*drinking soda, spurts out of my mouth* *coughs a bit* >///> Did you seriously have to tell me that where everyone can see?
>_> …真剣にか。
Well? Are you gonna tell me what that means? >__>
Hm...seriously, I like Kanji and all..,but, do you mind telling me what that means in English a bit? >_>
Hmph. Fairly knowing of how the Japanese talk, eh?
ずっと私はうまくしている。 そしてあなた自身か。
I believe that last statement, Jaden. The other one however, is a half and half situation. Depending on the duelist.
I did catch it. But, knowing you, you'd use a machine counter-deck against my deck. And you think I couldn't guess that by how you wanted to suddenly duel me after I defeated Aster three days ago?
*Yu-Gi-Oh! wikia's photo down below* >_> Seriously?
>_> *cuddles back*
>_> ....Hey.
By the way, they think I still won that duel against you and made me the Champion already...*sigh* Either way, if you do manage to do some damage...