Applejack. :B|:
So... you're complaining because she wants you to do well in school and for you to help out with chores? That's what mothers do. She's not evil for putting restrictions on privileges to make you do something that you ought to do. It's called parenthood. If you want to be able to stay out later, talk to her about it. Strike a bargain. 8pm seems a bit strict, but 2am is the opposite end of the spectrum isn't any more reasonable.
I am not fond of them when they are in my house. I can kill them with a shoe or other hard object, but not with my bare hands or with a tissue. THEY CRUNCH. :why?:
ACTA isn't. lol government.
Applejack is no one's favourite. Applejack is no one's favourite? APPLEJACK IS NO ONE'S FAVOURITE?! But she's my favourite. ;____; (Along with Pinkie Pie, and I was at first gonna be like "oh no, I don't know which to choose." And then I saw that no one said that AJ was their favourite. So yeah.) Applejack and Pinkie Pie, because if I had to choose ponies as friends, those would be my top two choices. You could depend on Applejack with your life and Pinkie Pie would just make everyday fun. OH GOD I'M ALMOST GETTING SAPPY.
Criminal Minds, that is the one. It's a crime drama as one might expect from the title, so her humourous side doesn't get to be unleashed in the...
She does really look like Tina Fey there, especially because the gif is quite small. I just know it's Paget because I'm a fan of a show that she's...
It's actually Paget Brewster, not Tina Fey. Also a very funny lady. :3 I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority of people on Tumblr who actually knew...
Update: A red J-Scribble has been acquired. I opened the book, read the dedication, and started crying. Oh god, I'm going to need a towel to mop my tears while reading this, aren't I.
Times when autocorrect would actually be useful. I'm giggling a bit too much. :3
The King's Speech was 2010, not last year. :/ You may have seen in this year like I did, but it was released in 2010. And I forgot Rango. Loved that movie too much. Johnny Depp will never not have a chameleon head in my mind.
Yahweh is the accepted pronunciation of the way the name of God is spelled in the Hebrew bible; in Roman letters it is YHWH or YHVH. The original pronunciation is considered too sacred to utter, and so His true name was not written and the original pronunciation is not known. In history, only High Priests would know His true name, and it was never taught to common Jews. Jews are not forbidden from saying "Yahweh", but of course they cannot, according to their religion, say it in vain. It's really only said in prayer and other religious ceremonies and such. Not Jewish. Just a religious studies student. I would describe my "religion" as neo-paganism, even though I have not set the details of my spiritual beliefs in stone. I am interested in the spiritual beliefs of Wicca, although I haven't done any rituals/spells, and don't have a strong desire to do so. More specifically, I believe in neither monotheism nor polytheism. Also, Discordianism ftw.
Best: (random order) The Muppets Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Hugo The Help X-Men First Class (eff y'all, this movie was great ;~;) Hanna Source Code And I really want to see The Artist and War Horse. I know they'd be on this list. :< And I'm tempted to put PotC 4 in there because it really was astonishingly good, but they just need to stop this franchise 3 movies ago. As for worst? I tend to make it a point to not waste my money on movies that I know I won't like. Sometimes I do get dragged to them though... Worst Breaking Dawn Part 1 (any film involving the chewing of a placenta is not tasteful in my books) The Tree of Life (IMHO. I know a lot of people like Terrance Malick films. I just don't.)
