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  1. ukali_rules

    Axel so deserves to die. He betrayed the Organization, kamikazed to save Sora, and basically made life harder for everyone. DIE AXEL! DIE! DXXXXXX
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. ukali_rules
    I shall play.....
    I'm good.
    And, can I ask that everyone please try to use good grammar and spelling? Sorry, just a pet peeve I have.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ukali_rules
    "Saix expects that Xemnas never anchored himself," Nycx explained, still searching around the throne.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ukali_rules

    i'm sorry

    Like, dude. You don't need an entire thread to say sorry. I know post are good, but this is unneeded.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. ukali_rules
    Thanks. I was thinking of writing a sequel, but that would be over-kill on how the two look alike and all.

    Thinking about Saix, Axel, and the Chocobo as the next fanfic I'll write.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. ukali_rules
    I was talking with Wavewhisper and RPGamer about how Sora was like Cloud in many ways. I decided to come down with a fanfic. I wrote most of it, and Wavewhisper helped out with the grammar.

    Nothing belongs to me.

    Hope ya enjoyed it!

    Sora had ambition.

    He had quite a lot of ambition.

    But not enough ambition to do battle with the ambition of the idiotic and old-fashioned Xemnas.

    But anyway. He had ambition.

    And he had a goal.

    “I want to be just like Cloud when I grow up!” Sora declared enthusiastically on a peaceful day. On both sides of him, Riku and Kairi jumped. They had been enjoying their renewed lazy-bum lives sitting on the paopu tree, and Riku and Sora’s increased weight had started making the poor plant groan.

    Riku considered the idea. “You mean you want to be pathetically emo and enigmatic and carry around a stupid-large sword?”

    “Who’s Cloud?” asked Kairi, who had never met the SOLDIER.

    “He’s a pathetically emo guy who thinks that life is a dark swirling abyss and can’t handle his own darkness,” Riku explained wisely, gesturing somewhat vaguely with his hands. He turned back to Sora. “Who actually want to be all those things?”

    “Kind of a long leap from your present state,” Kairi observed, leaning out to see Sora, who was sitting on the other side of Riku. Sora simply grinned in his obnoxiously optimistic way.

    “No worries! I’ll learn how to do all those things,” he said, still grinning. “Starting with.... learning how to use an extremely large sword!”


    Sora scratched the back of his head, frowning as he walked through Radiant Gardens.

    “I can’t get Cloud to teach me because he’ll get suspicious. Leon will just tell him....” Sora mumbled, walking around in circles. The particular Moogle in the Radiant Gardens marketplace watched him pace, and pace, and whaddaya know? Pace.

    “Who do I know that uses a large sword, can pwn people easily, is awesomely cool, is dark, enigmatic, emo, and will never tell Cloud anything,” Sora wondered aloud, still pacing. The Moogle was still watching him, and uttering a soft, “Kupo!” every two seconds. Sora had that funny feeling that the Moogle was spying on him, so he took out his Ultima Weapon and used Firaga on the unfortunate Moogle. It flew off screaming profane, kupo-y phrases, but Sora paid no heed, for he had thought up of the perfect person.

    Sephiroth couldn’t believe his luck. Or —should he say— bad luck.
    The Keyblade Master, whom he had told to look for Cloud, had come running pell-mell back, shouting something incoherent. Now the Keyblade Master was standing before him, holding what looked like one of Cloud’s massive tsurigis, and pointing the massive weapon at him, gabbling something about learning how to use a massive and pointy object. Sephiroth winced at the thought, but listened to what the boy was saying.

    “Hey, Sephiroth. Can you teach me how to use a large and pointy obje—”

    “NO!” Sephiroth was close to crying with exasperation. The boy was asking to teach him how to use a large and pointy object. The Keyblade Master’s words were ruining his all holy hearing! HE WAS SCARRED FOR LIFE!

    “Uh....” Sora blinked, watching as Sephiroth staggered around, screaming about being scarred for life. Whatev. “Can you teach me how to use a large sword?” Sephiroth stopped hobbling around, and Sora heard him whisper, “Oh. That’s what he meant.” After saying this, the lesser god straightened up and regained his composure, straightening his coat with an annoyingly regal air.

    “Why —in the name of Jenova— would the supposed powerful Keyblade Master want to learn to use a massive kitchen knife that is infinitely weaker then his Keyblade?” inquired Sephiroth, his curiosity getting the better of him. Sora gave him the largest grin that could beat the world record of grinning distance, making Sephiroth gag in horror and disgust.

    “Simple,” the cheeky adolescent answered. “Cloud’s cool, he wields an awesomely massive weapon, he’s got LOADS more games about him, and he’s got a LOT more fangirls than me.”

    Sephiroth smirked at the reasons. Who would WANT more fangirls..? I have enough love mail as it is, he shuddered inwardly. All the same, his senses were alert for the trap that he knew was going to be sprung on him at any moment. “And what’s my incentive?”

    Sora grinned wolfishly at him. “If you don’t, I’ll take that video of me kicking your feathered butt with Sweet Memories equipped in Critical Mode— and in 26 seconds— and post it on Youtube.”

    A training hour later...

    “You are supposed to hold the right hand above your left,” Sephiroth explained, trying to hold his temper. This is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity...

    “But Cloud holds it with his left hand on top,” Sora complained, being stubborn and keeping his hands in their original position. Sephiroth seethed in anger, mere inches away from throttling the adolescent.

    Kill him and be done with it! He won’t post the videos up on the internet! screamed the angry and furious side of Sephiroth’s mind.

    But then his Keyblade Master friends and whatever posse he has collected in his useless travels will come after me, countered the more practical and smart side of his mind. You could almost see an angel and devil sitting on Sephiroth’s shoulders. Well... a good angel. Considering the fact that all angels seem to be evil these days.

    “Cloud has learned the incorrect way of holding a sword due to the fact he never was taught by a professional sword wielder,” Sephiroth growled through gritted teeth. Sora blinked, and the One-Winged Angel tensed, waiting for more of the Keyblade Master’s complaints.

    “Then how come Cloud beat you in... FFVII: Before Crisis, FFVII: Last Order, FFVII: Crisis Core, FFVII, and FFVII: Advent Children?” Sora asked. Sephiroth felt a strong urge to backhand slap the brat and let him meet the business side of his masamune.

    This is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity, this is to save your dignity....

    “A fluke,” Sephiroth insisted, and frowned when Sora tried switching hands and almost ended up losing his middle finger and fourth finger. The boy was more incompetent then he thought. He needed to get away from the spiky-haired menace! Suddenly, a thought struck Sephiroth.

    “Put down the sword,” he grunted. Sora sighed and stabbed the sword into the ground, rubbing his aching hands against his legs. Sora thought that it was safe to stop, but then again, no one is safe with Sephiroth around.

    “I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME 2000 PUSH UPS!” Sephiroth suddenly roared, making Sora “eep” and leap five feet into the air. “AND DON’T LOOK UP UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE ALL 2000 OF THEM!”

    Sora —frightened by Sephiroth’s killer attitude— instantly fell to his hands and feet, quickly doing the wanted exercise. Sephiroth took this five minute lapse of exercise to quickly escape from the ambitious menace.


    “So... Sora, how did your lessons go?” Riku asked a little all too sweetly, smirking with smugness. Sora was sprawled out on the rocky ground of the Dark Depths, groaning with pain of his cramped legs and arms. He had reached push up number 1999 before he had cramped up and fallen down. Riku had found him thirteen minutes and thirteen seconds later, lying on the ground and complaining.

    “So, what’s next?” Riku asked, still being annoying sweet. His tone of voice was practically screaming, “Oh yeah! Pay back for pwning me in KH1! PWNED!” Sora groaned and rolled over, sitting up with the air of a hobbling old man.

    “I need to learn how to act emo,” he said. He didn’t miss the smirk that flitted across Riku’s face.

    “Well, Mr. Keyblade Master, you’ve got a job in front of you,” he said, leaning against the wall. “There is only one man who is emo enough to match Cloud’s emo.” Sora groaned... again.



    “You WHAT?!” Leon thundered, towering above Sora in his lion-ish rage. Sora —after revealing his “I wanna be just like Cloud!” plan— was cowering meekly against a wall. He had just explained that he had gone to Sephiroth to try learning how to use one of Cloud’s tsurigis. He had not left out the fact that he had stolen the massive sword from Cloud’s arsenal.

