I agree with removing the censors, if you can't take seeing words like that you shouldn't be on the internet.
Well they're not the first people to suffer from game addiction. It's stupid that they let games take over thier lives anyway.
His hair and the proportions need some work. He has too much hair on the right side, try to make it match the other side. The rgiht arm is too bulky at the top, slim it down, and make the shoulder slightly smaller. His body could be bigger though, he looks too small for a man. The thumb could be bent some more towards the cookie, like he was holding it tighter, if you know what I mean. Just remember to keep the body sizes in check with the head and make sure to follow male proportions. Overall, it's a nice idea and cute picture, keep practicing!
It's not crappy at all! I love the style you used to draw this, very eye-catching. Just do what cocohints said, bring out his shoulders more, they slope down too much and look too small.
Welcome to KHV! Post lots and have fun =]
What do you mean by bar pictures? Are you thinking of banners to put in your sig? Please try to be specific.
Valor is my favorite, it's fast, and dual wielding, and it's also useful in boss battles.
I have, but don't remember how many there were going up and down.
There are so many idiots in my school. One of them made the whole school get in trouble with the administration and police, it was ridiculous.
He can have alot more hair added on, try using a referance picture from the manga to follow as you draw. The shoulders should be larger, and watch how much you make them slope down. Remember to follow male proportions, don't make his body too thin or small.
The Heartless is so cute! I love it <33 Sora has a good start, but he could be thinner around his waist, and his face could be trimmed down as well. His hair can be tricky to draw, try finding a picture of it in the manga and following from that. Otherwise, it's very good for your first time drawing him, keep practicing on it!
I see parents who just don't seem to care what their kids do or how they act. Stress on the parents can cause then to make wrong decisions when raising a child. And there really is too much pressure on kids nowadays, the stress can cause them to misbehave when given the chance. IMO it mostly depends on the kid themself, because in the end they makie their own decisions, no one else does.
I hope I don't sound too harsh, but it needs so much fixing and is so off proportion wise it's really not worth giving too much Cnc. It's very flat, practice with shading too. Also watch how you draw the legs, don't turn them out too much. The shoulders slope too much, and the arms are too long. Watch how you draw the face as well. Use proportion referances and pictures of Riona to help you, and practice drawing her. Keep working on it though!
It's under the KH 1 section as 'Another Side, Another Story'. http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=khcutv3 It's the last one on the page.
You can buy card packs at Moogle shops, or find them randomly in treasure chests. Its like ICSP said, once you unlock the original, you will get more eventually.
They're not bad, just a few proportions to fix. On the picture of Ariel, you need to make the right side of her face much smaller. Bring down the curve of where her cheek is, and straighten it slightly. Also make her right eye smaller, since it's on the side of her face thats farther away. The line of her nose wouldn't curve out as you get closer to the forwhead, it would curve inward. Her lips are a bit too thin, bring them out and lighten the lines there. Also bring her right shoulder in and make it smaller, since it's on the far side of her body. The drawing of Sora looks good, maybe make his mouth longer and the crwon on his necklace larger. Be careful of how you draw the muscle bumps in his arm, don't make it too big. Kairi's head and neck area is off proportion wise. Her head should be much larger, and her hair should be smaller height wise- bring it down closer to the head. Her neck should be thinner as well. And the line you have drawn for the nose looks like its going in the wrong direction, maybe make it curve out toward the left side of her face. Her tie is a bit too stiff, you have the 'folds' in the rest of her clothing, loosen up on the tie area. Little Kairi looks good, just make sure the front of her dress isn't too flat. Rikku's body looks fine, her face needs some work. Her eyes are a bit too high up, bring them down to around where the top of her nose is. Also make her eyes and nose a bit smaller, and maybe make her nose curve in some more. Bring the right side of neck in more to the head. And maybe add some more hair on the top and right sides of her head. Overall they're a bit too flat, add some shading to them. That is really good for your first painting! Keep painting, I'd like to more of your artwork =]
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Hey, welcome to the forum! Read the rules, post lots and enjoy yourself =] To download the video clips, there should be a link near the name of the clip that takes to a another website, I think it's called Filefront, then you click download on there.
You need to work on the proportions and the shapes of the body parts in most of them. For example, the arm is too small for the rest of her body in the first picture. Also work on making them less stiff, don't be afraid to loosen up on areas like the hair and clothing. Otherwise, you have these colored very well. And I really like the drawings of Rikku and Donald, they look great.
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