This one isn't the multiplayer game, but you do play as different characters with different storylines.
The proportions are very off. If you want to keep the arms that size, bring out the shoulders some more, and make the hands much larger. The neck should be much wider. The ears are too close to the end of the head, and they are too big. Make sure they are the same size and shape and higher on the side of the head. The hair does not look like it's shaped right, find a good referance picture of the character and draw from that. The chest should be larger and wider to fit in proportion with the arms. The face need s alot of work. The eyes are uneven, make them in line with eachother. Bring the eyebrow down and don't curve it up so much, think more of up slightly and over. The nose shouldnt be shaped like a triangle, it should be one line that shows where it is. Make the mouth even as well and slightly smaller. When drawing the definition of areas like the collarbone, a line does not look good. Use a lighter line and shading to show those area. The shading on the clothing can be blended somewhat and added more to the lower body area. Keep working on it, and practice proportions, then it will improve.Referance pictures help so much, use them too.
^That's just about it.^ Axel was working against all the members in the castle, and didn't want the other Org. members to get involved.
I thought in this game you play as the Org...? But there's always that possiblity. Anyways I think it'll be either Riku or Sora.
Yes this pic does look like a shop.
'Select continous regions' is on the main GIMP window, on the top row next to the 'Select hand drawn regions' tool, which looks like a lasso. Or on the image window you can go to Tools>Selection tools>Fuzzy select.
Not bad at all, the coloring is nice and you drew it very well. The eyes seem a bit too spaced out, next time bring them closer slightly. The face also looks a little too wide, next time work on that. Otherwise it's very good for a first attempt, keep it up =]
Welcome to the forum! Read the rules, post lots and have fun.
You can play as all 3, since there are 3 storylines to follow.
I agree, it's just going to get worse if they don't stop. Now I'm waiting to see what happens...
It's because of the way it uploaded on Imageshack, I'll try to fix that. Paste the picture into a new layer, then use the 'Select continuous regions' tool and click on an area of it. Once the area is selected, then go to Tools>Color tools>Colorize, and adjust the hues and such until you get the color you want. You can also change the size of the area you want colored by adjusting the 'Threshold' bar on the selection tool. I dont really know what you mean...
Is this what you wanted?
Yes but she wasn't doing anything crazy when these people were there.
Hey, welcome to the forum! Read the rules, stay active and have fun :D
My favorite form outfit is Valor.
Because it isn't off. Why don't I have a cookie?
Roxas should have spikier hair. The eyes should be about the same size, try to keep them as close looking as possible. The line going downwards on him, is that a belt? If it is, it's pointed down too much, bring it up and make it an even height. Even chibis should have human-like proportions, so make sure everything is the right size for the head and such. The girl chibi's hair is messy and stiff, and since her hair looks liek it should beover her eyebrows, don't draw them in. The proportions on this one are better, try bringing out her elbows to the side some more, and make sure she isn't leaning to the side, or crooked. Also make sure that the facial features are even as well. You have a good start. Next time try drawing it on paper, since drawing on a computer can be tricky, and this picture is a bit messy.
The worst book I've had to read was Johnny Tremain. It moved so slowly and was soo boring, and the movie was worse =/
Probably, since everything is connected in some way.
CoM was a bit of a challenge for me, but KH and CoM used different fighting systems, it depends on which you prefer.