    “I stole a sword from Cloud’s weaponry and tried getting Sephiroth to teach me how to use it,” Sora mumbled, still cowering against the wall. He eyed a large wooden crate (which oddly looked as if it rightfully belonged to Traverse Town). Maybe he could hide in there. He started moving, but faltered, stepping back to where he was. Perhaps it was the memories of his introduction to Traverse Town that did it. He still remembered running around for three hours, screaming for water as the back of his jacket burned with one of Leon’s well-known and commonly felt fireballs.

    Wooden crate + angry Leon + temper + large fireball = pain.

    “You do know that Cloud will most likely got into Omnislash and try hunting down the person who stole one of his swords, and that Sephiroth will come back later in some odd ballistic state, and probably be toting along some blue alien or something similar, right?” Leon asked. A strange expression crossed Sora’s face, but it vanished as the boy shook his head. Leon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. Idiotic teenagers.

    “So you want to learn how to be emo?” he asked, looking up. Probably the only way he was going to get rid of the spiky brown haired kid was to just comply.

    “Yeah! I wanna learn how to be all dark and sad and... and... whatever emo people are!” Sora said optimistically, bouncing up and down. Leon couldn’t help but crack a smile.

    “You’ve got a long way to go, kid,” the famous gunblader said, placing a half affectionate hand on Sora’s shoulder. “Well, first you have to think that life isn’t fair. You have to think that life is a deep dark swirling abyss of pain... ”


    Cloud and Aerith were sitting next to each other on the ledge of the bailey, admiring the magnificent view of the Radiant Gardens.

    “So... how are things over there?” Aerith asked him gently.

    Cloud shrugged. “The same. ShinRa is the same as ever- meddling in things they shouldn’t be meddling in, making everyone’s lives a bit harder...”

    Aerith nodded at the brief description and they returned to sitting in silence. She felt affection for her blond spiky-haired friend, and could feel the atmosphere relaxing a bit. It was perfect...



    “I like you a lot.”

    Aerith drew in a little breath and turned to look at him. His face was a little red and he seemed embarrassed by the outburst...

    “OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD SOMEBODY SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Sephiroth screeched by, sweat running down him from head to toe and looking as if he had just run all the way from the Dark Depths. He had his masamune out and was waving it about, wailing. His wing was also flapping like mad, leaving a trail of black feathers.

    And he was screaming.

    There goes the atmosphere.

    Cloud’s expression said very clearly, “WTC?” Aerith tipped her head and regarded the rapidly disappearing One-Winged Angel with confusion.


    By the time he reached the Marketplace, Sephiroth was too tired to even watch where he was going. All that mattered was that he had to keep running, as far as he could from the Keyblade-wielding lunatic... he trod over the Moogle, returning to its stall, and didn’t even stop to say sorry... or to cleave it in two for blocking his way, for that matter...


    Now hyperactive ninja and scarily endowed female martial artists, that was another matter altogether. Especially the ones bearing groceries.

    Feathers, groceries, and stolen materia flew in all directions.

    “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” piped up Yuffie’s voice from underneath a pile of shopping bags. Sephiroth simply grunted and sat up, shaking his head to make the steaming bowl of ramen slide off. Instantly, he started to spazz over the state of his beautiful hair.

    “Sephiroth?!” Tifa stared at him. “Where are you going in such a hurry?!”

    Still clutching the stitch in his chest, Sephiroth wheezed, “Running- away...”

    “Running away?” Yuffie asked, extricating herself from a loop of garlic. “Well, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you do that kind of thing.”

    Sephiroth ignored the ninja brat. “You do realise that your spiky-haired friend has been coming to see me for training lessons, don’t you?” he asked Tifa, getting up and brushing himself off. There were tomatoes smeared all over his boots and coat. Eight apples were kebabed on his sword. He started spazzing out over that, too.

    “He WHAT?!” shouted Tifa, eyes wide.

    “Yes, believe it or not. He wanted to learn how to sword fight,” Sephiroth said coolly. “What an idiotic little youth, eh?” Trying to preserve his tomato-smeared dignity, he opened up his wing and rose up as gracefully as possible, his hair dripping Ramen broth.

