I also remember that you happen to be a pet rodent of mine.
So is wine. Wine is good.
The hottest guy on the site. Unfortunately, i don't think you can get handcuffed with yourself. D:
I love ferrets. Even if they do slaughter blond men.
Try Honesty- Billy Talent
Try Honesty by Billy Talent is impossible to get out of your head.
Whispers in the Dark is just eargasmic. Rebirthing is pretty epic as well.
Rise Up- Blessthefall
9 *disappears into mist*
You whore! XD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNZzJELbFRI Hax.
Remember, remember, the fifth of November...
Mr Mackey. mmkay?
You're right. You're Big Man. XD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaoy1QKxGQs&NR=1 lawl
You children have sick little minds. Unless you don't have minds and these ideas just float around in your heads. XD
Sig 1: 5/10 Sig 2: 4/10 Avvy: 6.5/10 sorriz. I ish not = bleach fan
Pieces Mended-The Used
I remembewr you said you spent your day6 on an island. I asked which one, amd you said England. Made it sound nore interesting. XD
I be here. Not for long though. Maybe a few more seconds.