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  1. ukali_rules
    OOC: Okay, I gotta quit this RP.
    First of all, too much school work. I can't keep up.
    Second of all, I barely know what's going on.
    Third of all, I'm banned from the computer by my parents.
    So, byebye people.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ukali_rules
    "That group. Run by Reharb. Ring any bells?!" Cyn practically shouted. Reaching into her pocket, she put the Golden Tiger Claws on again.
    "But, if you want to fight, then I don't mind."
    Without another word, Cyn lunged at him, slashing first with the claws, then bringing her massive 6 and 1/2 foot katana arond to stab him.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ukali_rules
    "Who am I? I work for Chase Young! Geez! I'm not that low in evil Heylin rank am I?! That totally bites!"
    Cyn started to rant about being low in rank and something else. When done, she turned and pointed her katana at him.
    "All right, I'm here on some scout mission. I gotta knock out some other Heylin guys that are threatening my boss. Know where they are?"
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ukali_rules
    OOC: What did I miss? >.<
    Cyn randomly popped out of a portal.

    "Hey guys! What did I miss?" she asked, looking around. Seeing the people, she instinctively drew her katana.

    "I'll ask only once. What did I miss?"


    "WHAT THE BEEPING HECK DID I MISS?!" she screamed.

    OOC: Beeping isn't replacing a bad word. Cyn is just saying it.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ukali_rules
    OOC: I gotta get off. It's like... 12-ish over here.
    Good night guys.

    I'll come back on and spice up the RP a little, once I catch a few hours of sleep.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ukali_rules
    Cyn frowned, but smirked.

    "I guess that's considered a K.O.," said the spy smugly. Opening another portal, she leapt through it.

    "Chase, I—"

    "Made the enemies flee, used my name as a type of power source, and flaunted your power without fear. How horrible," Chase said, sniffing arrogantly. Cyn stuttered and glared.

    "T—th— that wasn't my fault!" Cyn barked, outraged. Chase rolled his eyes. Mentally of course, because he would never debase himself by actually doing it.

    "No excuses. Go and guard the citadel," he ordered to the fuming spy, who walked away without another word.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ukali_rules
    "Oh really?" Cyn asked, tossing her hair. She did an awesome emo hair-flip. (OOC: I can do that! XD.) "What did you do. Beat him 15 centuries ago?" She drew her 6 and 1/2 foot katana, pointing it at Reharb.

    "Bring it, kid," she said with another smirk. "Cats, get 'em." The jungle cats stalked toward Reharb and her group, leaving Cyn to talk to the other group.

    "I'll go once I finish business," she explained without a hint of sorrow. She had landed on a Jackbot accidentally.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ukali_rules
    "Yo, you're the group I need to go and beat a little," said an annoyed feminine voice.

    Cyn leapt out of the portal she had opened two seconds ago, landing behind Reharb. She smirked and held out a hand, holding up two fingers. Her index and middle. She lowered her index to make an offense gesture.

    "Bring it, or do I have to walk over there and kill ya myself?" she asked arrogantly.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ukali_rules
    Clomp. Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.


    "Chase! Chase! Chase!"

    Said evil Heylin villain glanced up from his steaming cup of Lao Mang Long Soup, examing his raven haired spy with little interest. He was use to such interruptions such as this. Not even a frown crossed his face.

    "Swordhart, what is it?" he asked coldly and stoiclly. The young spy panted and leaned on her massive katana, which was strapped to her back.

    "Rival evil forces," she said, panting. "Run by some leader. They don't work together very well. We can dominate them with a little force." Chase Young smirked. His spy was often over exuburent, but she finished the job; despite the fact if she was bored, she could steal the shirt off your back without you noticing.

    "Take a group of my jungle cats. Destroy them," he said in his cold, clipped, nasal voice. Cyn smirked, showing prominent incisors.

    "With pleasure," she purred, and trotted off. A flash of gold, and the Shen Gong Wu —Golden Tiger Claws— sliced through the air, opening a portal. She slipped into it, closely followed by a scout of jungle cats.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ukali_rules

    Can I join as Chase Young?
    Name: Cyn Swordhart

    Gender: Female.

    Side: Evil.

    Age: 16.

    Hair: Black and straight. Goes down to her waist. Two raven feathers are braided in at the top.

    She got those raven feathers from ravens. The ravens come from a certain someone.... *shifty eyes*

    Eyes: Almond shaped. Ice blue.

    Yes, she is Asian.