    Tifa glanced at Yuffie, who was trying to gather up all her materia and stuff them into places unknown. “We gotta go and see Cloud!”


    After he had cleaned up his hair and his clothing, Sephiroth went and visited Cloud. The lower-ranking SOLDIER was leaning against a wall, looking as if he longed to blend in with it. Aerith was looking at him in a concerned way. As soon as the general approached, Cloud looked up and abruptly drew his sword threateningly.

    Sephiroth rolled his eyes mentally (he would never debase himself by doing it obviously). “Put that away, Strife,” he said crossly. “I just need to tell you something.”

    “Anything that includes ‘darkness’ and ‘I am you’ and I will stick this sword up somewhere that will hurt,” Cloud growled moodily, putting it back into the complicated series of straps and sheathes on his back.

    Aerith looked at Sephiroth with carefully concealed dislike. “Spit it out.”

    “That kid that has spiky hair like Strife here has started coming to me for sword lessons,” Sephiroth found himself babbling. “He brought along a gigantic sword and now he wants me to show him how to do it, I didn’t want to so I ran away and really it did look kinda like your sword and I’ve never seen him carry around anything like it—”

    One second passed.



    “Sora... is wielding a sword...?” Aerith inquired, blinking.

    Cloud suddenly ran off, screaming something about checking his motorcycle.

    “Cloud, come back!” Aerith called after him, fear gripping her. “Don’t leave me here alone with him!”

    But Sephiroth had vanished as well.


    “...there is no hope for the future. Everything in the future will only bring darkness and despair. Life is nothing but a web of lies, deceiving you to believe that certain good things happen. There is no such thing as happiness. Cheerfulness is for fools, who are deceived by this web of lies...”

    Sora was busily taking notes. Riku had fallen asleep two hours ago, already knowing all of this. Stupid emo peeps.

    “...death is the only release from this horrible torture of life...”

    “Leon?” Sora’s gloved hand was waving about.

    What?” Leon demanded. “D’you want to know about emo-ness or not?”

    Sora blushed. “No, I was just wondering... how did you learn all this?”

    An uncomfortable silence passed between them, punctuated only by Riku’s snoring.

    “Uh...” began Leon, scratching his head.

    KATAPOW! The door to Merlin’s House sprang open. Riku jerked and woke up. Sora and Leon jumped.

    “I’m looking for Cloud. Seen him?” demanded Tifa, striding inside. She had her gloves on. Yuffie scurried past her meekly, depositing the groceries on Merlin’s bed. The bowl of Ramen began to leak.

    “Um... no?” Sora asked, bewildered by Tifa’s venomous tone.

    “o.0” added Leon.

    Tifa swore and punched her fist into the table. It broke apart cleanly. “D@MN1T!” she spat. She walked back to the door and out. It slammed shut behind her, then fell off its hinges. The windows cracked with the force of the slam.

    After a while, Sora and Riku stood up and went out the door as well.





    “What was that about?!” Leon asked, blinking. Yuffie didn’t answer.


    Mog the Moogle crawled back to his stall, feeling as if the Keyblade Master had forced him to synthesise a dozen Ultima Weapons. His pom-pom waggled.

    A couple more steps, and he could relax within the safety of his beloved stall with the millions of synthesis items twinkling around him peacefully...


    The next second, Mog lay flattened in the dirt as a pointy-haired blonde raced away on his amazingly heavy motorcycle.


    Sephiroth was standing by a food vendor, purchasing a bowl of Ramen. He glared at the author of this fanfic.

    “I don’t have anything to do in this plot right now,” he said. “Go away.”

    Tifa suddenly zoomed past Sephiroth, bumping his arm and not caring. A minute later, Yuna, Rikku, and Paine flashed by as well, carrying some sort of heavy cloth package. They accidentally careened into him, knocking his hand and making him fall over. The bowl of Ramen splashed into his surprised face.


    “Here you go!” said Rikku. Her pals Yuna and Paine strenuously lifted the package off the ground and deposited it in Sora’s hands. “Freshly delivered from laundry service.”

