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  1. ukali_rules
    Nycx cackled.
    "Good work, Rexyggor," she said, and warped out, but not before saying, "I'll leave you."
    Riku leapt back and pulled out his Keyblade.
    Heh, too easy, he thought with contempt.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ukali_rules
    Eheheheheheheh. I like your plan.

    Thank you, Saix.

    Nycx leaned to one side, eyeing the half-dead Riku and his posse. ((OOC: XPPPPPP! I had to use that word.))

    "Now really? I thought that guest didn't just run," she said, flipping her Rapier around. "It's quite rude."
    Inside Riku's mind...
    "Don't trust me!!!!!!" sobbed the real Riku. "Don't trust me!!!!!!!!" He continued screaming, but there was no one there to hear him. He was locked inside himself.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ukali_rules
    OOC: Recap on page 49 I think.
    Riku coughed up more blood.
    "Rylie, are you okay?" he asked, dragging himself up. He summoned hsi Keyblade to balance himself on the ground, then started to hobble forward. "C'mon guys. We have to get out of here. Kasha, you come too. You're the only one who knows this world and how to work the Organization Gummi Ships."
    "Going somewhere?"
    Nycx appeared before the group of mismatched warriors, smirking. A smear of blood was on her face, and her eyes had the faintest glistening of red around them.
    "You're quite easy to track, Riku," she said, waving her Rapier around loftily. She turned to Maika. "Hello, Maika. How as Twilight Town been? Recognize me?"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ukali_rules
    Riku stumbled down the stairs, holding a hand to a cut on his chest. He was dressed in regular clothing, the ones he had worn when captured.
    "Sora!" he shouted, and fell to his knees before the Keyblade Master. He started to cough, and blood dribbled out of his mouth. "Sora! It's me! Saix has found another body. Nycx and him are after us! We have to leave, now!" He coughed once more before struggling up, leaning against the wall.
    "We have to take her," he said, wiping his mouth and gesturing toward Kasha. "She's the only one who knows the world. Rylie! Shain! C'mon! We have to go!" He started to stumble down the hallway, but coughed blood up and fell to his knees as soon as he took four steps.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ukali_rules
    "I can't believe that he just did that..."
    The hunched over form of the real Riku was crying. Yes, crying. He was locked in some dark black room, with red veins of power running through it. But mixing with the red was pure white, mixing with black. The type of color that belonged to Xemnas.
    "I can't get out..." he sobbed and banged on the locked door. "Let me out! Let me out!"

    "Nothing," Nycx reported, returning to the room that Riku ((Saix)) and her had chosen as a meeting place. "Nothing at all." Riku sighed.
    "Xemnas's last stand was against Sora and Riku," he said quitely. He frowned. "So it's either with Sora or Riku. I don't sense Xemnas, so that means he can be with Sora. Lets go and check."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ukali_rules
    Dream on.

    Obviouslly, he's seeking attention, or drunk. Although I have no idea on how he is drunk and can type straight.

    Anyway, you said it was KHII, not KHIIFM+
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. ukali_rules
    "I shall go and find the anchor," Riku said softly. He disappeared, and Nycx followed him.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ukali_rules
    You got it. I'll explain.
    Kasha was helping Riku and Sora escape. She knocked ou the guards, and then Nycx and Kry came to stop her. Nycx almost got knocked out, but then Saix came and horribly mauled Riku. Kasha protected Riku for like... one post. Nycx got cocky and turned her back, but Riku went and killed her. Nycx put part of her power and in Riku, securing it in the darkness of his heart. She died. Xylarc came, with Rylie ahd Shain. Shian is Sora's son, and Rylie is Riku's daughter. But Nycx —in the Realm of Darkness, where all Nobodies go after they die— awakened the part of her in Riku, and then placed Saix's mind in Riku's body. Saix took over Riku's body, and he used the part of Nycx within Riku's darkness to drag her back from the Realm of Darkness. They then went down and now Kasha, Xylarc, and I think Annex have turned traitorous. Riku ((aka, Saix)), Nycx, and Kry are fighting the traitors and Keyblade Masters. Shain and Rylie are against a bunch of Berserkers, Riku is after mirage Axel, and Nycx is against Kasha. Riku also says if they could find something that Xemnas placed some of his power inside of, then they could bring back Xemnas from the Realm of Darkness.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ukali_rules
    You're missing Roxas and Vexen.
    Putting the Organization in their number rank is an easier way to know which ones are missing.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ukali_rules
    Riku folded let his weapons disappear and folded his arms.
    "Not possible, Superior," he said, bowing. "Nycx immersed some of herself inside Riku. When she died, part of her was still alive inside of Riku. In the Realm of Darkness, she opened up that link and place my mind inside of Riku's body when he was unconscious. When Riku awoke, I awoke with him and took over his mind. If there were a way to find something that Xemnas anchored some of himself down to, we could try opening such a connection and reel Xemnas back from the Realm of Darkness. That's how Nycx came back."
    Riku then glared at Axel.
    "Traitor," he growled vehemently. His Keyblade appeared in his hand, and Riku rushed toward Axel, shouting a battle cry.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ukali_rules
    In Kingdom Hearts II, you don't battle Roxas. Organization XIII Roxas is a cutscene character. The game coding couldn't have been glitched up that much to have a cutscene character to change into a battle/ friend character.
    I will not believe this until I see that it's true.