    Weapon: 6 and 1/2 foot katana.

    Technically not a katana. But, hey, details. Who needs them?


    A dark blue almost grey coat that goes down to her knees. It is zipped in the front, but straps run over the zippers. It's short sleeved, and it has a red trim on the hem and the edge of the short sleeves. It's collar to the top of her neck.

    White shirt. It has a collar, and it's buttoned instead of zipped up. There is nothing really special about it.

    Black pants. They're somewhat like jeans, but made out of different material. They're somewhat tight up by her thighs and knees, but they flare down by her ankles.

    Black, elbow length gloves. No, they are not falconer gloves.

    Leather boots. Brown. No duh.

    Personality: Not at ALL calm. Think of a hyperactive ninja brat. Yeah. Now, add some sadism and malice, a lot of clean-freakiness for her clothing and self, and a bad temper. Well, that's all I can say.

    Job: Works for Chase Young. Maybe for more. *shifty eyes*

    Other: Chase and her don't get along. NO, they DO NOT like each other, so get that silly idea out of your head, okay?!!

    Saying "you are a Heylin-wannabe" to her is dangerous.

    Whenever she says, "You don't want to see my get serious," or, "That's it!" or, "I'll give you five seconds," start running. Like mad.
    Can we have a rule for everyone to attempt to use good grammar?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ukali_rules
    Heh, admiring his own work.


    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. ukali_rules
    "Kasha is on our side, the Organization is toddling around, and Nycx and Saix are dead..."

    Or am I?

    "DAMMIT! NYCX! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO STAY DEAD! NOT POP UP IN MY MIND!" Riku shouted aloud. He received funny stares.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ukali_rules
    The positives.

    The main character you're going to play is taller then shrimpy Sora! Yay!
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. ukali_rules
    Riku didn't bother with the "Polo" part. He ran and did a running glomp on Kasha, hugging her.
    "Are you okay? I hope Nycx didn't hurt you too much," he said, breaking away and checking Kasha's bloodstained form. "Your eyes... argh! She took your sight?! What a little...." He trailed off, cursing the Nobody vehemently.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ukali_rules
    No one knows what she is like. Okay?
    A theory is going around that she is Namine. I would so totally friggin buy THAT game if it were.
    Another rumor is Riku's girlfriend. I would totally drop Kingdom Hearts if it was.
    Anyway. No one really knows. I'm going along the theory it connects to Xemnas or something. Perhaps it's the Nobody that started the entire traitor/ revolution thing, before she got killed. Then Marluxia took it up the idea.
    No one knows. That's why everyone wants to buy that game to find out.
    I think her power might deal with memory.
    DANGIT! I hope it's Namine! She SOOOOOO deserves to be part of the Organization.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. ukali_rules
    Riku sat up. Ow, his head hurt.

    Examing himself, Riku saw he was dressed in the usual Organization clothing. Frowning, he stood up and dusted himself off. His old clothing was nowhere in sight.

    "They're gone," he said with a sigh of relief, sensing no Nycx or Saix taint around him. Lifting his hand, he summoned his Keyblade. No darkness or anything. He smiled in relief. Now, time to go and see his friends and children.

    "Sora! Where are you??!" he yelled.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ukali_rules
    Hair has to be flatter. I think it has to do a little with face structure and body shape. Riku is more... tall and slim compared to ol' Marly.

    Anyway. Good job!
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. ukali_rules
    Nice santa hat.

    Anyway. You're lucky you got some KH stuff. Yes, you probably went overboard compared to some of us, but don't feel so down! Lots of us would kill for a collection like yours!

    That does not include me.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. ukali_rules
    DS has a pretty good sound system. So I think they can pull off a voice actor.
    Songs too. I've heard some DS games have pretty wicked songs.
    I think some of the FF games for DS have voice actors, so why can't KH?
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. ukali_rules
    Nycx stuttered and gaped. She felt the air rushing out of her, and... the dripping of blood on cloth and ground. She reached down and...

    felt her hand brush against her internal organs and come out the other side, going through her back. Kasha had rammed straight through her!

    Spinning around, Nycx lurched toward Kasha. Blood dribbled down her wound, and she was dying with every second that passed, but she didn't care. She had one last thing to do.

    "FEEL MY PAIN!" she screamed, and a massive wave of crimson ran down from head to toe, and she exploded, blowing up everything into a 50 foot radius around her.

    OOC: 0.o
    I'm still in the Rp. Just gotta think on what to do.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Sep 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home