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  1. Luna Lovegood
    Please. I'm so bored. Save me.

    Username: Shmeesh_
    Thread by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 23, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Luna Lovegood
    I loved the concept of the first game, and overall I had a positive experience with it. But the camera glitches did get really annoying, especially when you have to aim your paintbrush at something but can't because the camera won't let you. Also, I never actually finished the game. I'm hopelessly stuck somewhere because often times it was really vague about what you had to do/where you had to go. It's a bit hard to follow a walkthrough to figure it out if you have to because the choices you make in the game can actually have a hugely different impact on the game; even in walkthroughs, it's not "go here, do this".
    I'm a Mario person.
    I like "go here, do this". xD

    But yeah, I recommend the first one anyhow, even if it's just for the fantastic artwork and nostalgic locations (one of my favourites is a brokendown, scary "It's a Small World" ride).
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 23, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  3. Luna Lovegood
    I got that feeling too, especially because of the automobiles. I don't think the societal/technological advancements are implausible, though. The setting of the first series seemed to resemble the East Asian renaissance, or even the end of that time, considering they already had large steam-punk like machines (particularly the Fire Nation) such as war ships, dirigibles, and if I remember correctly maybe even trains? (It's been a while since I've watched A;TLA) After somewhere around probably 70-90 years since then, I think it's pretty probable that they would be having their first metropolitan area and early models of automobiles by now. But yeah, the way in which it seems places outside of Republic city haven't advanced at all is weird. @_@


    All-purpose reaction gif:
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Luna Lovegood
    Best moment in the history of animation:
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Luna Lovegood
    To everyone who sent me annoying, auto-playing youtube videos as rep in the past:

    I hate you right now.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 16, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Luna Lovegood


    The level of difficulty of learning a language is completely subjective. For example, I imagine that for a native Estonian speaker, Finnish would be much easier to learn than it would be for a Spaniard to learn.

    And Arabic is on the wrong side of the cool/sucks spectrum. /completelyobjectivefact
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Luna Lovegood
    Rockin' the Applejack-esque hair. 8D

    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Luna Lovegood
    Firefox for me. I dislike Safari almost as much as IE; I find it pretty slow and I just don't really like the feel of it.

    Firefox personas are lovely. I haven't had any big problems with Firefox for the years that I've been using it, and I'm just so used to the layout of it.

    Chrome's not bad; I've only tried it on my family's PC desktop at home and not on my Mac. I didn't really like the layout as much, although I don't know how much different Chrome for Apple works. In any case, I'm weary of using just because it's associated with Google.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 7, 2012 in forum: Technology
  9. Luna Lovegood

    Kony 2012

    I'm not sure how I feel about there being such a focus on the filmmaker's son, but I didn't feel any of his reactions were staged. Not all kids are going to start crying or gasp or whatever outward emotional reaction one might expect when learning what this kid did. He looked very troubled by what he was learning, and you could almost see the gears in his mind turning and questioning. Everyone deals with their emotions differently, and that's true with kids, too.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 7, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  10. Luna Lovegood
    Here, I'll help remedy that.

    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 7, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Luna Lovegood
    I was expecting Teddiursa or Ursaring.
    But let's go with the not all that similar legendary instead.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Mar 3, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Luna Lovegood
  13. Luna Lovegood
    Except Katara. D:
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Luna Lovegood
  15. Luna Lovegood
    Excuse me, young one, but this show was my life when I came home from school.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Luna Lovegood


    Three times I've been placed in a random city in Singapore. All three times the city was airport-less or hiding.

    Other times I was in the middle-of-freaking-nowhere of: Sweden, Belgium, Tennessee, Norway, and Cape Breton.

    No airport has successfully been found. Especially not within a half-hour. ._.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Luna Lovegood
    I saw the magic as real, and I'm not a solipsist.


    To me it seems that Ofelia reuniting with the king and queen occurred after she died, not while she was dying, which implies that the magic was external to her and not in her head. This could be disputed and I also haven't seen it in a while, but that's how I remember it. And then there was the part where she used the chalk that Pan gave her to break into her step-father's room to get her little brother, which shows that the magical object actually had an effect on the circumstances of what could be seen as "reality". At least.... that's what I remember? @_@ Gosh I gotta watch this movie again. But of course that's not the only way to see it, and a significant theme or idea in the movie is just to decide for yourself whether it's real.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Luna Lovegood
    F*cking hell to the no. If she wants to act like he didn't beat her half to death only a few years ago, that's her choice. But I personally don't think he should be given a rat's piss of a second chance, especially after the way he's acted about the whole thing. Instead of humbly accepting his undeserved Grammy, he basically went "f*ck y'all haters, look I gotta Grammy so f*ck you". I mean, really? I can't honestly see how anyone can actually stand behind him and act like he's not one of the biggest ******bags in the music industry right now. He hasn't even tried to genuinely apologize for anything, and the way that people try to play down or gloss over what he did to her makes me absolutely furious.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  19. Luna Lovegood
    All of this, except about the 1989 ending (haven't seen that version). It was pretty good, and quite scary, as long as you're expecting it to be the kind of "jump out at you" scary, because that's what it is. There were a couple of people in the theatre expecting something different, I think, although I'm not sure how you could if you watched the trailers. I normally don't enjoy movies that rely on those types of scares, but this movie was quite well done in that respect. Not to mention all those old toys and such. aldkfjasldj so creepy. And they were real antique toys donated to the film by a collector, not made especially creepy for the movie. ;_;

    I both loved and hated the last shot. The whole ending I found a bit predictable, having not even seen the original movie or read the book. If they just went home and all was well, it just wouldn't feel right. The last shot of the woman though. Holy asldkfjakghrw, creeped the **** right out of me, and I do not easily scare at stuff like that. Loved it.

    And there were a bunch of 14 year-olds screaming bloody murder at freaking everything. >.< It wouldn't be so bad, except afterwards they would all giggle and go "ohmygodohmigod". A couple of people were like "hey, shut up" and they said "sorry", but that didn't stop them. Ugh.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Luna Lovegood


    I've only been on a few times since I completed the first book. I'm a bit disappointed that it's taking them this long to get everything going, including getting it out of beta and starting the Chamber of Secrets, but at the same time I understand that there were a lot of bugs to work out. Potions was so buggy the last time I tried it, it was pretty much impossible to brew anything correctly. I have not idea how the "top point winners" have over a hundred thousand house points. Especially since it says each house doesn't even have 200,000 points all together. What the crap.
    I know the people that didn't get beta are annoyed with how long its taking, but the only thing they're really missing at this point is getting sorted.
    Post by: Luna Lovegood, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: Literature