*sniff* *sniff sniff* *deep inhale* Ahhhhhhh, it's my favourite time of year again. Oscar Buzz time. Mmhmm. The nominations for the Academy Awards were announced this morning (depending on your timezone), and KHV's resident film studies major (moi) is here to guide you through it whether you like it or not. You can see the list of nominees here. Now, I haven't seen as many films this year as I had hoped thanks to university, but I still keep up with my movie buzz. Disclaimer: most of my claims are subjective. I understand not everyone will agree with me. This is just my opinions on the matter. No soup for you if you don't like 'em. Let's start off with Best Picture. I'm just going to immediately say that I predict the winner is going to be The Artist; to my misfortune I have not seen it, but I haven't read a single negative review, and it just looks so stunning. I doubt The Help will have a huge chance simply because it is adapted from a book, albeit a fantastic movie and book. That's just how the Academy works, I'm afraid. I'd love to be proved wrong, though. Hugo miiiiiight be one of the first "children's" movies to win, it was simply really good; the fact that it is a "children's" movie, however, tends to deter voters, and the child actors were really good but not in anyway spectacular IMO. A lot of people were disappointed with Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, so I'm not entirely sure how it got a Best Picture nom; from what I've gathered, it was trying too hard to be an innocent side-story to 9/11 events and to choke out an emotional response from the audience. And it's not the most endearing subject. If The Tree of Life wins, you will see rage. I don't care what anyone says, Terrance Malick needs to learn how to make a coherent film. Best Actor in a Leading Role I haven't seen any of the movies here, so I'm afraid I can't really make an informed opinion. :< Best Actress in a Leading Role Methinks it'll be a tight race between Viola Davis and Meryl Streep. Just.... because. Wow I'm informative. Meryl Streep wins everything ever anyhow. Best Actor in a Supporting Role Christopher Plummer ftw. I really want to see Beginners, ugh it just looks awesome. Best Actress in a Supporting Role Methinks the one from The Artist or Octavia Spencer will get this one. But usually when I'm fairly sure about something, the Academy likes to give me whiplash. Best Achievement in Directing My prediction: Martin Scorsese. Alternatively anyone but Terrance Malick. In the great words of South Park: Terrance Malick "can suck mah balls". Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen Bridesmaids might get it's chance to shine here. Admittedly it had very clever writing. But will it get past The Artist? Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published Spoiler Best Animated Feature Film of the Year There weren't a whole lot of animated films released this year. Which is why I am both surprised and relieved that The Adventures of Tin Tin wasn't nominated. Rango ftw. Best Foreign Language Film of the Year These movies; I haven't seen them. Spoiler Best Achievement in Cinematography Tree of Life might get this. Cinematography was great. Best Achievement in Editing Normally I'd have an opinion about this, but I've only seen one of the nominees, soooo.... yeah. Best Achievement in Art Direction All of the nominees seem viable. I don't think any have an edge over the others. Best Achievement in Costume Design See above statement. Best Achievement in Makeup Harry Potter ftw. Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score Sweet Lord, let it be War Horse. Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song I hope y'all know who I'm rooting for here. Spoiler Sososososososo happy that Bret was nominated. X3 All the awa- *shot* Best Achievement in Sound Mixing Kinda hard to say without seeing all of them. Maybe Hugo with all the fantastic mechanical, steampunk sounds, maybe War Horse for guns and shells and etc etc. Best Achievement in Sound Editing See above. Best Achievement in Visual Effects Actually kinda hoping for Rise of the Planet of the Apes, mostly because Andy Serkis always needs more recognition for his fantastic motion capture work. Best Documentary, Features Spoiler Best Documentary, Short Subjects Spoiler Best Short Film, Animated Spoiler Best Short Film, Live Action Spoiler Overall, I'm not sure if it's just me, or if this years Oscars seem to include more movies that not a whole lot of casual film-goers have seen. Anyhow, I think The Muppets got severely overlooked; a screenwriting nomination at least would have been nice. Also, I'm not entirely sure what the cut-off date for movies released to be included in this year's Oscars, but no Sherlock Holmes? At least for Costume Design or Sound Editing or Original Score? Probably past the cut-off date, I guess. TL;DR: Academy Award noms. Your opinions and predictions?
[video=youtube;VRWF4cepn8U]VRWF4cepn8U[/video] "In Alaska, an oil drilling team struggle to survive after a plane crash strands them in the wild. Hunting the humans are a pack of wolves who see them as intruders." Even though I can't see this being tremendously realistic (i.e. wolves being bloodthirsty, aggressive monsters lololol), it still looks like awesome, Liam-Neeson-approved badassery.
This movie is like a dementor. After seeing someone trying to revive a man with a defibrillator, only for the man's chest to become a set of massive jaws and bite of that someone's arms, and then for the man to sprout a head out of it's chest, and then have its original head detach itself, slump across the floor, grow ginormous insect legs and try to escape: I'm not sure happiness will return to my life.
And filmmakers today use CGI to make things more "realistic and scary". HA. HAHA. HAHAHA. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go curl up in a ball over there and be consumed by this intense, lingering feeling of dread.
-YCN-a0NsNk Staff promotion achieved! 8D Congrats, fellow maplesyrupian!