Ohio Is For Lovers- Hawthorne Heights Epic song. Nuff said.
Yet another Calling thread. I made one a while ago, so chances are this will be closed. These guys are awesome.
Thats a good point. If I knew (or believed, by the feeling/vibes from the room/person) it would be something terrible, i would choose the good news first. Normally, i go bade news. My kind of personality XD
Word. PUTA
Craig doesnt sound the same as in blessthefall. In a way, this new voice suits ETF better than the one he had in BTF, but yes, I see what you mean. As for the looks, I pesonally think he looks a lot better. In BTF, he was into tight turtlenecks and that long strand of hair across his faCE. I began to compare the closeness in appearance of genders Marylin Manson came into my head. XDDDDD
MCR personally is the better band.. so..... WAYWAYWAY
yola. happy halloween! <sorry about inactivity, i was at a beach. And it was quite tropicalXD>
Simple: You lean forward a tiny bit to much while going over the wake, you get water over the top of the board and the speed of the boat drags it under, making you flip. Subsequently making your feet follow your head over. Mmkay?
GAH! //fillerz//
I'm sorry... Did you just call Aussies smart? *gigglesnort*
Word, brother.
Meh ninja skillz iz teh epic powerz ov teh dodge! *dodges slap* you iz owned!
I fail to see my name on that list XD
If you're a whale, how could a mere harpoon penetrate that top quality blubber? J/K <Please dont hate me XD>