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  1. ukali_rules
    Are you okay?
    *calls ambulance*
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ukali_rules
    I'm pretty sure the "Fly Ability" is called "Glide", and the "Double-Jump Ability" is either "High Jump" or "Aerial Dodge".

    Seph is way to easy.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. ukali_rules
    Nah. Just go and start telling her jokes or something. Distraction usually makes them happy! Or just sing this:

    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.

    *is shot*
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. ukali_rules
    I loved it. Keep up the good fanfic writing.
    Don't worry. We all try ending stories nice and fast when we get sick, tired, or bored of writing them. Happens to all writers.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. ukali_rules
    Zexion is short! I'm telling you! Short!
    Thanks for the praise.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. ukali_rules
    OMG! Thank you, thank you! Praise is always cool!
    Your fanfic is good too.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. ukali_rules
    A/N: Had to write this. Lol.


    Saix had a problem. A very big problem.

    “Hey, neophyte. Do you mind getting me some coffee?”

    “Number Seven. As Number Three, I demand that you go out and fetch me some chickens.”

    “Number Seven. Go and help Zexion reach some books in the library. Someone hid his stepladder again.” (“Wasn’t me!”)


    As Number Seven of the Organization, a single rank away from being on the original six, Saix had been bossed around in his first neophyte days. Of course, Xigbar was all so courteous to continue calling him neophyte. Xigbar paid the price, but that’s an entirely different story. If you’re wondering on what this story is about, then I’ll tell you straight and forward. It’s how Saix rose to become the Second-in-Command of the Organization.
    And it all started with an entirely peaceful and dark day in The World That Never Was...



    “Number Six, your stepladder. Number Two was kind enough to hide it in the tallest closet of the tallest tower.”

    “My thanks, Number Seven. Now, can you stand there and carry the books that I remove?”

    Saix —extremely disgruntled that he had just been sent halfway across the castle to fetch a stepladder, and now was playing butler for some midget— stood there patiently as Zexion climbed the stepladder, picking out what looked like the heaviest and largest volumes in the entire library. As Number Seven of the Organization VII (back when they only had seven members, as its name suggest), he was entitled to listen to the orders of all the higher-ups. Of course, that meant every single other member in the Organization.

    Glancing around the library to keep himself occupied, Saix examined the other three members that sat on different chairs and in difference positions. There was Xaldin, who was currently occupied with a large cookbook. Vexen, who was reading some sort of science magazine, and Lexaeus, who was for some weird reason, reading some sort of manga book.


    Glancing up, the Berserker saw it was simply the Superior of the Organization; Xemnas. What was he doing? Usually he was off lounging in his office, doing Kingdom Hearts knows what.

    “Members, I’m leaving for a quick mission,” the extremely tanned man announced in his suppose-to-be impressive voice. Personally, Saix thought it sounded like some old grandfather who was trying to sound like he was young. AKA, something horrible that would maim his sharp hearing if he listened to long to it. “Xaldin, you’re in charge while I’m gone. Keep the stove off, make sure not the waste electricity (Xigbar was so kind to leave all the lights on the last time he was left alone), don’t touch the chainsaw, or the blowtorch, or the flame-thrower, or—”

    “We know, Xemnas,” Xaldin said, cutting Xemnas off from his usual “don’t do this” speech. “You’ve told us all the other times you’ve left and let one of us try being in charge.” Xemnas blinked, and said the final thing that the members needed to be warned of.

    “And keep and eye on Xigbar.”

    With that, the silver-haired man left in a whirl of black smoke and purple tendrils of darkness. A very flashy disappearance for an old man like Xemnas.

    While the other members simply brushed Xemnas’s leaving off, Saix was slightly curious on where Xemnas constantly vanished off to. According to Saix’s internal map (yes, he had spent several long hours memorising the mapping of the worlds and tracking his comrades as they visited them), Xemnas had teleported to Radiant Gardens. What business did the man do there?