    “Great. Thanks!” said Sora, ripping the covering off. “Was it hard to get?”

    “What do you think?” asked Paine darkly. “There’s high security on the clothes of a guy who could decapitate the launder at any moment. And the hair dye was kinda difficult.”

    “But hey, it’s done,” chimed in Yuna. “Now... the reward?”

    “Oh. Yeah.” Sora handed them three sticks of sea-salt ice cream and 10k munny. “Have fun.”

    Giggling, the three raced off.

    “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Riku told him seriously, watching Sora search through the contents. “Cloud might’ve picked up the fact that one of his swords is missing...”

    “Hey, hakuna matata,” Sora said, holding up a dark blue sweater and a single black sleeve. “Help me with the hair dye, will ya?”


    Aerith was looking for Cloud, much like mostly everyone else.

    “Cloud? Cloud? Cloud?!” she said, walking through the bailey. She had the funny feeling that someone else was in the bailey. She jumped when she heard someone mention her name.

    “It’s Aerith...”

    “Heh. Go out and speak to her to see if she thinks you’re Cloud. Heheheheeheh...”

    “Good plan!”

    “No! I didn’t mean literally! I mea—”

    Aerith didn’t hear the rest, due to the fact a very Cloud like person had just stepped out from the corner of the bailey.

    Spiky, blonde hair. Black sleeve, sweater, black pants, belts, funny wolf knocker thing, black pauldron, earrings.

    “SORA! WHY ARE YOU DRESSING LIKE CLOUD?!” Aerith demanded, placing her hands on her hips and glaring at the smaller boy. Sora smiled sheepishly, swinging the tsurigi around a little.

    “Cloud’s cool and all. I want to be just like him,” he answered, sheathing the sword in the mess of sheathes strapped to his back. Aerith did not want to know how he had gotten Cloud’s clothing.

    “Well, well, well,” Aerith sputtered. Her angry train of thought started to fade, replaced by pure amusement. The child just wanted to be like Cloud. That was believable. Many children wanted to be like Cloud. Sora just simply took this feeling to the next level. Literally trying to be him. Well, Cloud wouldn’t be happy about that.

    “I’m not so sure that this is the best idea—”

    The sound of sputtering came from behind Aerith.


    Tifa —having walked halfway across Radiant Gardens in search of the elusive Cloud— had walked into the bailey. She had then heard talking, and the words “Cloud” and “Aerith” being mentioned. Hiding behind a wall, most of the speaking she had heard had been muffled. But, she did hear Aerith say, “I’m not so sure this is a good idea.” Now that made Tifa start thinking.

    Cloud + Aerith + secret meeting place = RELATIONSHIP GOING ON! ZOMG!

    A very sick thought sprung into Tifa’s mind, and she promptly sputtered at the thought. There was the sound of gasping, and the rustle of cloth. Well, her hiding was blown, so she might as well go and pound some sense into Cloud.

    HIIIIIIIII- YA!” she screamed, throwing herself out from the corner of the bailey. Her fist flew forward, and she started to pound the spiky haired guy in front of her.


    Leon knew something was very bad the second he saw YRP bobbing up and down outside the bailey.

    Dragging a protesting Yuffie along (he had a funny feeling that if he left her in Merlin’s House alone, she would steal Cid’s materia), he marched up to the three sprites with an extremely grim air. They promptly floated up to greet him when he came close.

    “Hey, Leon!” Rikku squealed. “We saw Aerith go in there, so we followed her and stopped out here. Then there was the sound of something—”

    “—and then we heard the sound of fighting,” Yuna finished up. “We really don’t know what to do. We think someone is being hurt in there!”

    “Which is cool,” added Paine helpfully.

    Leon blinked, scratching the back of his head. He heard the sound of, “Ow! Ow! Ow! Oof! Tifa! Stop! Ow! I’m no—! OW!” and the extremely distinct, “HI-YA! Take that! FINAL HEAVEN!” Oh dear.

    Taking out his gunblade, he heard the familiar sound of Yuffie taking out her oversized shuriken. Without another word, they rushed into the bailey, YRP floating in after them.

