Ratchet and Clank xDDDD Heather? Is that you sis? =)
Honestly...I've been through that as well... I know...It's horrible... 3 years ago, in every school break there were those girls who always made fun of me because I phisically developed really early... They were all like " Ew look at you! You look like a small woman...you're horrible!" Or " Look at all those spots! Disgusting!! Why don't you put a bag over your head? It would be better for all of us!" Sometimes they even spilled the food they didn't like all over me...It happens that I was always alone because of that...I've became an anti-social and cold person...until I met my best friend...She was always by my side and always supported me...she teached me how to behave in front of all those guys who treated me bad... The best thing you should do when you are bulied is to ignore the ones who bully you... I know it's not easy because they really hurt us sometimes...but you have to show them you are a tough person...not phisically, but psycologically...If they call you bad names, just keep on walking and pretend they are not there... If you are being beaten up...the best thing to do is to tell an adult...someone you really trust in...It may be hard to tell as well...you may feel scared...but you have to do something about it... Or you can always choose to chalenge them...show them, you are not afraid of them.. But well...you're talking about your sisters right? I have a little sister too and...god we are always fighting but we love each other...I'm sure they love you too...They don't mean all the bad things they say and do to each other, believe me...;)
Er..er...Japanese, Japanese xD
Alesana: Pathetic, ordinary
Linkin Park: Something in my head
Avatar: 9/10 Sigs: Same as before ^^
The used: The Bird and The Worm
Tokio Hotel: Love is Dead
Reptar : D You have such beautiful eyes!! =O New pic! ^^ ok...it's not new...xD But God...I was so bored I had to strike a stupid pose xD Where Was I looking to anyway? >.> xD
Three days grace: Never too late
I love those pics ^^ Would you mind If I tell you you're really cute? =) Here's another pic of me ^^
Thank you so much for your advice and appreciation ^^ I'll try to do what you said, it sure look a lot better that way =D once again, Thank you so much!! =) P.S. You're the first one to say I draw good hands...I think they are all...messed up...xD
SIS!! You have improved so much on your drawings!! =O I love this one!! You would look good if you were a guy >.> But you already look good as a girl! x'3 xD Yeah!! Tokio Hotel Ruleeeeezzzzzzzz xD
I've drawn this little character while I was away since I had nothing better to do...and believe me...I came out really good...on the paper...The scanner made it look horrible T.T It had shadows and now...it has nothing...T.T Anyways...I hope you like it...
Danke TCO ^^ Here's one more: I forgot to paint my nails in there...xD
Of course I play!! At least I play! I don't know why but I can't get enough of this game ^^ I play it, finish it and then...play it again...xD It's a kind of game that I don't get tired of =D
HIM: Rip out the wings of a butterfly
I Love your eyes!!! =O And your hair!!! I love this pic!! ^^ LOL Don't worry about the spots...I used to have too...it sucks...--' xD
LOOL XD When I read "Me and my model" I thought it was you...with a model xDD Anyways...very very nice pics ^^ More pics of me! xD I still had long hair in here...so...these are a tiny bit older ^^
Avatar: 6/10 Sig: 7/10 Creepy...>.> xD