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  1. .Kairi.
    I've been a fan of KH since 2006, after my friend showed me the game.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 26, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. .Kairi.
    Panic at the Disco is okay, but all thier songs sound the same to me.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Music
  3. .Kairi.

    This has really improved from your first few! There are just a few little things to fix. The left shoulder would be foward some more, and just round off the top a bit. The left hand is the wrong way around, the thumb should be in front. Also make sure that the upper arm is the same length as the lower arm. The lines that show where her behind is are a bit crooked, rotate them slightly to the right and center them. Also, don't curve them around so much towards where her leg is, they would start to straighten out around where her leg begins.

    On the other hand, you drew the head very well, and I can see alot more shading. You also drew this angle well, keep practicing it!
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. .Kairi.
    The shoulders do slope a bit too much, bring them up slightly. It would help alot to draw her face and hair from a picture of her as a referance. Spikey hair is tricky to draw, so try to loosen it up a little and closely follow how it's drawn here. The same goes for the face. This is the best picture of her I can find that fits the style you've drawn her:

    Otherwise it looks good, keep it up =]
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. .Kairi.
    Ooh, it's cute! She doesn't have any eyebrows like darkcloud pointed out, maybe add those in, and move her left arm out so we can see it more. The left zipper on her dress is missing as well. The coloring looks great though, very nice =]
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. .Kairi.
    It's because the Org. didn't have Namine mess around with his memories.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. .Kairi.
    Wow, it's very good! The coloring looks great, and I like the expressions on thier faces ^^ And I agree with cocohints, there is alot of shine in leather. More highlights can fix some of that.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. .Kairi.
    The proportions are off, especially around the upper body. The neck is too wide, and the shoulders don't curve downwards enough. Try making the neck smaller and shorter, and sloping the shoulders down. The necklaces should curve around the neck more, so they don't look as flat. The arms are very off, they end too small. After sloping the shoulders, bring in the arms slightly. They are also too straight, curve them more in the upper arm area, and the lower parts. The wrists are too wide, and the hands look squeezed in. It really doesn't matter if the hands fit in or not, just make sure the arms are much smaller near the wrist. It looks like there is also a sleeve missing, draw the other in. The ears are too high up, bring them down and make sure they are in line with eachother. The hair is too stiff, you need to loosen it up alot. Add more sections of hair, and don't keep than all on one line, make some parts longer and some shorter. Keep working on your proportions and evening out everything, it will improve your drawings.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. .Kairi.
    The eyes do look a bit too close together, and the nose can be centered more. You have the guidelines there, so use them to center and fix the eyes and nose. Try making the motuh stand out more, it's a bit hard to see. The ear can be brought in some more, so it's doesn't look too far out. When shading in hair, make sure all the lines you draw go in the same direction, in this case you want them going down. Also continue shading in the right side of the hair. The neck area seems a bit messy, blend the shading of the shadows there and erase the extra lines.Try coloring in the neckline of the clothing some more as well. Once you're finished, completely erase the guidelines on the face and the extra lines around the head, to clean it up a bit. Otherwise it looks fine, keep it up!
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. .Kairi.
    Try setting your scanner to a different resolution, then it might pick up more of the shading and such.

    This one's improved from the first. You have the right idea for the shoulders, but they can be a bit larger. The cast also looks a little too big, making it smaller would look better. The right shoulder need to be brought up a little, in line with where the strap of her shirt is. Make sure that the curve of her hips are even, and one isn't bigger than the other. Maybe next time she can have a head...?
    Her eyes seem too far from eachother,bring them in some more. The shoulders can be wider here as well, and try not to make them as sloped downwards. The arms are a bit too skinny, making them larger would help there. Also make sure that the arms are the same length, the right arm seems longer than the left. The left hand is a bit too stiff, losen it up, give it more of a relaxed look. The revolver can be made a bit smaller, so more of the right hand can be shown. The hips are a bit uneven here, make sure they start at the same spot and curve out evenly. Turning out the legs slightly would make them look more natural, and making the shoe larger near the ankle would even out that.

    I hop this isn't more CnC than you wanted :unsure:
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. .Kairi.


    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. .Kairi.
    This one's not bad at all, there are some proportions that can be fixed though. Her upper body could be straightened out more, you can still keep it bent sideways, just bring it up a small amount. It doesn't look like she has much of a neck, try extending it out. Her right shoulder is too pointy and small, bring it out some more and round it off. The right hand looks very stiff and flat. It would help to hold your hand the way you want it to look and draw from that, so it creates a more natural look. OnThe top of her other hand can be made smaller so it doesn't look too big as well. Her legs should be slightly smaller towards the top to stay in line with the rest of her leg.

    This drawing is very flat, shading would add so much to it. You seem to have started some shading on her head, continue it down the side there. Her arms are too skinny, make them larger to fit with the body. The shoulders can also be wider to fit as well. The hand thats holding the pipe looks turned in awkwardly, it would be the other way around, with the thumb and fingers showing. Her legs are turned in too much, bring them out more. The right ankle looks bunched up, straighten it out to fit the line of the leg.

    The shoulders can be wider, and the arms larger. The elbow is too high on the left arm- normally the upper arm is about the same length as the lower arm leading toward the wrist. You can also make the grip of her hand smaller so it looks tighter. The other arm is too stiff and straight, bring it in closer to the body, let it bend a little at the elbow and the wrist. You can also make this hand longer and not as curved in. The legs are once again almost too turned in, bring them out slightly. Also watch out for bunching up the ankle area. This also is very flat, add shading and such to it to fix that.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. .Kairi.
    For school I wake up at 6:30. On weekends it depends, usually I'm awake around 9 or 10.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. .Kairi.
    It was probably because he was more interested in finishing off the Org. than wondering why there were 8 members instead of 13 xD
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. .Kairi.
    It could be seen in different ways, IMO it's more of an expression Axel would use.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. .Kairi.
    I couldn't believe this when I first heard. He was a decent actor as well imo... My best goes out to his family and such.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  17. .Kairi.

    Hi, . . .

    Hey, welcome to the forum! Post lots and have fun =]
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. .Kairi.
    It looks good so far. The only things I can see are perhaps making his head bigger to even out the proportions, and making his neck thinner. Also try making the eyes and facial features slightly darker so they stand out more. Otherwise you colored it well and everything blends together, keep up the good work ^^
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. .Kairi.
    The proportions are way off, her head and shoulder area is much too big for the lower body. You can either increase the size of the lower body, or make the head and shoulders smaller. The shoulders are also too square shaped, they should slope down. Her neck could be longer, and her arms should be smaller as they get closer to the wrist. Her ears are very awkwardly placed, they're too high up and too small. The face is too spaced out, the eyes should be much smaller and the nose and mouth larger. The hair is really a mess. The way it's been colored is so streaky and looks scribbled in. When drawing things like this, keep the hair uncolored, or try smudge shading it in for a less streaky look to it. The shading on the sides of the shirt is also streaky, try smudge shading that as well.
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 21, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. .Kairi.


    Welcome to the forum! Post lots and have fun =]
    Post by: .Kairi., Jan 21, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures