"Superior," Nycx said, bowing. Walking up to Kry, she purred in an almost sickening voice. Superior, I'm positively relieved to see you," she said, her eyes glowing yellow faintly. But the yellow glow disappeared when she blinked, and she instantly gagged. "EWWWWWWW! A BOY WAS IN MY BODY! EWWWW!" she squealed, wiping herself off. She got over her spaz fit and turned toward Kry/ Xemnas. "What should I do, Superior?"
"I hate you," Nycx grumbled. "I got two voices, and both of them act like a mother." I'm a dude... Likewise. I hate all of you. We know. Nycx almost swore that she could see Saix's face with a " >:3 " expression on. "I still want a heart," she said. OOC: I'm gonna wait for some other people.
Nycx felt rage build itself up inside of her. Fake rage. All so true. SHUT UP! If it were possible, then Saix and Riku would probably be giving each other high fives. Hit a nerve. Not that hard. Nycx decided to ignore the suddenly friendly voices in her head. Stomping up to Kasha, she reached out and slapped the girl in the face. "It's your fault I got these stupid voices stuck in my head!" she screamed. "*****!"
You're as sane as Xemnas. J/K You're sane... for the moment.
Nycx blinked, watching as Roxas and Kasha disappeared. "Okkaaaaaaay, that was weird," she said, blinking. Shaking her head and muttering about how her job was getting to her head, she walked up to Riku's dead body and took out the Rapier. The second she took it out though, there was a flash of sky blue, and a very odd voice popped up in her mind. ARRRRRRGH! I'm in the mind of a girl! Sickening! I had to stay in one for a long time, kid. Now shut up. Saix? Riku? Who do you think it is?! The guy who took over me just did a stupid suicide! And now I have to listen to yours and this girl's damn chattering! SHUT THE HELL UP! Nycx grumbled as she sheathed her Rapier. Obviously, a bit of Riku had been stuck in her. Well, now she carted around both Saix's and Riku's minds. Oh, fun. Listen to a psychopath and a emo kid. OOC: Riku is going to get his body back. Saix is going to stay as a nice little voice inside a nice little insane girls' head. LOL. XDDDD Riku is the light blue. Saix is the greenish blue. Nycx is the red.
Nycx scratched her head, frowning. "You're missing the point. It was Saix in Riku's body," she said, flicking her hair. "And all I care for is if I get a heart or not. Saix fell prey to his own non-existent feelings. Only weaklings do that. So, Saix or Riku could be a piece of dung for all I care. Speaking of which. Aren't you suppose to be dead or something?"
"He won't wake up," Nycx said. She had appeared on the other side of Riku's dead body, frowning. "He's gone. So is Riku. Good luck on finding that idiotic Keyblade Wielder. He's gone." Yanking out her Rapier, she stabbed Riku's dead body with it. "There's the tombstone for a dead body. Now scat before I get serious," Nycx snapped.
Nycx shrugged. "Riku ain't my problem," she said, standing up and shoving her hands inside her pockets. "Only Saix can let Riku out of his little prison. Even then, Saix would still be in Riku's body, and Riku will be.... where ever he will be. Go ask Saix or something. Of course, he'll try cleaving you in the head. I'm not even sure where he is." With that, Nycx strolled off, whistling some tune that sounded a lot like, "Winnie the Phooh". ------------ Saix was kneeling up in the Altar of Naught. He was.... crying. ZOMG! SAIX CRYING! NOT POSSIBLE! Ahem. Anyway. "Xemnas, you fool," he hissed. In his hand, he was holding a knife. "Not anchoring yourself. You're nothing but a fool." He started shaking his head back and forth, silver locks waving in the wind. "No point in trying to continue what you did. It's impossible to get back my heart. Impossible. There is no point in a Nobody living when it has no cause," Saix hissed. He lifted the knife and pressed it to his throat. Silence filled the altar. ........ ........... CLANG. The knife was thrown to the ground, coated with blood. Saix kneeled on the ground, blood streaming from his throat, and blood was leaking from his mouth. A single cough, and then Saix was dead. ----------------- Riku felt his cage fading. Yes! Fading! Rushing toward the vanishing door, he yanked it open... and saw that there was nothing outside of it. Just darkness. "No! No!" he screamed, backing away. The darkness was surrounding him, reaching toward him. He screamed, but no one was there to hear him. Who would hear the screams of a disembodied voice? ---------------- Nycx —the second she appeared in the altar— saw the bleeding form of Riku. She examined it with emotionless eyes before frowning. Opening a portal, she disappeared to go and tell Kry that they had lost an Organization member. OOC: Saix did a suicide. (No yaoi or pairings or anything.) With the destruction of Riku's body, Riku's mind had no where to go and... was lost to the void of.... nothingness. 0.o I'm weird. Riku is coming back. Saix is not.
