Is in Texas...<.< xD
xD Is that supposed to be a good thing? If it is then Thank you very much!! ^^ xDDD Ok...the dread style come onto meeeeeee!! xDDD Anyways...this pic is a tribute to a good friend of mine. That's why I'm dressed like this xD TOMMY! XD
Yes...That happened to me... Some months ago...I had a dream...a dream That was faaaaaaaaaaar from getting real, I mean reaaaaally far... But I did one thing...I fought for it...for one of my biggest dreams and guess what?? It finally came true...the dream I never thought that would come true it just...came true... Guys as far as your dreams may be from getting real...never ever quit! Just keep on fighting for them!! It worked for me! ;) And I couldn't be happier now...<3
A know...That strange looking doll who talks looks like a bird with fur and hears...xD I say it was the stupidest thing I made my parents buy me because...that thing scared heck out of me! xD It started to talk at night when I was sleeping and since it kept on doing that I decided on throwing it off the window...then of course after coliding with the floor on the broke...:D xDDDDD
Of course!! Just wait for Goimez to add you to the familly ^^ I'm sure he won't mind that :)
"Will become famous soon enough" that's what that shiny green square below your avatar says...xDD
Actually I'm making a manga... It's taking a big while to do it... I have the story all done, the only thing that is still missing is the charcters design... Basically my manga will be about...Hah...I'll tell you when I get it done xDDDDD
Avatar: 7/10 "Sweet :3" xD Sig 1: 9/10 So adorable x'3 Sig 2: 8/10 I liked the effects!! Good sig ;)
Hello everyone!!! Long time no talk!!! =D Welcome To the Random Family OblivionRoxas!! I hope you have fun!!! ;)
Thank you so much! ^^ It took me about two days to finish it and all because I was lazy...xD
Ok...Here's another pic xD I can barely see my hair but...whatev xDDD
Has 21 Posts
Is tired...xD For DSK: Of course I recognise you!! Those three lettres say everything Kyle ^^ EDIT: I just realised now I had written tree instead of three...o_O' xD
Is in Germany...<.< Like me...xDDD
Awwww thank you so much dearie :glomp: I kinda worked hard on these ones...I felt inspired ^^
xD Actually I didn't forget them...I just didn't have more space left in the paper sheet xD Thank you for liking it ^^ Yeahhhhhhhhhh you could...xD That spot on his chin and that piercing on his eybrow says everything...xD Thank you so much for your appreciation! :glomp:
HAHA!! I knew you were going to join!! =D It's almost impossible to resist my beggings right *~Kleon~* my friend? xD Anyways...Read the rules, post a lot and most important of all, have fun!! ^^ If you need any help just talk to the admins or mods and they'll help you =)
Thank you so much ^^ Well...It's a he not a she...but since there's no body I guess you can call it a she xD I always draw guys sooooooooo girly...but I like them like that xDDDD Once again, thank you for your appreciation ^^
Well...Since I was bored and everything I decided to draw this and post it here...I got a bit inspired by seeing some images from someone I really like (xD)...Anyways...I hope you enjoy! ^^ Feel free to comment and and encourage me to do better than this xD
Me and my lil' sis xD