm sure it's either of those two. It's kinda obvious why with your...
You are very welcome! Which KH Game did you start the series with, and what's your favorite KH game?
Hey! Welcome to KH-Vids! Nice pic of Terranort, BTW! Please look around the FAQs or ask any staff members if you have any questions, read the...
I'm pretty sure when you say something like that, it's usually when you're nostalgic or something. "It feels like it was yesterday when I first rode a bike..." Somehting like this.
It's great thet you think that this site contains reliable information about the KH series! Make sure you read the rules, Look around the FAQs or ask any staff member if you have any questions, ask any help from any one of us as we can try our best to help you, and most importantly, Have fun! I hope I'll see you around in the forums, and welcome back to KH-Vids!
A returning member of KH-Vids! Welcome back! You can just ask the staff or look around the FAQs if you have any questions, read the rules since it seems like you forgot them, and feel free to ask help from any one of us! Hope I'll see you around the forums!
:3 So Zetta Slow!
I have lots of likes, but I don't count because most of my likes come from one person. At least I think so.... I lost count.
And you're still here because? Not to be mean or anything.
Reenigav ma I, Eevee olleh!
Sounds interesting... But It feels a bit weird when JK isn't the one who is writing the books. But I'm looking forward to this.
I agree. I'm fine with either an Anime or CGI. But hopefully it won't have a horrible plot like Advent Children.
I wish this could happen, but like what Sorentas said, 2.5 REMIX is a HD remaster of KHII:FM, BbS;FM, and Re:Coded. I doubt Square will implement it. But if they don't implement this in 2.5, I hope they can do it in KHIII. DLC content where you can fight every boss battle since KHI (As DLCs of course. And different attack patterns.)
Reach 104. You have 60 Minutes.
OMG, don't get me started with the soundtrack! Seriously, one of the best soundtracks ever!
Me too actually. Except I played at least 72 Hours total in one week. And that was during the summer. For the Survivors? It doesn't matter. For...
OMG, why are there so many beautiful people here in this site?! Voting for Dinny!
How come many people didn't vote for Roxam? He did supplied Krowley with info....