Ah, Gyakuten Kenji. Seemingly the only DS game that I can't wait to be released. I'm bloody thrilled that Capcom are releasing this in English, even if we have to wait quite a few months after Japan gets it(It was to get a JP release next month, if I recall). I did wonder what happened to the whole idea of GS5 though.
Hey there. I'm okay, and you?
Oh hell fucking yes do want. I'll buy it even if it doesn't have dante and virgil. The online play is more than enough reason to pick it up.
Why's that? :/
Playing guitar fast=/=Playing guitar with talent If theres anyone in studioforce that deserves credit, it's the drummer. He can play seven full minutes without ever going out of time. Have you ever seen studioforce live? Because I can guarantee that if you did, you wouldn't be complimenting them in the slightest. Boi lemme show you how enhancement pedal work
But if you can find a better internet ad than this, I will award you a medal.
It was okay, it was just strange how the plot line changed right at the end, it didn't really make sense. Wasn't bad though.
Ah xD; Funny, I went to the movies earlier myself. Went to see "The Uninvited".
Why, something wrong?
I'm okay, been tied up for the last few weeks though. And you?
Hey there. [=
I love you guys so much.
Start something was sick. On topic: How do I shot web
I'm not a complete moron? Thanks. Appreciate it.
You're more of an idiot than I took you credit for. Give yourself a pat on the back for that. If you're mentally capable, that is.
Someone help by telling me why we even bothered to move servers in the first place.
I love how you can't even add suffixes correctly. I'm so convinced.
I don't have to be magic to have a considerably higher IQ than you do.
No. Funny actually, you also actually remind me of a guy named Christian. He's an idiot.
I can see that very clearly.