    “Am I excused?” he asked as Zexion climbed down the stepladder. The midget simply waved his hand, already taking his massive stack of books to a chair set into the Emo Corner of Dewm!

    Saix opened a portal and stepped into it without another word to his cohorts.

    Tracking Xemnas was not a problem. He simply had to follow the line of mauled/ maimed/ dying/ Saix didn’t want to know what happened to them, Heartless. The trail went through some corridors, into a broken down study of a sort, through a large computer room, down some stairs, and into a large cleared area that looked upon the Heartless creating machine. What was Xemnas’s doing there?

    Saix’s questions were answered when Xemnas stopped before the cleared space. Standing there with his hood up and his trench coat swaying in some unseen wind, he was the very figure of “evil gone old”. Saix almost snorted at the idea, but almost gasped what happened next.

    The floor opened up with some unseen technology. OMG. Xemnas actually uses TECHNOLOGY!

    Quickly following Xemnas, Saix made sure to stay several feet behind the sauntering black garbed figure. Xemnas walked with some weird strut, kicking out his legs every now and then.

    Old fashioned strut, Saix thought. Does he EVER use anything in the current style?

    He watched as Xemnas stood before a door and unlocked it with a simple key.

    I’ll take that as a no.

    Running after his leader, Saix stopped outside the door as it shut before him. But not before letting him seem Xemnas sit on a throne, with some sort of black design running away from it.

    Interesting design. Argh! The cursed Organization insignia of d00m! It’s written everywhere!!!

    Saix reeled away from the door, cursing as his eyes bled from seeing too much of the Organization’s symbol. Seriously guys. It’s printed everywhere! Feel sorry for the poor Nobodies who have to stare at it every single day!

    “Hello, my friend.”

    Saix stopped staggering around, returning to his kneeling position outside of the door. Pressing his ear against it, he smirked as he heard some extremely juicy blackmail.

    “It has been a long time since I last saw you. How has the weather been?”

    The only thing living in there is, Xemnas. Wait. Let me rephrase that. The only thing that lives in whichever way something can live is, Xemnas. Does that mean the Superior of the supposed powerful order of Nobodies talks to an inanimate object?

    “Good? Oh, and I see you have been polishing your armor. Your Keyblade is in better condition. Can I touch it?”

    Keheheheheheh, blackmail and a one way ticket to power, Saix thought, sitting down and taking out a tape recorder.

    Xemnas —refreshed from his little “chat” with his friend— went back to the castle in high spirits. He expected a peaceful Organization, reading, or doing whatever they did.

    What he did NOT expect, was to find half of the castle on fire, towers sticking out the wrong way because a certain Nobody had used his power over space to twist it, and a smug Saix sitting in his favorite office chair, smoking a cigarette. Where had Number Seven gotten that?! Well, he certainly didn’t smoke much, due to the fact he kept on hacking up ashes and smoke.

    “The Organization needs an official Second-in-Command,” Saix said, blowing out smoke. He examined Xemnas’s shocked face, and reclined farther back into the chair he sat in, placing his boots on the desk. “And I know just the person.”

    “Zexion?” Xemnas squeaked. He hated on how he fell into this state of shock. Number Two had burned down half of the castle —with HIS private Sake storage— and now was currently drunk, running around stealing everyone’s left shoe, reversing water pipes, and basically causing havoc. Then the neophyte was suddenly in HIS FAVORITE chair, smoking XIGBAR’S brand of cigarettes, and acting like he owned the place.

    Saix smirked, and he accidentally breathed in while doing so. A pile of ash found its way onto the black carpet.


    “YOU?!” Xemnas screeched, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. “You’re the neophyte! You just barely joined! It would be a joke to give YOU the job!” He hated the way Saix smirked.

    “Then a certain Nobody will hear that you have been talking to inanimate objects,” Number Seven replied. Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a tape recorder, and turned it on.

    “Oh, your Keyblade is so shiny today. Can I touch it? Oh, how smooth it feels! Have you been sanding it? Oh, how wonderful your armor looks today!”