    “Cloud” was lying flattened on the ground, being pounded by an extremely angry Tifa. Aerith was standing against the wall, mouth open and eyes almost bugging out of her head in horror. Riku was leaning against the wall, looking genuinely amused as his friend got the beating of his life.

    “Tifa! Stop!” Yuffie shouted. Leon lifted his gunblade to shoot Tifa, but then remembered he couldn’t shoot anything.

    Stupid censoring of using bullets... oh wait, I was never able to shoot with this thing in the first place.

    He watched as Yuffie tried calming Tifa down, but she was pushed away. A shuriken didn’t stop Tifa, and neither did a hailstorm of materia. Not even YRP could stop the rampaging woman.

    Time for drastic action, Leon thought, gritting his teeth. Don’t kill me for this.

    Lifting his hand, he sent a fireball hurtling toward Tifa. It grazed her back, but a small flame caught the ends of her hair. It took 1.115 seconds for Tifa to notice that her hair was on fire.

    “AHHH! WATER! WATER! MY HAAAAAAAAIIIIIR!” Tifa screamed. She rushed off.


    Sephiroth sighed. His story plot part had been done, but he still was being shown. The stupid author of the fanfic simply needed to have the One-Winged Angel to continue appearing.

    Well, enough of that dark thinking. He needed stress relief. What did he do for stress relief? Oh yeah. He usually pwned that pathetic chocobo-headed nemesis of his, Cloud.

    Flying up, he teleported to the last place he had seen Cloud.


    “Tifa,” Leon said, taking Tifa by the shoulder and steering her to a seat by the bailey window. Pushing her down, he had Riku and Yuffie sit on either side of her, leaving Aerith to heal Sora. The fire in Tifa’s hair had been extinguished, and he now was explaining everything to Tifa.

    “Sora wants to be Cloud.”

    Tifa gaped, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. She was surprised. Sora wanted to be Cloud? But they were nothing alike! Sora was happy, cheerful, bludgeoning things to death. And Cloud was.... Cloud.

    “Who— Wha— Where?” Tifa asked, still shocked. Over Leon’s shoulder, she saw Aerith nudging Sora with her hand before helping him up.

    “He’ll live. Not much of a problem,” Aerith informed her, wiping off her dress. Then she turned to Sora, who was still gingerly feeling his black eye. “Oh, yes, I heard Cloud wants to talk to you about a certain sword...”


    Cloud’s massive motorcycle suddenly appeared in the entrance of the bailey, as if he and his massive mount had been called there. Observing the scene before him, Cloud’s gaze settled on Sora. Bloody murder was written all over his face.

    “Oh crap,” Sora groaned.

    Cloud’s motorcycle shot forward, and the sides snapped open. Reaching in, the spiky-haired man took out his massive sword, and it glittered with blue power. Aerith stumbled out of the way as Cloud rushed at Sora with DEATH spelled in his eyes.

    Sora knew he wouldn’t have any time to dodge. He knew this would be the end of his life. He knew he would never see Kairi again. He knew that life was really what Leon had said. Dark and a web of lies.

    Good bye Leon. Good bye Yuffie. Good bye Aerith. Good bye Yuna. Good bye Rikku. Good bye Paine. Good bye Tifa. Good bye Riku. Good bye rock. Good bye window. Good bye Mr. Pebble...

    Suddenly, a massive and complex pattern appeared over Sora’s head. There was a beam of white light, and Sephiroth was suddenly kneeling on the ground. He straightened up, looking around.

    “What did I mis...” his eyes fell on Cloud, who was rushing at him with his sword outstretched. He suddenly realised he was standing in between Sora and Cloud. What he said next, he didn’t even care.

    “Oh f—”


    Sora —who had stepped out of the way— watched as motorcycle, Cloud, and Sephiroth flew out of the bailey. Sephiroth’s coat had caught a wheel, dragging him under the motorcycle, letting him avoid the killing blow of the sword. Well, he was being run over by the motorcycle, but that’s much better then dying. Cloud was bewildered. He had no idea why his arch-enemy was underneath his motorcycle, being run over like some sort of piece of road kill.

    Silence filled the bailey, but Rikku broke it.

    “That was fun!” she said, gesturing to emphasise her point. “Thanks for the show, guys! We have to go!” The three sprites bobbed out of the bailey. Sora groaned at their cheerfulness. He had almost been killed!

