Hahaha thanks ^.^
I really like your profile by the way :D nice colour choices! and background image is nice sophisticated ^.^ I did mine blindly lol XD
yeah you seem really awesome! :D And yeah I would love to be friends ^.^
Don't Forget - Demi Lovato oh yeah :roll:
Hello, and why thank you :D as you do to :)
OMG! Congrats!!! :D So lucky it pays 100% for two years O.O But... CONGRATS! *throws conffetti in the air* :D
I like it, and don't worry, am a MASSIVE newb at photoshop, I only started using it yesterday lol XD my friend is HEAPS AWESOME lol >.<
Wow they are really good!!! :D Sora, Donald and Goofy little cartoon ones are so adorable :D
ROFL!!! that is so awesome XD
nah 6 different anime forums
Why yes Muse and Radiohead! :D how could I forget?! :D
Lol I have never made something like this... so I am just having a go Lol XD FAIL! XD
It's cold here... hardly sun, but no rain, but I love winter haha :D
Ava: 7.5/10 Sig: 9/10
Lol I love it! XD
To me, smoking is more damaging, more addictive, damages your lungs, which can effect of course your breathing, and there is over 40, 000 chemicals in a ciggerett (not exaggerating) Just look up at Sorax13_Roxas13_92 post... But yeah thats my opinion, and yeah Drinking is bad as well, it damages heaps, but it is a slow process, unless you drink religiously 24/7 o.o
Evanescence Nightwish Within Temptation Paramore Hey Monday No Doubt The Donnas (All girl pop/rock band) well their all I can think of now lol XD and their the ones I mainly listen to XD
Wow it is =\ oh well if I need it, I may as well sacrifice the little amount of money I have >.< Lol thanks :D Oh really? awesome :D thanks! Looking at the prices, my head is spinning =\ But thanks! I shall try and learn to save up =\ Thanks! :D Well atleast it isn't expensive, and I shall have a look. Oh and this is what I want to do for a hobby, doing video editing, not just AMVs, so thanks so much! :D I am just tierd of using WMM its boring, so thanks, I shall try Vegas :D Awesome thanks! :D AND WHOA! $400 o.o I need a job.... Well thanks muchly ^.^ Thanks EVERYONE whom posted on this thread for me, Everyone has been a MASSIVE HELP!!! :D
Lol that was heaps good =]
Howdy :D hope you have fun! ^.^