    Xemnas blushed instantly, and he swiped for the tape recorder. He —ever so conveniently and because the author wants him to— tripped and fell flat on his face.

    “Do you agree?” Saix inquired a little too sweetly, kneeling down.

    “Mmph. Fine.”

    Saix smirked once again and left.

    “It’s been good business, sir.

    "What?!!!!!" Xigbar screamed once he heard the news. Zexion shrugged.

    "Xemnas said that Saix is the new Second-in-Command. We have to deal with it."

    "Agreed," Xaldin said with a nod. "Although not exactly a wise choice..."

    Xemnas opened his mouth to say something, but something was detected on his range of vision. Glancing to the side, he saw Saix take out a tape recorder. Gulping, Xemnas fell silent. The Organization couldn't be that bad. He would just have to make sure that Saix never got a chance to get into the position of power.

    And that's how Saix became Second-in-Command, and why he died before Xemnas.

    The end! :3

    Junk, junk, and randon junk. Sorry, I seriously killed Saix's personality. But the blackmail thing is more posisble then Saix just become trusted and all. Xemnas doesn't seem to be the trusting type of guy, yknow?

    Other fanfics I wrote:

    The link is a long fanfic.
    Yup, the giving link to other stuff I wrote is called, "Shameless self-promotion." Deal with it. =3
    Thread by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. ukali_rules
    Wait, what about the Bill of Rights? Freedom of speech!
    *confused* *brain starts to smoke*
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. ukali_rules
    Please have good spelling and grammar.
    Some advice:
    If you have trouble spelling, go and look at the dictionary. It's very helpful.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. ukali_rules
    A/N: I grew bored and just wrapepd it up quickly. I didn't know how to end it. >.<
    Yeah, I just wrote this because I thought that Ansem would need a little thinking time and stuff. I refer to him as DiZ in the fanfic because he was called "DiZ" around that point of the game.
    If this fanfic is close to anything else's out on another site or something, I'm sorry. I do not mean it to be copied or anything. I simply wrote it over the span of three very boring weeks.


    Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

    The scratching of a quill was loud and insistent throughout its entire journey. A dip into the small well of ink, making a soft SLURP as it did. Then, it was transferred over to pause above the paper, ink dripping out of it to make the rhythmic DRIP DRIP. It was finally placed on the paper as the person who controlled the quill wrote his thoughts down, making loud SCRATCHes as it did so.


    The man —Diz— looked up from his work, frowning as he regarded the intruder. A man dressed in a black trench coat, its hood pulled up so that it obscured his face.

    “How can I help you?” he asked. His voice was that of a person who was well educated, almost producing a schoolroom like feel. Amber eyes examined the cloaked man, a frown starting to appear on his lips.

    “I was just wondering on how Sora is,” the cloaked man said, shuffling with unease. The frown on Diz’s face came more pronounced.

    “You are worried about the boy’s welfare,” he said, nodding. “How very touching. But, you can ask Namine about that.” Without another word, Diz lowered his head again and continued to scratch away at the paper. The cloaked man left without a word, quickly walking out of the room as if Diz was the devil himself.

    Minutes passed before Diz sighed and placed his quill down on the table, rubbing his hands as he examined the long passage he had written. No, not another report like the many he had written. He was done with those. The passage was simply just his thoughts on his current archenemy, Organization XIII.

    Here I am again, writing yet another paper on my observations and studies of this Organization XIII. I do not know what compels me to write about them. Perhaps it is the fact that they are Nobodies, the only strong-hearted Nobodies that exist at the current time. Perhaps it’s the fact they remind me so much of my past experiments with the heart and its fabled power. Or perhaps it is the only remainder of my six foolish apprentices.

