White Butterfly- InMe Which just finished... One- Metallica
That made me lawl. XD
This Photograph Is Proof (I Know You Know)- Taking Back Sunday
A Boy Brushed Red...Living in Black and White- Underoath Can you feel your heartbeat racing? Can you taste the fear in her sweat? We've done this wrong we're too far gone These sheets tell of regret I admit that I'm just a fool for you I'm just a fool for you Here is where we both go wrong Tonight's your last chance to do exactly what you want to And this could be my night This is what makes me feel alive Makes you feel alive Here is where we both go wrong So tie me up and toss this key 'Cause for now we're living In this moment that we both ignore the truth It's all over! It's all over! I feel your heart against mine So take a breath and close your eyes, eyes (CHORUS) Your lungs have failed and they've both stopped breathing My heart is dead and it's way past beating Something has gone terribly wrong I'm scared, you're scared, we're scared of this I never thought we'd make it out alive I never told you but it's all in your goodbyes It's all in your goodbyes Well, look who's dying now slit wrists for sleeping with the girl next door I always knew you were such a sucker for that It doesn't matter what you say You never mattered anyway I never mattered anyway In this moment that we both ignore the truth It's all over It's all over I feel your heart rubbing against mine So take a breath and close your eyes, eyes (CHORUS) Don't shake, I hate to see you tremble tremble like you've lost your touch haven't you? I'm so addicted So addicted (CHORUS) (CHORUS)
This Flesh A Tomb- Atreyu
When I was younger, I was a real ****wit. I smoked ciggies, and did some drugs as well. I worked hard on both addictions, and quitting smoking isn't easy. I got a few headaches when I didn't have one, and i constantly felt desperate for one. But I managed to quit. I'm not planning on going down that road again. Also, as a side note, as long as you brush your teeth well, your teeth won't get that yellow. Not much more than a normal person anyway.
YES, I did. DX you logged out 5 minutes before i logged on :(
I agree with most bpeople saying they are against it. Child locks are good for cars with CHILDREN in them. However, I dont think taxi drivers should have them. @Momo: In the episode, there is this guy who goes ariund like a regular cabbie. However, when fares enter his car, he locks the back doors so they can't get out. Then, when the radio is set to a certain station, carbon monoxide is released into the back of the car. He then carves things into the people's neck, then drops them out of his car while drivind. I don't like the idea of anyone being able to lock me in anywhere, much less with a stranger. This could be a major problem in places like my hometown, Bogota, Colombia, or other places where there are messed up people running around. Yeah yeah, safety and all that, and fare jumpers, but i think the bad things outweigh the good.
Theres a button? *brain malfunctions* I really am a loser.
I recently saw the CSI: New York episodes about the cabbie killer, and it got me to thinking. Should taxi cabs have the ability to lock all doors? I know it's a million times more likely that you'll want to jump out of the cab to jump the fare rather than having a psycopathic driver, but still, it twitches my brain. What do you think?
How are you doing today, child? XDD
Jesus, woman. I read your reply and didn't remember what one of the comments was about. I had to look through like 10 pages to see my message....
Banned for (possibly) inflicting any kind of self inflicted wound on rabbit.
Penis? fillerz
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/demented The most wasted half hour of your life. *Left hook to uppercut*
*Uses diced body parts to form Mr. Weight and crushes you. Then send kamikaze watermelon being ridden by 5 million blahs at you. Once the blahs say blah and destroy everyone, the kamikaze watermelon will make it's signature song and cover your corpse with overripe mushy liquidy watermelon.* Skillz
*Slices return buddy up with chainsaw*
*shockz w/ sockz* boo
That was awesome XD
Thats not very nice. *pokes with twig repeatedly*