    Sitting down, he covered his face with his massive hands, still groaning. Now he knew what it felt like to be the victim of his cheerfulness. He looked up when Riku stepped up to him.

    “Hey, Sora, I have a plan.” Sora didn’t like the “>:3” look on Riku’s face.

    “I’m gonna try to be like Sephiroth, and you’re gonna help me!”

    Sorry for it being so long. I had to write out whatever I had to write.
    Sephiroth bashing. One cuss word. A sad attempt to make something funny. Don't mind me.
    Oh yeah, explanation.
    Tsurigi is the parts of Cloud's sword. At least, what I heard.
    I heard that Leon's gunblade can't shoot bullets.
    Cloud has a motorcycle. It doesn't appear in KH2. Which totally bites.
    Materia is small orbs which allows you to use magic in FFVII. It does not exist in FFVIII.
    All the FFVII games, Sephiroth is pwned by Cloud in them. 'Nuff said.
    Cloud doesn't hold his left hand on top. I just said he did to make him look more faulty then he really is.
    Thread by: ukali_rules, Sep 9, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. ukali_rules
    Is Sephiroth already taken?
    If not, then I'll take Sephiroth. Please?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ukali_rules
    OOC: Don't worry. All our computers have that problem sometime in their life. *smacks stupid computer Roxas-style*
    Okay. It turned out Riku is still being controlled by Saix. (I call him Saix now not to confuse you all.) He chucked a claymore at the group, and ran off to the room of sleep. He then remembered that Xemnas's anchor is actually in the big dragon thing, and has ran off to go and find it.
    Nycx and Saix were practically ripping apart the entire dragon, desperate to find the anchor.
    "WHERE THE HELL COULD HIS ARMOR GONE?!!!!!!" Nycx screamed in agitation, smashing her booted foot into the throne. Saix gave a growl to acknowledge he heard, but continued ripping through the silver pristine walls of the dragon.
    "Perhaps it was moved. Perhaps someone has already obtained it. Perhaps it was destroyed," Saix said quietly, words that he and Nycx could hear. A thought suddenly entered Saix's mind.
    "What if Xemnas never anchored himself?"
    "What?" Nycx asked, momentarily confused. "What the heck? Never anchored himself...."
    "Think about it. He summoned Kry to continue his work. He wouldn't need and extra strong-willed Nobody to do something like that. It was the plan that after we all died, a Dusk was to come and bring back all of us from our anchors. But Xemnas died alone, and he summoned a strong-willed Nobody to continue his work. I expect that he avoided the plan and went on with his own. He wanted power, while the rest of us wanted hearts. He thought that only a single Nobody of his control —alone— would do the job. So I expect he never created and anchor, but merely faded away with an heir to continue his work."
    Nycx nodded in sudden understanding.
    "But that still doesn't mean he didn't make on," she insisted, and continued searching.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ukali_rules
    Nycx immediately went and sat in the throne the second they entered the Room of Sleep.
    "Hahaha! Xemnas liked feeling like a king," she said with a childish giggle. Saix simply rolled his eyes and muttered, "Idiotic subordinates."
    "Hey! I'm at the same rank you are! So shut up!" Nycx countered, leaping up. Saix ignored her and continued walking toward the suit of armor on the ground. Stopping a few feet away from it, he suddenly snapped his fingers.
    "No! This isn't it!" he said, and kicked the armor aside. It landed on the ground with a loud thunk. "That's not Xemnas's! Xemnas's armor is still at the dragon battle ship! (The thing you fight in the last few battles.) It must have been left there! Nycx, we have to go and recover it before the Keyblade Wielders find and destroy it!"
    Opening a dark portal, Saix rushed through it, yanking a confused Nycx after him.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ukali_rules
    Riku smirked in a very odd Saix-like way.
    "Thank you, Number VIII," he said. A claymore suddenly appeared in his hand, and he threw it at the group. Then opening a portal, he quickly walked into it.
    "The room of sleep, Nycx," Riku ((I shall call him Saix now to not confuse all of you.)) said, emerging from the dark depths of the portal. Nycx looked up and let out a purr of delight.
    "Wonderful. Now, we just have to go and find his anchor, and then stick him into a particular person," she said, leaping off the table in which she was sitting on. Opening another portal, she smirked.
    "And Sora does seem like the correct person to place our Superior in..."