    Xehanort. The most ambitious of all six of them. He was a stranger when I found him, but he bonded quickly with the other six apprentices. He became somewhat of their ringleader, controlling them like dogs. I assume this current ability has carried over when he became a Nobody. He is their master, strong and powerful. The master that holds the leashes of all twelve other dogs, making them do whatever you want them to do. You are the very man who stole my identify, my research, everything. You erased me from the world, stealing my name and making it your own. Xemnas. My own name anagramed, with an X in it. My name no longer is the word that many people speak in awe and respect. No. Now, they say it like its a vulgar word, something never ever meant to exist. Perhaps it fits you now, Xemnas. You along with your order of Nobodies were never meant to exist.

    Braig. Perhaps not as book smart as Xehanort or Even, but certainly street smart. You never studied, but acted more like a delivery boy for the other five apprentices. I do not know what possessed me to hire you. Perhaps it was the fact you could effectively knock out a Heartless with those guns of yours. Of course, there was that one time where you missed, and the Heartless decided to take your eye and give you a scar. Now, you have changed your name from Braig to Xigbar, the second member of the accursed Organization. Although second in rank, you never had a chance to play Second-in-Command. Obviously, Xehanort’s Nobody kept another sense to not appoint such a laid back person like you.

    Dilan. Although not as strong as Eleaus, you were nearly. You stood out strongly with your dreadlocks and braids, which many other boys considered, “Girly.” You studied far better then Briag, but not as good as Xehanort. When you changed your name to Xaldin from Dilan and adopted six lances as your weapon, I was surprised. You never showed any skill with so many weapons, and I’m surprised you still have your hair. Nobodies must be far stronger then regular humans. Or so my hypothesis says.

    Even. You were the best of the bunch. You kept Braig, Dilan, and Xehanort as mere acquaintances, staying with your other two original friends; Ienzo and Eleaus. You quickly learned and studying harder then the others, you made a fine addition in the laboratory. You knew almost everything there was, and you listened when I taught unlike the other apprentices. As a Nobody with the name Vexen, you were not the best adapt in violence, using a shield instead. When I learned that you were destroyed by that boy, Sora, I felt no pity. You are simply yet another Organization member that craves for what they lost. It was yours and the other five apprentices’ fault.

    Eleaus. The silent of the group. You rarely said anything and kept by Ienzo’s side like a bodyguard. You never really took part in studies, but simply helped out handling with the experiments, doing most of the menial work like transferring experiments in-between apprentices. You fell into the darkness by following Ienzo. That boy was your downfall, like he had been when you were apprentices. He ordered you on an obvious suicide mission, and your loyalty to him blinded you from seeing what uselessness the mission was. People shall only remember you by your destroyed tombstone. Lexaeus, the Silent Hero.

    Ienzo, the schemer of the six apprentices. You never got your hands dirty, but simply manipulated another apprentice into doing your work. Your faithful little bodyguard was always there to protect you, so you barely ever felt the true feeling of pain. When you confronted Riku, determined to get him as your ally so you could destroy Marluxia, you were easily overpowered. You underestimated the boy, thinking he was weaker then he actually was. Like Eleaus, you shall only be remember by your tombstone. The Cloaked Schemer, Zexion.

    Diz lifted the paper, squinting in the candlelight to read his own writing. The passage explained on how his own apprentices were like. A group of mismatched children that fell into darkness. Simple as that.
    From the spot on though, he went into the Organization’s neophytes; Numbers VII to XIII. He didn’t know what their past lives were like, but simply on how they behaved.

    Saix. You are the unofficial Second-in-Command to the Organization. You are the dog with the golden collar, trotting by your master’s side proudly. You act cold and calm around other people, thinking that everyone will follow your orders. You know not the fact that you are replaceable to Xemnas. You are ignorant to this fact, for you think that there is only one man that is like you and Xemans can’t bear to lose you. But really, you can die and Xemnas wouldn’t even blink. You can die, and no one would care. Saix, the ignorant second-in-command.

