Lol. I'm a Christian too, and I've never experienced that. So, I'm guess I'm lucky. :P
Tales of The Abyss, if you haven't played the game anyways.
Thanks! Lol. WE WANT OUR LUNCH!!! XD
Heyo Sixx, and welcome to KH-Vids! Read the rules, ask any one of us for help, look at the FAQs and Have fun!!! And yes, it will make a sound. Almost anything on earth makes a sound. The sound of a tree falling down is no exception
Umm.... It's not really a school vs. school competition. It's more of the Freshmen, the Sophomores, The Juniors and Seniors compete against each...
Yeah..... Kind of...... In every school year that I attended, my class usually makes it to the finals. But you can never be too sure~
Currently unknown during this time, but I think it will take place sometime between the end of October to the first two weeks of November.
Thanks! Most of us like singing, but they usually sing in an off-key tone. And it's part of a project for my Music and Arts Class.
:3 Kinda depends on the choice of song my class picks. This year, we picked "Hall of Fame" by The Script.
The only problem is that the games you get with PS+ will be unusable when your PS+ membership expires. At least from what I have heard.
Good thing that I only have a PS3..... Not that I..... have a problem with the XBox or anything....
Lol. Yeah, you should go out more. I shouldn't talk though.... I'm Fine. Tired of singing practices. There's a songfest in my school where the...
Yeah..... So how's life?
Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
You know, like how Xemnas was defeated. (Even though Sora used the Keyblade to deliver the finishing blow...). Either that, or the power of Kingdom Hearts overwhelms him.
Yeah, some people have difficulty with computers, so I understand.
That's the title. Best Song Ever. ^_^' (I STILL CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!!! -_-) Okay. Now THIS song is stuck in my head!!! XD
My video card in my laptop is good, the only problem is the RAM, which is 4GB. I am planning to upgrade it to 8 so that I can run GTA IV faster in...
ARGH, WHY CAN'T I GET IT OFF OF MY HEAD!!!! (Dang it, stupid classmates for singing that song all day!)