There is one way to get me to do that. And that's to duel me...and actually win. >-> *shall go a tiny bit easy on you*
>_> ....*shall not wonder why*
*challenges Aster Phoenix* You should know that I play with only the 8000 life points. But, since it's the arena, and no one really knows when I'll change my mind later on, I have to use the template. LP: 8000. Customs: None. Anime Exclusives: None. Video Game Exclusives: None. God Cards: None. Hand Refill: None. First Player: Aster Phoenix. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None. Do you accept the terms, Aster Phoenix?
>_> *goes to throw up*
:kiss: :lolface:
*smiles* :kiss:
:kiss: :kiss: :glomp:
I never said how long to take away from the site, now did I?
I can guess a few reasons...but there is one solution. Take time away from this site. It may get your mind off of things.
B/ a
Up to 60...and they're only as good as you can play them. >_> The really good cards, are the ones you have to buy...for about $3.00 total. >_> Actually...$3.13 a pack.
I lol'd. >_>
:lolface: a