I love action replay too.
I'm still pondering on whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
You certainly do.
http://www.zshare.net/audio/595081663cddafb9/ Decided to get off my ass and work on a new song. Listen and give feedback gogogogogo.
Nostalgia bomb imminent.
Not even falcon punches can stop me.
A place where I stopped having a life.
Coughs and sneezes spread diseases.
What a pleasant thread.
Your sig is fucking wonderful.
Yeah, because taking an overdose of prescribed medication is such a painstakingly difficult and intricate process. Figuratively, suicide is the easy way out. With Suicide, you simply take yourself out of the picture of your problems, instead of solving them. There are no ins and outs to it. Those who commit suicide are effectively released from any constraints put onto them. In it's literal sense, suicide may be a difficult way out, but that entirely depends on how you carry it out.
There was once some guy named Tyler Who had an unhealthy obsession for the game metal slug who discovered the internet at what, 9 or ten years old? So yeah then he joined some random gm forums because he wanted to learn how to make fangames after this he proceeded to make 3 sonic fangames, all of which were a pile of shit so after that he became some mod for a sonic forum, which eventually died due to obscene noob raids and the fact that the majority of the staff was corrupt after that he stopped going to forums altogether and actually had a life for a few months and grew his hair and started listening to death metal then on christmas day, instead of spending time with family like you're supposed to, he joined kh-vids. He is now writing this message instead of revising, like he's supposed to.
Another Mission accomplished.
Mission accomplished.
You know the drill, fellas. Duck and cover.
Something I made a looooong time ago for a canceled fangame project. Meant to be viewed in black, but whatever. Thoughts?