It makes me feel like my mind was raped.
Avvy: 6/10 Sig1:10/10 Sig2: 9/10
Rebmob humped a monkey. Cheese is the new frontier. Chiuauas are great lovers. My cat got so stoned it came at me with a knife. My left ass cheek is the new president of the United states. I got beat up by a snail.
Mosaic- InMe
All These Things I Hate (Revovle Around Me)- Bullet for My Valentine
I've never heard of it, but I'm sure It's Chupacabra. In Spanish, Chupa is to suck, and cabra means goat. I have never heard of the word Chubla, so I think its Chupacabra. Anyway, that stuff on the chupacabra is freaky. I don't think it's a ghost though.
Umm, off topic much. Repliku will flip if he sees this. 'Smoking is great. It feels great. I don't give a **** what it does to me.' Thats the range of a teenagers thought's on smoking. Because of this, it's pretty hard to end a problem before it starts with kids. I have had personal experience with smoking, and yes it is addictive. But it definitely does not affect you in the all the ways listed by kingdomheartsgirl. I dated plenty while I smoked.
Violated. *Shudders*
Banned for giving a less evolved species of ape a glock.
With This Knife- Smile Empty Soul
NEWSFLASH: Writers all over the world rejoice as they discover a major advancement in literacy. It is known as the period/full stop. Seriously.
Eggs, huh? You'll fit right in XD I'm going to go with the old 'Read the rules and spam only in the spamzone' thing. And, as usual, if you have any questions, you can pm me. I'll see you around, pepper.
'OMFGWTFBBQROXXORZMYBOXXORZ DEEZ GUYS IZ SO EMO THEY SUKZ THERE SO GAI' If that's what you're going to post, just leave. I haven't listened to them too long. I found out about them after I bought a Taking Back Sunday Alsum. There was a bonus Victory Records Sampler CD and there was a song on there by them. I love what I've heard so far, my faves are Ohio is For Lovers and Dead in the Water. So without further ado, I give you: Hawthorne Heights ~
Banned because you live to eat.
Comatose- Skillet A Boy Brushed Red... Living in Black and White- Underoath Taste of Ink-The Used Ohio is for Lovers- Hawthorne Heights Paint Your Target- Fightstar OWNT
Its still 'Taste of Ink' by the Used. But now.... Steady As She Goes- The Raconteurs
Timberwolves at New Jersey- Taking Back Sunday Just do it.
Taste of Ink- The Used Epic song.
Which witch is witch *****?
Banned because your name implies you are an insect with a glowing ass.