Awwww that's so cute!!! *pets* I want a cat!!! xD
LOOOOl yeah we DO live in different counries...I'm in Portugal...I guess you're not there...right? xD
There's no storm in here...the sun is shining and it's really hot outside...
Yeah...This is dear pet budgie...xD He's a total Demon!! i'm telling you guys!!! Always getting out of his cage...he did that some minutes ago...again...xD You should have seen him when I putted him inside of his cage!! I was feeding him and he just grabed hold of my hair with his beak like if his life depended on it! xD Well enjoy this pic of him...xD Looks calm doesn't it? xD that's because I yelled at him...I'm a meanie...xD
Oh...You mean...there's a storm? A STORM?!!! *hides*
I'm baaaack! And Sephiroth is on his cage now...xD I took a pic of him...inside of his cage of course...xD
NOOOO!!! SEPHIROTH GOT OUT OF HIS CAGE AGAIN!!! D= Oh...for those who don't know...Sephiroth is...My pet budgie! xD I'll be right back guys...gotta catch that bird...xD
Hi TCO!!! Huh? I tought We only turned out to be premuim members when we had 1000 posts...*looks at CtR post number* Oh! xD I guess I'm wrong...xD -Edit- Ok...*closes mouth* NO MORE SAID!!
Whoa!! that's a lot of Rep! I have 53 I think...*goes check* Yep...53 :D Oh!! Congrats DW!!
*Yawns* just woke up some minutes ago...I'm so sleepy...Yesterday I spent all night playing Kingdom Hearts II and Soul Calibur III with my older cousins...
HI!!!! *hugs for everyone* How have you been guys? :D
I may like Donald really much but, I'll vote for Sora. After all he's the hero of the game and the strongest of the three. That's my opinion ;) *votes on Sora*
I would go to England, USA, California or Germany since my online friends live there! :D It would be so great if I could meet them personaly. :)