This sentence was blissfully misleading.
I leave for only a month and you're already premium. DOESN'T TIME WHISK ON BY
OHaiThar [=
Well, I wont be buying this at any point.>PHILIPS+HEADPHONES.htm I have these and they're utterly delicious.
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I am so in on this.
Funny, either I don't remember watching this, or I've never watched it before in my life, which is strange considering I loved playing Earthworm Jim as a kid. o: EDIT: WAIT WAIT WAIT I THINK I REMEMBER IT NOW. ...Though briefly. I think I watched a few episodes before it stopped airing. I'll have to look into this again now, just so I can satisfy my curiosity.
I swear to god I almost mistook this as a trolling attempt. >:
Because it's the first thing ever to both scare me shitless and induce feelings of insecurity over 6 times in one sitting. Bravo.
hey look, it's a thread.
To be honest I don't like anything that goes into the mainstream, I mean none of it is ever truly original. You might get the one-off R&B or rock...
I want to shag this profile.
Yet Riku Lover had the amazing ability to sprout back to life after 2 days of her death being announced. Maybe KH-Vids is secretly another one of the X-Mansions.
Lul. Went to Colchester zoo on saturday. Saw some pretty awesome stuff. Spoiler And also some pretty cool inanimate stuff. Such as this elephant statue. My two other friends had about 3 tries getting on this thing. It took me less than five seconds to get on it. xD Spoiler Then when one of them finally got onto it, they didn't want to get off it. :v EDIT: Yes, to prevent any further confusion I would like to announce that my eyes are nonexistent until further notice.
So kawaii.
Glad to hear it.
xD It's the first time I'm going, so I dunno what it's like. And I was planning to, hence me bringing the potato chips in the first place. :D
Your user title is the biggest amount of genius I've seen all day. Have a pat on the back.
Ahahahahaha. I doubt I can have about 13 cups of coffee between one given hour like he does, worth a try though. :'D Funny, I was thinking of...
Oh bloody hell taking tea away from me is like trying to get a cat to voluntarily do water-sports. I have tea almost every day. Minimum amount...