    Axel, the prankster. You and your other two cohorts, Demyx and Roxas, are the jokesters of the Organization. You are also the spy and the assassin, sent out to gather information and kill those who get in the Organization’s way. You use to work side by side with Saix, before something caused a rift in-between you two, making you the well known enemies of each other. Is it because that Xemnas favors you almost as much as Saix, and Saix sees that as a threat to his position? Or is it something else? Without your past, that is a mystery to me.

    Demyx. Axel’s part-time partner in crime. I don’t know how you stayed in the Organization for so long. You are one of the worst fighters of the Organization, and certainly a trouble causer. Keeping the Organization up with your horrible sitar playing, unable to just scout and steal a simple coin. I do not know why my foolish apprentice would keep an even more foolish person like you. Perhaps it is the fact that when you are angered, you show large spurts of power and control of your element, making you dangerous. I shall look further into this interesting subject.

    Luxord. You’re potent in fighting and keeping the Organization occupied in your card games. Your attacks are rather... amusing at most. Turning your foes into cards and dice. A rather interesting trait, although not the most desirable for your enemy.

    Marluxia, the leader of the rebellious Organization members. You claim that your overall pinkness is simply “manly”. Pink is a color of vileness, and it suits your perfectly. Plotting behind your Superior’s back, grouping together other Organization members to follow through your little scheme. Using the memory witch —Namine— to smooth the path of thorns and rocks before you stepped upon it. I do not know on how Vexen came to join in on this plan, or why neither Zexion or Lexaeus reported to the Superior. I suppose it is pride. The sickening virus of pride that preys on everyone.

    Larxene. As the only female of the Organization, you are constantly made fun off. You flirt, you giggle, your amuse the men. It is only to gain power for yourself. Although you never truly used your feminine traits to get what you want, you used enough of them just to get yourself a small bit of respect. You are sadistic and cruel, torturing mercilessly and darkly. Your past must have been turbulent, for you came to the Organization in this state. I shall never know, for you are dead, like your comrade; Marluxia.

    Roxas, the Key to Destiny. Your title truly does show what you are. You are Sora’s other side, the side that balances him out. While Sora is happy and cheerful, your are more serious and pessimistic. Your two Keyblades —Oathkeeper and Oblivion— show your sides. Light and dark, with twilight between them. You are powerful, not knowing your own strengths. But, as Sora’s last side, Sora needs you to awaken. He needs you to finally become whole, with all of his powers intact. He needs you to come and join with him, letting him finally awaken and become one of the many cogs in my clock of revenge. Roxas, the other side.

    DiZ sighed and folded up the sheet of paper. That was enough writing for now. Perhaps he would finish up his thought chain later...

    Thread by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. ukali_rules
    *kills self because of annoying and stupid war*
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. ukali_rules
    Riku blinked.
    "If it wil help us," he said, nodding.
    Nycx smirked as Maika gaped. Three pretty girls leaping out at some boys, and all of them good-looking.
    "Let's play Struggle," she said, throwing a Struggle bat to Maika, Shain, Xylarc, Kry, and all the others.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ukali_rules
    "Hello," Maika said, his eyebrows lifting as he answered to Kry's flirtations. "You're awfully..." —his eyes looked all over Kry's form, lingering on places Nycx would not ask— "Pretty."
    Nycx rolled her eyes and slipped out after Kry.
    "Another friend," she explained. Maika didn't listen; he was too busy staring at Kry.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. ukali_rules

    I found...

