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  1. ukali_rules
    OOC: Please excuse me, but I'm not going to play Maika anymore. And I forgot Rylie's gender. >.<
    And I love your post, destined.
    "Who are you?" Riku asked in a superior voice, glaring down his nose at Rylie. Without waiting for an answer, he picked Rylie up.
    "I don't have time for children, so get out my face!" he threw Rylie down the corridor, and his claymore followed. A new one appeared in his hand.
    "I want to see you die fighting!" he yelled. Rushing toward Shain, he brought the Way to Dawn around and hit Shain on the side of the head. A claymore was thrown at Sora, and then Riku turned to KuroJaki. Riku's lips curved into a smirk of smugness.
    "Only a single defiant soul?" he asked, tilting his head to one side. "How pitiful." Another claymore appeared in Riku's hand. ((OOC: Saix summons claymores like that. Just one after another. IT'S SCARY!!!))
    "YOU'LL NEVER LIVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF THE MOON AGAIN!" he screamed, charging toward KuroJaki.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ukali_rules
    I don't support...

    Any gay/ lesbian pairing.

    Anything that ISN'T official.

    The only pairings I support.

    Sora X Kairi
    Roxas X Namine
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. ukali_rules
    Eh? Shrill? Saix's got a deep voice.

    *pokes Hollow Bastion: First Visit cutscene* He laughs in there. Go and listen VERY closely.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. ukali_rules
    Dual Wielder — An avatar that does NOT give you an epilitic seizure.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. ukali_rules
    I'm born in 1995 too!
    How utterly random this crappy post is. -_-
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. ukali_rules
    Agreed. Seriously. Runescape isn't what the Earth revolves around. Seriously. No point in wasting your life sitting in front of a computer and writing, "RUNESCAPE IS HORRIBLE!" Or, as Lu Bu says. "RUNESCAPE SUCKS!"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. ukali_rules
    I'm 1200 years old. I live in a log cabin beside a river. I'm a damsel in distress in need of a handsome knight saving me.
    Nah. I'm 12. I'm a fat girl who sits in front of the computer ALL day long. My name is Mary Sue.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. ukali_rules

    my grammar

    I think I just puked a little after reading the first message.

    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. ukali_rules
    Whoops. Meant Ducky. Please excuse my memory. It's horrible when it comes to small talk.
    And, if you want small talk, couldn't we talk about politics, or religion, or something that would make us all argue in a friendly way to liven up the forum?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. ukali_rules
    Tak and the power of juju?
    Do I care how disproportional they are?
    Geez. You complain on DUCKY being an active spammer.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. ukali_rules
    Hi there.

    Obey the rules.
    Spam in the spam/playground area.
    Stay active.
    Have fun.
    You probably know the rest.

    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. ukali_rules
    After I read that, I got a funny tune in my head...
    and a funny picture a long with it....
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. ukali_rules
    I'm asking if it's an accidental miss-translation.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. ukali_rules

    Good Bye

    Anyway. Goodbye.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Departure Hall
  15. ukali_rules

    I am the

    Then isn't that considered, "the Mistress of Time?"

    Master refers to a boy. Mistress refers to a girl.

    Just pointing out grammar mistakes.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. ukali_rules

    I am the

    Pfft. Master of Time? As if.

    Oh, and I have to ask this.
    Hitna, are you a boy or a girl?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. ukali_rules
    Riku suddenly charged at Sora. Lashing out in a very Roxas like way, he sent Sora flying into a wall. He then reached out and impale Sora's left arm with one of the claymore spikes, keeping him stuck on the wall.
    "Nice to see you again, Keyblade Master," Riku snarled, leaning down to glare Sora in the eye. On closer inspection, Riku's teeth were pointed.

    OOC: To explain what is going on. Nycx stored a bit of her power in Riku before she died. In the Realm of Darkness*—where all Nobodies go when they fade away— she opened up a connection, then sent Saix's mind into Riku's body, making it so that Saix could use Riku's body to effect the physical world. Riku is probably locked up somewhere in his mind. Lolz.
    *hinthintnudgenudge* Looked up somewhere in his mind. *coughcough*
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ukali_rules
    "Kasha! Sora! We have to— AHHHHHH!"
    Riku had been running toward the traitor Organization member and Sora, but he suddenly felt a rush of power through his blood. Screaming in pain, he fell the ground, twitching.
    Nycx smirked cruelly, and the red ball in her hand floated up and gently slid into Saix's chest, right where his heart would be.
    "You're in control," she said, and sauntered away. Saix watched her leave, before placing a hand on his chest. He disappeared in red burst of smoke.

    ((OOC: Saix ninja poof'd! XDDDDDD))
    Riku screamed, going as rigid as a bored. After two seconds, he drooped over, and a deadly yellow glow came to his blue eyes, making them a murky green color.
    "It has been too long," Riku hissed, standing up. He examined himself, looking at his clothing in distaste. "Nycx was clever to place a link to herself inside Riku. When she opened up that link, she made it possible for another one's mind to go in and use Riku's body as a puppet. Ah... she made a fine member in the Organization. But it's time for the former Number Seven to rise."
    A Keyblade appeared in Riku's right hand. But instead of heaving it up in its usual position, Riku lifted his left hand... and a massive claymore appeared in it.
    "Rid the Organization of traitors," Riku, ((aka, Saix)) growled, glaring at Kasha.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. ukali_rules

    Do It Now!


    Nah, I read it.
    For my comment is: .............. No comment.

    Also, it might be easier to read if you spaced out the words. It's hard to read when it's all smashed together like that. Try using some wonderful thing called paragraphs.

    And was making a thread with a link to the fanfic really necessary?
    Oh, I'm guessing it's called, "shameless self advertisement."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. ukali_rules
    It is?!!!

    Seriously, is it true? You have to give me proof that it's a pun.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX