I think Nomura said something about keeping FF characters out of KH and all. It IS afterall a Disney and Square project. If they put FF in it, then the game starts getting a little more adult. FF is for more adult people. KH is for more of kids. FF worlds and more FF characters would make it more adult, and they want to keep it to the kids and keep it nice.
When I looked at his sword/ weapon name, it said Skill and Bones. I was like, "What the heck?" Is it suppose to be Skill and Bones, because I'm pretty sure it's suppose to be Skull and Bones. Oh noes! I accidentally put this thread in KH! Not KH2! OH NOES!!!!!!
Hi.... I'm pretty sure everyone else has said this, but I'll just add on to everyone's other sayings to make sure you know. Obey the rules. Spam in the spam/playground area. Have fun. Stay active. Yeah, you know the rest.
BAN ME! BAN ME! BAM ME! I COMMAND YOU TO! J/K. Don't ban me! I wanna live!!!
Saix laughs. Hollow Bastion: First Visit. When they all appeared, then you hear him laugh. You hear more of Xemnas's, Xaldin's, and Demyx's laughs though, but Saix's is still there.
"Nguh. What... just... happened?" Riku asked, sitting up. He blinked, confused on what just happened. The wound on his stomach was gone, for some odd reason. Was it because that the energy that Nycx had drained from him was given back? Had he soaked in Nycx's leaving energy by accident? It was all too confusing. ------------ You were a fool. Quiet, Saix. It was all part of the plan. The two figures wavered into sight, appearing in the dark void. Nycx looked around. "So this is the realm of darkness," she said, nodding. "Where all Nobodies go after they die." Saix nodded in agreement. "What do you plan to do?" he asked. Nycx smirked, her teeth flashing in the darkness. "A little surprise I worked on..." she said, and a ball of red energy collected in her fist.
Might I ask on what is the meaning of this utter irrelevent thread? JK. Seriously, what is this about?
Oh boy. Cin is probably not gonna be happy when he sees this thread.
"Kill you? Why would I waste time on killing you?" Nycx said, tipping her head to one side in a Larxene-ish way. "Traitors like you don't deserve death. They deserve torture." Nycx's eyes flashed red for another second. "But, other things require my attention," she said, resting the tip of her Rapier on Kasha's nose. "You can watch that dead body if you want." She turned, and that was her deadly mistake. A Keyblade tip suddenly was imbedded into her chest. And who was holding it? No one other then a bleeding Riku. "You paid for the wound you dealt me," he growled, leaning forward. Nycx was rapidly disappearing, but Riku wouldn't let her die quickly. He stabbed her again, and again, and again. Every time he did, he dripped blood onto Nycx. Enough blood to allow her to hold onto life. She would get stabbed once, but not die because she soaked in the blood dripping off of Riku, allowing her to live. She would then get stabbed again, and the entire process would go on. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Nycx's tortured screams filled the entire hall, but Riku kept on plunging his Keyblade down, lifting it, and plunging it down again. Nycx finally snapped. Rolling out of the way, she built up all her energy, and threw herself at Riku, screaming something about Kingdom Hearts killing everyone. But before she could deal a single blow to the silver haired warrior, Riku stabbed one more time, and this would be the final blow. "No! No! How could I be defeated by such a little boy!" Nycx screamed, backing away. She was quickly disappearing. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" A blast of red light, and blood suddenly splattered the walls, and Riku got a full blast of the explosion. Smoke filled the corridor. When it cleared, Nycx was not there, and Riku was lying on the ground, the wound on his stomach suddenly gone. "She's dead," he said, and fainted. OOC: I'm NOT leaving the RP. I've got a super seekrit (yes, I spelled it wrong on purpose) plan up my sleeve. =3 This post was crappy. Please excuse my Mary Sueness when Nycx died.
"I think not," Nycx answered. She felt claws in her shoulder, and she suddenly was on her back, staring at the roof. WAKE UP YOU CRETIN! WAKE UP! YOU GOT KNOCKED OUT BECAUSE OF A STUPID DOG!!! Bloodlust = bad. Glad you noticed. Now wake up and kill that traitor! "Rid us of the traitor!" Nycx suddenly screamed, sitting up. She felt woozy. Oh Kingdom Hearts. Kasha's attack HURT. SCRATCH THIS! A shimmering form appeared behind Riku, and a claymore's end suddenly thrust it's way THROUGH Riku's stomach. Riku glanced down, and his jaw dropped. He didn't even have enough time to cry out in pain. He fell to the ground, his blood dripping out of the wound. Nycx —drawn by the scent of blood— dragged herself over and started to drink it. Yes... drink it and reheal. We only need one Keyblade Master for the plan. Nycx closed her eyes and focused her power. Blood rushed up to her shoulder, and the healing was sped up by tenfold, boosted by the extra energy from Riku's blood. Nycx's eyes took on the familiar crimson glow, and she turned toward Kasha. "So, warrior of light," she hissed, standing up and wobbling slightly. "Ready for another round?" OOC: Riku is still alive. Why I attacked him? Because I control him, Nycx, and Saix. Deal with it.