1, 2, skip a few. 1,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. There, we're done. I hate repeated threads. *leaves to go and do something better*
Nycx visibly flinched, but she knelt down in front of Kasha. "What is it?!" she demanded. "Look here. I killed you, you're suppose to stay dead. Don't make these visits an everyday thing, okay?" OOC: XDDD. Nycx has to act nice toward spirits, or else they will come and eat her brains in her sleep!
But in the last few scenes, Cloud still was the one who killed Sephiroth, despite the fact the game centers on Zack.
Nycx knelt down and lifted Kasha's head so that they were staring into each other's eyes. "You would have made a wonderful Nobody, Kasha," she purred. "But you chose the wrong side. And the price to pay for that is death." The black spear was suddenly in Nycx's hands, glistening in the light. "The warrior of light, desetroyed by her own darkness. How fitting." A flash of black, the sound of something sharp entering something solid and wet, black blood rushing out to stain the Nobody's coat. Suddenly it was all finished. Nycx stood up, tasting blood in her mouth. Kasha's blood burned her, for it was filled with light. Still, it gave her energy and power. "We're finished," she said, speaking to Kasha's beheaded body. With that, she left, kicking Kasha's head aside. OOC: When there is death, I write it in black. Yes, I got permission to kill Kasha.
Saix intervened before Nycx could get carried away in her torture. "Kill her," he snapped. "She is a traitor to the Organization. We have no need for prisoners, Nobody prisoners to be exact. Nobodies can't feel, which means they can't feel misery." With that, he warped away, leaving Nycx to do her evil plans. -------- Nycx smirked and lifted her Rapier. Holding it next to Kasha's throat, she asked KuroJaki, "May I?"
"Hmph," was all Nycx said. Lifting her sword, she ran her palm down the sharp sides, cutting it. Blood dripped onto the crimson blade, and it started to glow. "The closest your are to the light, then the more powerful your darkness will be," she said, and sliced down with her sword. But instead of cutting Kasha, the sword went right through her, like it was a ghost. But when it emerged, blood coated its point. Black blood. "How about this!" Nycx yelled as she leapt back. The sword flashed red, and the blood on its point slipped off. It started to move. "Feel the pain of your darkness!" she screeched, and the blood rose up into a massive sword/ spear like weapon. With a snap of Nycx's fingers, the spear/ sword raced down the corridor, a mere smudge of crimson black. The point was levelled so that it would pierce Kasha's heart when it reached the unfortunate Nobody....
Oh geez. Oh gawd. That's cool. *tries to stop exaggerated nose-bleed*
Nycx smirked. "With pleasure," she said, and drew her Rapier. Cutting her wrist (EMO NYCX! XDDDDDD), she licked some of the Nobody blood off her skin, and energy seem to condense around her. "Hiiii-ya!" she shouted, and rushed at Kasha. At last second, she seemed to vanish, and she suddenly appeared behind Kasha. How? She teleported. "Take that you mutt!" she said, lashing out at Kasha.
"Older? HA! Nobodies can't age, fool!" she yelled after Kasha's fleeing form. Turning to Kry, she quickly explained the situation. "Saix attack Sora. Kasha protected Sora. I came and threatened Sora. Sora ran off with kids. Kasha ran off with them." Saix snorted at Nycx's simplistic language, rubbing the place where the Rapier had cut into his skin. Black liquid —the Nobody's replacement of blood— oozed out of it, but it stopped as soon as Saix covered the wound with his gloved hand. "Kasha is a traitor," he growled, and a scout of Berserkers rose up in front of him. "Go after the traitor and rip her to pieces." The Berserkers left the group of Nobodies without another word.
"I wouldn't advise that," Nycx hissed. Her Rapier swung out and pressed against Saix's throat. "Or else your dad is gonna go bye-bye." Saix regarded the situation with cold eyes. He didn't fear death, for he had learned that his Superior had practically done a suicide.
"I think not," Saix said, turning and grabbing Kasha by the throat. "If you kill me, then you kill Riku's body, killing Riku with me. Of course, Nycx can always bring me back." He twisted around and smashed Kasha into the wall. --------- Nycx watched this all, smirking. She glanced at the children. "Time to entertain them," she purred. Drawing her Rapier, she leapt down from the Rapiers and landed in front of the children. "Shain, kids, how nice to see you," she sneered.
Saix scowled. "I have enough of this," he growled. "I shall destroy the Keyblade master." Without another word, he drew his Keyblade and claymore, then vanished Nycx cackled, leaning against the wall. "To your doom," she said, examining her fingernails. ------------ Saix burst out of the portal and pinned Sora to the wall. "WHERE IS XEMNAS?!!!!" he hollered, spit flying into Sora's face.