Haha, I remember watching it for the first time and my sister was like "what does 'foux du fafa' mean?". ".... nothing. o_o"
MMMMMMHMMMM, THAT'S RIGHT. Foux Du Fafa is obviously the epitome of French culture.
Vegetarian. (Not the "you're a horrible person if you eat meat" kind, don't worry.) I cut meat out of my diet when I went to university this year, for a few reasons. For one, I find it easier for me to stay healthier without meat. I know you can have healthy diets with meat, but for me I think it's better to cut out meat and put some extra veggies on my salad and to take a vitamin supplement each day. Also, for a long time eating meat has left me with a bit of a guilty feeling that I've ignored, and switching to a vegetarian diet has effectively reduced that. Not to mention it's better for the environment (you can say it's not all you want, but if you look at the long term effects, I do believe that it definitely is much better for the environment). Also, instead of gaining the normal "freshmen 15" or whatever, I've actually lost a few pounds since I started. :3
Michelle You may call me Meesh, or Meeshy. Call me Shell and I burn you. 8D
http://****yeahreactions.tumblr.com/ EDIT: looooool forgot it would censor it. xD replace the **** with dat der "F" word. Otherwise I just save gifs that other people I follow have used. :lolface:
Never not procrastinating. :3 I procrastinated taking my first driver's test. For almost two years. I was a month away from being 18 before I took...
Exams have been eating up so much time. ;~; Can't wait until they're over. (Currently procrastinating for a French exam I have in less than an...
[IMG] It seems to be a tradition of mine to be a day late to everything. Well, belated birthday wishes are better anyway. Because I get to ask...
It's CAT'S BIRTHDAY!??!! 8D [video=youtube;Xy-4ykwGFDk]Xy-4ykwGFDk[/video] [video=youtube;2f2PCWYAZQc]2f2PCWYAZQc[/video] ^ Except in this case it would be a perfect time to name the deer Cat. :3 Now go legally drive a car, and be sexy about it. 8D
Clue for me as well! 8D Unfortunately I was the only one in my household who liked it enough to want to play it, and with it being a minimum 3-player game, I didn't get to play it all that often. I also really like Sorry!, but we only had it as a PC game, not the actual board game version. So fun, though! If you consider Crazy 8s/Uno as a board game, then that too.
Apparently Ash wands, especially with unicorn hair cores, do not like at all to be passed to another wielder. Which explains why Ron didn't do so well in his first two years. xD There you go. The more you know; Pottermore edition.
Here's the information from Pottermore on different wand types. Wand core info is here. And lengths and flexibility is here. The placement of wands in Pottermore is interesting. They can be pretty darn accurate, especially since there's such a wide variety of woods you can get. Though I do find many of the descriptions vague enough to be almost-horoscope like, if you get what I mean. It'd be hard to get a wand that, according to those descriptions, a person would be like "nonono, that's not me at all." Mine is Ash with Unicorn Hair, 12 1/4 inches (pliant). Apparently that was also Ron's first wand, albeit a hand-me-down from his brother Charlie.
If it's just a problem with your sleeping schedule getting messed up, it's nothing too serious. It happens to everyone. What you can try to do is no matter what time you manage to fall asleep, wake up early. I don't know when you usually wake up, but when I have to fix my inner clock, I set my alarm for 7am each morning, even on the weekend. After this, do not nap during the day. By late evening, you will probably be much more tired and ready to sleep. It could just be a phase your body's going through. I don't know how old you are, but sometimes during growth spurts, I've heard it can be more difficult to sleep. However, if this goes on much longer, and/or is really hindering your faculties throughout the day, I would go see your doctor.
It's Annie from the show Being Human (the UK version). She's one of my favourite characters of any TV show. :3 I totally recommend it if you...
And so on behalf of all bronies/pegasisters on KHV: Ix7vrluEm4E C:
Yay! :=D: [IMG] I'm a MLP:FiM fan as well. :3
I added you on MSN, which might be easier. 8D8 I believe OMGPOP. There's... something else one can play it through? @_@
Not situated in a great place for Skyping. D: It's kinda really loud here, but we can try. I suck at it too, so we can laugh at each other's silliness. :3
One of those addicting fad apps that eats your life.