Nycx looked up at Kry, but she didn't see her as a friend. Instead, she saw her as an enemy. CONTROL YOURSELF!!! ROAAAAAAARR!!! Nycx charged, swinging her Rapier every which way. Her clawed hand lashed out, grazing Kry's cheek. The smell of blood made Nycx hunger for more of it. Screeching like a bat, she swung her Rapier around, missing Riku's throat by a hair's width. ---------- Riku shouted and leapt back, careful not to impale himself on Nycx's Rapier. The Nobody was out of control, screaming and berserking. Too much like Saix for her own good. That means she probably fights a lot like Saix. Think Riku, think!!! How did Saix fight?!! The thought of Saix awesomely pwning Sora came to Riku's mind, but he shoved it away. Saix was weaker when he was in Berserk Mode! The same thing must happen to Nycx. It's just the trouble of getting close to her. "Oi! Bob Marely loves you!" Riku suddenly yelled. This made Nycx turn her head, and he saw confusion in her now-crimson eyes. She hesitated, and that was enough. Rushing forward, he lashed out and hit Nycx in the face with the end of his Keyblade. There was the sound of crunching, and blood started rushing out of Nycx's nose... and into her mouth. Oh crap. "RAAAAAAAAAAGGGH!" Nycx hollered, and she kicked Riku in the stomach.
OOC: I know. BIC: Nycx snarled and pushed Riku into Kasha's way. Licking the blood off her fingertips and lips, she reached for the power within her. Don't go into Bloodlust. It makes you unable to tell who is the enemy. If another Organization member tried to help, you would try slaying him until you went out of Bloodlust. You can't exactly control yourself. I DON'T CARE!!! ((<--- New color for Nycx's thoughts.)) Nycx roared, and a fiery red flame rushed down her hair, flickering and waving. Her hair stood up —much like a cat's defensive or aggressive tactic— and her teeth lengthened. Vampire. Nycx summoned her Rapier and rushed at Kasha, slashing and ripping with her sword and claw like fingernails.
Slap her in the face and tell her to shut the heck up. Always works. Or, just go and give her a banana or something.
Not true. Seriously. That is not true. If it is, then it's a glitch.
Nope. Never broken a bone. The worst was a slight ear infection.
*agreed* I seriously agree with what you think. Guess good minds think alike!
OOC: Yup, that's right. Lolz. I might have little Nycx go and help the other Organization members out. BIC: SECURITY HAS BEEN BREACHED! GO AND HELP THEM! What da he—? Nycx suddenly tumbled back, tripping over her own feet. "Gotta go guys! See you!" she said, and turned tail to run, but not before mouthing to Kry and Xylarc. "Keep the boys busy." ----------- Inside a dark alley, Nycx dropped her facade, once more becoming her 22 year old self. Opening a portal, she ran through it, appearing on the other side and almost ramming into Kasha, Sora, and Riku. "Kasha! You traitor!" she screamed in fury, summoning her Rapier and leaping aside to dodge Kasha. "You'll die the death of a traitor! Hanging from the highest tower with all of your blood leaking out to paint the castle in that wonderful crimson color!" ------------ "Not very friendly, is she," Riku said cockily, taking out his Keyblade. He didn't expect what happened next. ------------- Nycx lashed forward, and slashed Riku's wrist. Grabbing his wrist, she started to drink his blood. Riku screamed (Yes, awesome manly dude just screamed. Deal with it. I could make him wear a pink tutu for all I care.) in pain, lashing out at Nycx. She stubbornly kept on drinking Riku's blood.
[sarcasm] Oh No! Get The Doctors! Hurry!!!!!! [/sarcasm] Darkwatch is obviously unstable!!!! DXXXX
Uh... if you told us more stuff about her and such, then we can maybe learn who she is. I'm not trying to sound sick or anything.
ROFL. So true. You don't have movement abilities in KH1, or Slide Dash, or anything like that. It totally bites.