*enters thread* The tabs don't work in anything below IE7. Firefox works though. Get that. It's better. <: *leaves thread*
OOC: Floofing? *snicker* BIC: Hey, aren't you that girl who tried to kill Enigma earlier?" Xegreny said quizzically as Janet/Falcon entered the ship with Tera Roth. "Oh well. Enemies of the Brotherhood are our friends I suppose." "Speaking of Enigma.. isn't he supposed to be here pretending to be our friend?" Xegreny said wondering out loud.
*coughNot If You Get an Antique Car that works fine from a guy down the street for 1000 dollarscough* :)
This is the creepiest thread ever. ._.
Oh. Paying for cars and gas is lame. D: [throws some questions into this post]
"Yup! Suprisingly, he was able to beat me in a fight, outsmart me in everyway, and could manipuate energy on a level I've never dreamed of. Yet.. I came out on top. I guess my soul was just stronger than his. Probably because I've gone thorugh more in life. He's probably never seen, or dealt with some of the things we have as a group." Xegreny said with a shrug. To be honest, a few hours ago, he thought he was dead.
Xegreny crossed his arms. "Huh. Guess not. I didn't even get to try out any of my new tricks." "Well, I can at least try out this one." He said as an afterthought hitting his comrades in the area with special bursts of energy. He'd always been able to heal wounds of others on a small scale. But that ability was mostly useless now. Since half the time, they never got hurt, or had serious injuries. But now that he'd gone on his little adventure, he could do much more. These little bursts healed almost all of his friends' wounds instantly. They'd still be tired and out of strength, but they would also not be bleeding to death.
watfiller, lol
I know. You were supposed to be baffled, not baffle me with Star Trek references. D: Yeah, guess your right. Copy&paste after all. Why don't you buy a PS2? They're pretty cheap these days if you go somewhere and get it used off of Ebay or Craigslist or something. How did you know that about my arms? D:
Talking about rep!! *explosion*
Like, umm. 12. xD They're mostly from here, or Serenity RO. And Dranz. Lol.
I've never seen Star Trek. How was I supposed to know that? D: Well, if you like computers, and like to write, then you could always write books, and publish them on the internet. amirite? 'Course, that's not very mainstream.. but hey. Whatever works. :S Why'd you join KHV, and where did you hear of it? Why do my arms hurt? I haven't done anything, or bumped into anything.. I just got up. D:
OOC: Who said it was over? <:
Wrong. The correct answer was 6. I have Chemistry 6th Period. DURR. Matrix? ALSO WRONG. THIS IS NEMESIS PLOT TIME. AND HE'S LURKIN' IN THE SHADOWS. http://cityofheroes.wikia.com/wiki/Nemesis_(Archvillain) <: Oh uh. Questions. If you were able to go anywhere, where would it be? (You can't pick the room of a ticklish girl. Sorry.) What do you like so much about English that made you want to take it as your college Major? (Or so I hear. I only get my information from Orange's thread intros. :S)
OOC: lol, hai gaiz. BIC: Approximately five minutes and 38.9 seconds later, Adumbral channeled all the energy he had in his being through the Uru into the merge. Uru was a special metal, found only on Asgard. It was used to forge magical holy weapons, such as Thor's Hammer, Mijolnir (am i spellin it rite? >_>). Channeling his abilities through such a stone would mask the darkness and evil intent in his energies, allowing him to flow better with the light-based Nobody and True Self. About half an hour later, three identical looking beings collapsed. Adumbral the Heartless, and Xegreny the Nobody we're furiously fighting over control of the body that would soon awake. The other two would simply fade. Soon, a clear victor had emerged, and stood up and stretched. It would take some time to grasp the scope of his new power. A few more seconds later, and a being walked peacefully onto a raging battlefield. One one end were two warriors fighting fiercely hand-to-hand, and on the other, was a sky filled with a giant monstrous beast. "Wow. Looks like you two could use a hand." said Xegreny, number nine of the Ultimate Organization. EDIT OOC: Lawl at my mistakes. Ruining the surprise before I meant to. If you saw it.. whatever, you would have found out in a few sentences. If you didn't quite catch it.. well it's gone forever now. >:3
OOC: Xegreny - HE'S SUPER SMART, HE CAN'T BE FOOLED. EVER. Also: Since I'm not 100% sure how to describe it in words, for all intensive purposes of this post, the merge has already started. Just... it did. Okay?! D:< BIC: Adumbral clapped his hands together gleefully. The merger was going smooth, the True Self had no idea what was going on, but just went with it, making the whole process much smoother. Placing the chunk of Uru on a table between them, Adumbral prepared himself for the moment he'd bust into the merge.
OOC: Crash! Boom! Rah! *chaos&terror* BIC: Adumbral walked into his ice lair.. thing spinning the chunk on Uru on his finger. This little rock would solve all of his problems quite nicely. Placing it on a pedestal he breathed deeply. He needed to act afraid and stupid. Just like his True Self.. or Other.. or whatever. Walking slowly up to Xegreny's cage, he whispered through the bars "Y... you there?" From far back in the cage, was Xegreny, still chained to the wall. The nearby walls had numerous cracks and burns in them, from attempts at escape. Xegreny himself was pretty badly beat up. Adumbral had to come in and beat the living snot out of him.. to keep him quiet. "What do you want. Can't you see you've tortured me enough?" Xegreny muttered bitterly from the back. "No no! It's me! The True Self!" Adumbral said in a mock tone. "Wh- what? Really?" Xegreny said trying to look at the figure before him through the bars. It definately was him. But that meant it was either really the True Self.. or Adumbral. But Adumbral wouldn't bother talking to him casually like this. Adumbral was insane. "Look! We need to merge together. That's what Adumbral is going to do to us.. but if we do it first, we could overpower him and escape!" Adumbral said, continuing on with his mock tone, fighting desperately to hide his grin. "Yeah.. yeah, that would work. We could definately escape at least..." Xegreny said thinking out loud.. "Excellent.." The not-other said with the smallest smile ever.
I know.. but it creeps me out.. how does he get it to look like that?! D: It's like they took out the hair.. growing...things out of his forehead and stuck it on the side of his face..