    How did an M&M get inside your boxers? o.0
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. ukali_rules
    "Hey! I wanna help!" Seth said, leaping up. Pulling out her sniper rifle, she gave a snort. "What da hell am I suppose to shoot with a friggin' sniper rifle!"
    Lowering her hat and putting on her headphones, she ran toward Mayu.
    "I'll help," she said, and leveled her gun to aim at the mech.
    Two seconds passed...
    "Nevermind," Seth squeaked, suddenly thinking of the things that the mechs would do to her. Putting away her sniper rifle, she turned tail and ran.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ukali_rules
    Opening her eyes, Seth let out an annoyed grunt before sitting up, spitting out whatever junk she had picked up from lying face down on the ground. Taking off her black shades, she wiped them on her tank top before sliding them back on and examining the surroundings.
    "I'm gonna kick the person-who-brought-us-here's stomach through their spine," she spat bitterly, wiping off her clothing. She had a bad case of "clean-freakiness". "I mean, seriously. Dragging us to to who-knows-where and dumping us here like we're trash! I could report them for battery and kidnap..." Seth trailed off, spewing out her anger, somewhat ignoring the other people around her.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ukali_rules
    Name: Seth Fawley
    Style/class: Sniper
    Weapons: Sniper Rifle. ((Please excuse my lack of not knowing about guns.))
    Attributes: Light brown hair that is tied into a ponytail, which reaches down to her shoulder blades. Somewhat tanned skin, and dark green eyes. She is roughly 4'4", and weights 85 lbs.
    Clothing: A black tank top with vibrant red leaf imprints on it. Light orange capri pants, black socks, and tennis shoes. A Vietnamese hat, and black shades. ((Black shades. Gotta love them.)) A dark blue blazer. A pair of black headphones. There are slots on the sides where grenades are hidden in it.
    Gender: Female.
    Race: Human. Somewhat Asian for more info.
    Abilities: She can turn into a wolf. ((ph33r t3h m@ry su3n3ss!))
    Age: 13
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ukali_rules
    "True justice?" Riku asked, blinking.
    Nycx gasped softly, and instantly yanked Kry aside.
    "Another friend," she explained, and dragged Kry into a dark alley, before whispering quietly in her ear.
    "Shain is the Keyblade Bearer heir. I have his father and Riku captured with several other members and Nobodies guarding them. Right now, we need to get Shain and his friends to trust us, so that he can start working for us to regain our hearts. But we won't do that if other Organization members pop in and out of places," she hissed. "So either you're gonna help, or just leave. There is one more person in need of trusting, so your presense will help. You better be wearing something 'suitable' for some fake girl flirting."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. ukali_rules
    "Um..." Nycx stuttered. Squall and her friends had SEEN her heart get taken away! If she went to Hollow Bastion, then her cover would be blown! And Squall knew about Heartless!

    Dangit! Saix! What should I do!

    Stall for time.

    "Hey!" Nycx said suddenly, brightening. "I never saw any of you guys fight in Struggle except for Shain and Carly. Not that you guys can do any better I bet—"

    "Oh yeah?! I can beat Shain EASY!" Maika said. Nycx smiled, although it came out a bit too cold.

    "You're on," she said flirtaciously.

    "Oh... it's on!" Maika answered. The two raced out of the hang out, running toward the Sandlot.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ukali_rules
    OOC: Thanks for letting me play Maika. Oh, and Cyn is spelled C-y-n.
    Nycx smiled, and took followed Xylarc, Shain, and Rylie. She let Maika walk up to her side, and she didn't move away when Maika's sly hands found a place on her arm.

    You flirt too aggressively. Boys like submissive females.

    You're too old fashioned.

    "So, where you from?" Maika asked. Nycx frowned at the question, but it was gone so quickly that it could have been someone's imagination.

    "Hollow Bastion," she said with an absent-minded shrug. "I've known Carly for some time. She's good in Struggle." Another shrug.

    "I've never preferred to fight. It's nice to just watch and pick out the good-lookers."

    "You're not so bad yourself," Maika said, finding his tongue to reply to Nycx. "Ever tasted sea-salt icecream before?"

    "Once, and I liked it," Nycx said, and she hissed when she felt Maika's hand slip down too far. "Watch where you're keeping that!" Maika's hand slipped back up.

    "Catty," he said, waggling his eyebrows. Nycx let out a shriek of laughter and sped up to walk by "Carly".

    You flirt like an incompetent female.

    Oh just shut up!

    The return of the ever so superior verbal joust. Shut up.

    You have an odd sense of humor, Saix.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home