    No cutscene character has been completely transformed into battle. No battle input has been put into Organization XIII Roxas.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. ukali_rules
    Okay, I now believe that this has been made-up.
    If the game were to glitch up, then your friends should be characters that can be your friends. Roxas —Organization version— is only a cutscene character in KHII, which is what I expect the game you are playing on.
    Dark Riku? Elaboration?
    Mickey, I can believe.
    But I still believe this is made up. Roxas is only a cutscene character, and he was never a friend character.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. ukali_rules
    What are you? Five years old?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. ukali_rules
    "I found a flaw in that," Riku said, tilting his head back. "Xemnas always wanted to build Kingdom Hearts, but he never mentioned he wanted a heart. He wanted Kingdom Hearts for its power, not for a heart. He simply created Kry to continue his plan to rebuild Kingdom Hearts and take its power." He glared at Rylie and Shain.
    "It's time for you to go," he said, and snapped his fingers. A barrage of Berserk Nobodies rose up and surrounded the two children. Nycx gave a shrill and sadistic laugh, then pointed her Rapier at Xylarc.
    "You still in the plan, or are you going to turn traitor?" she asked while Riku advanced on Kasha.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ukali_rules
    "Because her own facade of feelings tricked her into thinking that she felt sorry for the Keyblade Wielders, and so she helped them."
    Two portals opened omniously, and both Nycx and Riku walked out. Nycx was holding her Rapier, and Riku was holding the Way to Dawn and claymore.
    "You were a fool, Kasha," Nycx growled. "We were so close to getting the Keyblade Masters, and you had to interfere. You and your cursed non-existent feelings." She spat bitterly on the ground. But instead of saliva, blood was spat out.
    "You deserve to have a long and painful death," Riku said, stoic and cold. "Perhaps slowly dying in a boiling pot of acid would be a good enough punishment."
    OOC: Slightly late. :/
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ukali_rules
    Riku looked down on Sora. Due to the fact he was about... eight inches taller, he looked far more impressive.
    "I don't need to deal with you yet," he said, and disappeared in a Corridor of Darkness, but not before saying. "And I still serve the Organization, Superior."
    Several floors above them, Riku had appeared in the Altar of Naught. He had dumped Riku's clothing for the familiar Organization clothing. The blindfold was back on. Why? Because Riku was vain and he thought he looked cool with it.
    "I have a heart now," Riku whispered, placing a gloved hand on his chest. "It's time to return the favor to Nycx." Holding up a hand, Riku felt a dark power surround it. There was the sound of warping, and Nycx suddenly was kneeling on the ground, panting.
    "Took you damn long enough," she said, eyes dancing with laughter. Standing up, she glanced at Riku.
    "I suppose you found the small part of me in Riku's darkness, didn't you?" she said thoughtfully. "So you used it to reel me in from the dark void. I wonder why no other Organization member did that before." Riku shrugged.
    "We have work to do," he hissed. "Like destroying the Keyblade Wielder's heirs."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ukali_rules
    Welcome. I'm sure that everyone has already told you everything, but I'll tell you one more time.

    Obey the rules.
    Spam in the spam/ playground area, but don't spam too much to cause annoyance.
    Have fun.
    Obey the rules.
    Listen to your elders!!! (XDDD! J/K)

    And welcome to KH-Vids.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. ukali_rules
    Attack him in the beginning as a die, and don't let your HP drop too low. When you turn back, you have two choices. If you're HP is too low for comfort, heal. If not, then go and attack him like mad. Whenever you see the reaction command appear, use it... like MAD. Click the O when it scrolls by, and Luxord will drop thousands of healing little orbs. If your MP is too low, then kill his cards.
    Flip the cards if they're too annoying.
    When Luxord turns into a card, remember where he is and try to flip his card. Don't flip the wrong one. Some of them explode.
    When he throws all his cards on the ground, avoid them and use the reaction command.
    If you get turned into a die, lock him in the corner ((in the small niche by the column is a good and easy place to get him stuck in)) and keep on attacking up. He'll continously flinch, and because he's in a corner he can't run away or anything. Just spam the attack button like mad.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. ukali_rules
    Sora X Saix.

    I was like, "WTF?!!!!!!"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. ukali_rules
    "Coward," Riku hissed, angry. He turned to Kasha, and an evil glint appeared in his murky green eyes.
    "Oh, how does the traitor feel now?" he asked, and lifted his Keyblade threateningly. "I wonder what happens if you get impale by the Keyblade in the wrong spot. Let's say... the eye."
    Riku placed his Keyblade threateningly by Kasha's right eye.
    Nycx smirked as she watched Saix through her watching screen things. Yeah...
    "He's doing a good job," she said, leaning back. She was still locked in the void, until Saix finished the job.

    OOC: Saix has seekrit job!! XDDDDDD
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home