True dat. :3 How come? Busy with college or work? Or your computer can't handle it? I know! XD
Hey Ventus, welcome to KH-Vids! Read the rules, ask any questions to the staff members of look at the FAQs, Ask any help from us and most importantly, Have Fun!
Hey Denis, welcome to KH-Vids! Read the rules and have fun in the site!
I know. And once, I can do that on the first level of The Parish! If one or two members are down, it's easier if you know what you are doing! :3...
No, I played GTA Before, and the nippies weren'e shown before......
O_o I always do that in Dead Center! Yeah! That's why I like him! "Did I mention about the time my buddy Keith..."
What the?! There's partial nudity in this game?! (Sorry if I break any rules doing this....)
OMG, Why haven't I thought of that!!! XD
I know. O_o What if it's Xehanort who SUCEEDED in obtaining ultimate opwer?!
Yeah, I beat the game at around level 55-60 and I don't have any problems with the Invisibles. Did you try dodge rolling? Anyways, if you really can't last until the final horde, level up for a few levels and make sure you have abilities that will help you defensively.
Both. Canon: Currently Xemnas (Since he is the currently the only Xehanort to merger with an (artificial) Kingdom Hearts. Gameplay: Young...
Yeah, I prefer the talkative one, Ellis. "I love horses." XD As for the jockey, I usually go for the one left behind. >:)
I don't wear coats. I wear MAN COATS MADE OF YOUR HAIR!!! Courtesy of Saxton Hale.
Half-Life Infinity confirmed. I was expecting Episode 3 too, but I'm guessing Valve has other plans for the Half-Life Series.
Me too! I really want to play as Terra! BTW, who do you think is (currently from what we have seen.) the strongest version of Xehanort?
It's a local delicacy in my country. It's about a few day old duck or chicken egg. With the baby duck/chicken still inside with yolk.
Yummy! So much nostalgia in this one.... when I was little, I ate like 3 every single day!
Yeah, he'll definitely return. But whether it's his Armor or his possessed state will return, we just have to wait and see!
Night! et's chat with a private conversation tomorrow if possible!
Too tired I guess? I gotta go sleep anyways. I'll look at their reactions tomorrow. That's when most of the members are online.