    OOC: Recap:
    Riku is actually still controlled by Saix. When he found out about Xemnas's possible location, he revealed himself, chucked a claymore at the group, and ran off to find Nycx so that they could go and get Xemnas's anchor. Nycx wants to stick Xemnas's mind into Sora.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ukali_rules
    "We need to find an anchor," Riku hissed. He frowned, then poked Sora. "Hey, Sora. We were the last fighters against Xemnas. Is it possible that Xemnas put some of him in us?"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ukali_rules
    OOC: There are just following Riku and Sora and the posse along.
    Riku looked around.
    "Got any ideas where Xemnas's graveyard/ tombstone stuff is?" he asked again.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ukali_rules
    You were lucky. Nothing but extra homework for me. >.<
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. ukali_rules
    Sora is kind of stupid. Not to mention, Riku is like... eight inches taller then him. And I agree. SORA IS RACIST!!!

    The Nobodies simply wanted hearts. But nooooooooo, Sora has to go and KILL them all!

    Okay, I'm good.

    Anyway. Sora is like, "d00d! wh0 u?" throughout the entire game. He's not the sharpest pin in the drawer....

    ... or whatever that saying it.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. ukali_rules
    Why hi!

    I'm sure everyone has briefed you on the rules, but I'll tell you anyway.

    Obey the rules.
    Have fun.
    Spam in the spam/playground zone.
    Post a lot.
    Stay active.
    Make sure that your gender is mistakened/ questioned.
    RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!!! THAT MEANS ME! ((Just joking.))

    And before anyone ask, I'm a girl.

    Anyway. Have fun, and welcome to KH-Vids.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. ukali_rules
    Riku started up the stairs.
    "Proof of Existence," Riku said, nodding. He suddenly frowned. "Where would Xemnas's anchor be? What do you think, Sora?"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ukali_rules
    "Sora, why don't you just go and..." Riku had sidled up to Sora, and now friendily wrapped his arm around Sora's shoulders, "try to find some stuff. I realized now that if one Organization member can come back, then can't the others. Why not we go and finish off what anchors the rest of the Organization to the living world. AKA, their tombstones."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ukali_rules
    "Why would I attack someone like you?" Nycx asked, waving her hand loftily. Still, she took the bait.
    Swinging her Rapier, she tried attacking Kasha. She blinked in surprise when Kasha disappeared. ((OOC: What Chocokitten said in her last post.))
    "Dang dogs," she growled, and warped to stand beside Rexyggor.
    "You take care of the dog," she said, shoving Rexyggor into her place. "I have to go and destroy a couple of Gummi Ships." With that, she disappeared.
    Riku watched all of this with an apathetic indifference. Now, he took out his Keyblade, and hurled it at Kasha.
    "Stop it," he growled, and his eyes flashed yellow.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. ukali_rules
    Riku nodded, grabbed Rylie's and Sora's hands, and hurtled down the corridor, moving too fast for someone who was supposedly half-dead.
    Nycx tapped her fingers on the computer. Her turn to play. Opening a portal, she stepped through it.
    "Maika! Shain! How nice it is to see you!" she called, emerging in her Twilight Town costume. It wavered, and suddenly vanished, showing the Organization coat underneath. "I see you're making good friends with Kasha. Kasha! You're asking for deaht. Hauling that dead body of a stupid dog around." She cackled before taking out her Rapier.
    "How is your dad and his friend?" she asked Shain, smirking.

    OOC: What does Maika have to do with any of this?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ukali_rules
    OOC: They want his help... but they want to kill Sora and Riku. ((*coughcough* Riku. *coughcough* Ahem.)) Anyway.
    Riku glanced at Rexyggor.
    "Why do you want to fight?!" he inquired. "My friend's son wants to help! We can work in peace!"
    Nycx reclined in her chair, watching the scene from a surveillance camera.
    "Heh. Playing it thick, aren't you, Saix?" she said, placing her foot up on the computer.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home