Ava: 10/10 Sig: 9/10 I love them! :D
Hahaha I don't mind, oh mad you'r English, I am half English :) I am moving to England when I finish school :D
I love to travle :D do yo?
Destroy them with fire, LOTS AND LOTS OF FIRE!!! You are about to be crushed by a massive Kermit the frog, what would you do?
ha meh, its okay, I think maybe other people from other countries may appreciate the beauty more, I have lived here my whole life so I am use to...
Larxene and Kairi (always been a Kairi fan :D)
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland (yes that is the real title) I just love it! I read it over and over again! Dracula I love the novel and vampires :D Just After Sunset - Stephen King I love Stephen King! and this is a great book! He is one of my favourite writer's!
Child: Pokemon Cards Now: Band shirts, anime dvds, anime figurens, Tim Burton movies, Overseas money, pandas, badges.... =\ I thinks thats it? I'll probs think of more?
yeps I agree, fangirls, they are trying to rule the world by makeing every bestguyfriends into a gay relationship. o.o
:O Wowza :O
Lmao actually now that I think (other than his hair -_-) Demyx is pretty good looking Oh yeah Merman form ;)
......Lmao XD
In Order for me :P 1. Sora (he got even hotter ;D) 2. Roxas 3. Riku (also he got even hotter) 4. Cloud (*drools*)
This is going to be awesome!!! Tim Burton is my hero! my insperation to become a director like him! I have 2 bio books of him, his art work book of "the melencholy of Oster boy" Poster and heaps of other stuff, and all his dvds! I am so looking forward to it and his version of Alice In Wonderland :D
Pretty sure its an emotion, but good question.
Hey! Welcome ^.^ have fun :D
white hahaha
A nice person, whom we end up always posting on the sam threads lol :)
hahaha yeah :)
Yeah that was like me when my Grannana died, I wasn't crying, I was silent, but also I was sad on the inside, but I didn't know her that well, plus I was 8 I hope you guys get better :(