Itunes is annoying, sometimes it does not let me put CDs on, and it totally deleted all of my friends music and videos, so she had to put them all back on again XD it happend like 3 times
I get mad easy =\
Anime (ALL) & Mark Watson <3 My favourite Comedian ^.^
I am a newb, but I tend to post a lot :)
yeah they can, they change physically and mently. They change how they react to people and treat people and of course change looks.
Nah, but may as well keep it in the places that its already leagalized. We, here in Australia, there is a place where they hold a Mardi Grass Marijuana festival lol XD
God, My family (mum, dad, brother), my best friend, and those who want to help me and make me feel good about myself, I can easily get depressed, so I love those who make me feel good :)
I perfer posting on other's Threads but will occasionally make my own Threads. :)
nope I would hate it, unless or the people I love are immortale, I would hate to see everyone I love die, and then I am left alone O.O
I enjoy anime, and YAY popeye lol I am not a fan of much American animation...
I know exactly how you feel -___- the same thing is happening to me! This is the 3rd time this has happend to me!
OMG this is so awesome!!!!! I love this song (YAY DEMI ^.^) and this video is so awesome!!! :D kinda made my head spin, but its so awesome!!!
hahaha yeah schoolio, I am home now :D
Lol sorry >.<
meat... veggies... junkfood Lol... fruit :D
Good point, but in my opinion, it makes you artificial, and also it can chage a person dramatically. Its my opinion. Also Plastic surgery is good in my books if it is for a medical reason.
Those are heaps good! hahaha awww House ^.^ FMA ones are super awesome :)
Lol if my mum looked at the content and I was only 10 year old, she would go belistic! LOL I am not allowed to watch R (Aus classification, not American) and and I am only a year off >.< (okay that is different.... hahaha xD)
just little foods :P get them at chinese resturants
nah I haven't with the character, I am at school >.<