"Like I care about the spectators." Adumbral scoffed. Seeing the fire giants, appear, he made a small bow, and scooped up Xeg's unconscious body. "With their arrival, I'll be making my exit. Have fun fighting them!"
Test failed!
XALDIN'S IN THE SPAMZONE. OMG. Please. Post moar here. ;_;
Adumbral cackled as he created a gatling gun, and peppered the arena with bullets. He was vaguely aware of that scientist guy vanishing.. but he'd deal with him later. His main target was still semi unconscious anyway.
Adumbral changed tactics, and summoned bombs instead of swords. Tossing them lightly. The explosions rocked the arena, and the fire.. wasn't fire. More like energy.
"Well, to be honest, this isn't even a real body! I just forged it like I forged these weapons! So I don't need any of this!" Adumbral cackled. OOC: Beating the crap out of him will still hurt him, just not physically. It'll hurt his soul.. or something.. I dunno. Either way.. just keep beating him up. BIC: Adumbral's top.. plan.. thing was interrupted by the spike. He hurtled through the air, till he landed peacefully on the ground. Winding up, he threw both swords as hard as he could at his opponents. Then he summoned new ones, and repeated the process.
OOC: Well, he is Xegreny, except evil and crazy.. So yes. :S BIC: "True. True." Adumbral said, swiping at both members with his two swords. Then, he started spinning, like a top. A bladed, deadly top.
The hurricane is supposed to show up where I live in a few hours.. I know what you mean.. :S
Anything by Insomniac.
http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n11/cottleb/self.jpg I'm the boy on the right. I took this at the town fair. :D Free hugs, lol.
"Who said anything about joining you guys?" Adumbral laughed. "Maybe I'll join the Brotherhood.. or I'm sure the U.P.A could use my talents after the number you did to them. Besides. I don't really qualify under the nobody description." Summoning another blade into his left hand, he muttered "Two against one, nobodies do sure play fair."
One flash of light later, Adumbral was wearing a helmet. Xane's punch broke it.. but it didn't hurt him either. Not like he wanted to keep the stupid thing anyway. "Ooh!" Adumbral exclaimed, as he brought the Sword hammering down in a slicing arc, "You guys get phones too? Maybe I should join a group. Get myself a nice phone and other toys."