Hmhmhmhm...DRAW! ~Draw Phase~ *draws card, 7 cards in hand* ~Standby Phase~ ~Main Phase 1~ I activate Mystical Space Typhoon. Rendering your facedown useless, and I know you don't have anything to stop this duel, because it's over. I destroy your Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare, with Lightning Vortex! Sending my second "Cyber Dragon" to the Graveyard. It all ends here. I summon my Proto Cyber Dragon! And with it, I activate Power Bond! Fusing it with my Third Cyber Dragon that is left in my hand, Summoning a 5600 attack power, Cyber Twin Dragon! I'm not done yet. Because the card you sent back to my hand, is LIMITER REMOVAL! <----- *actual yugioh wikia photo* Increasing my monster up to 11,200 attack points. And because of it's double attack effect, And you Gardna's effect still in play because of it, I've won. The duel is over and finished, Aster. GO! CYBER TWIN DRAGON! EVOLUTION TWIN BURSTO! End game.
Hmph...that's how I am most of the time. Never telling the opponent what they've done until it was too late. And now you've got choices to make with Yubel. @Bushido: I'll do that next time. But here's a little suggestion to the whole thing: "Ask the opponent what he's discarded."
*Life Points still at 8000* It was never overkill...and now, since he only has 1 card left in his hand, he either has to play it. Or end his turn by destroying his Yubel cards or sacrificing his other monsters for his Yubel's. And their effect doesn't count in order to summon their second form.
You should have thought about the Graveyard, Aster...I have blocked your two attacks, seperately, by the two Necro Gardna's that were in my Graveyard at the time. If you remember the first turn of our duel, you have thanks to your Card Destruction. Anything else this round?
<3 *smiles* only negates one attack either way. Not really...your go.
o-o *huggles the talking "girl" moogle* :3
Either way. I couldn't attack.
That's what I read. And it is under the OCG rulings...which most people don't play by.
Because I was reading the OCG of it. It's his turn, and he's got only a facedown, and four cards in his hand.
o___________O A Moogle that can talk?!
*reads rulings* Hmmm...very well. Your move now.
>-> Seriously? >o> O_O fouled up. I have no monsters on the field. And it is not a stack ability, so, therefore, you only take away one attack...but who says I'm done with my turn to make you feel left out? I activate Pot of Greed, and draw two new cards. *hand size becomes 5* If that's all I've got left...hmph...I activate Spell Reproduction. And send two spell cards from my hand, Polymerization, and Graceful Charity, to take back my Heavy Storm from the Graveyard. And I shall activate Heavy Storm once again this turn. Destroying your facedowns, and spell card, completely. *hand size is left to 2 now* I Special Summon Cyber Dragon! *hand size is now 1* I place 1 card facedown, and end my turn. ~End Phase~ Your move, Aster. Aster: 8000 Ryo: 8000
*sigh* ......
If that was your only Magic Jammer on the field. Then this duel is far from over, Aster. I activate the spell card, Soul Release! And I'll send away your Yubel's and Necro Guardna's out of play because of this effect. Do you have a chain?
I am not. I'm making some things a bit more interesting.
*smiles* How about you watch my duel with Aster then. Aster wins. I don't have to RP. I win. You know how that works.
...Hmph...Boku-no Turn. DRAW! ~Draw Phase~ *draws card, 6 cards in hand* ~Standby Phase~ *you gain 4 new cards* ~Main Phase 1~ I'll end your facedowns. I activate Heavy Storm. Do you Chain, Aster?
I said I'd go a tiny bit easy on you...that said, I'd be only using weak monsters.