No and I miss it! we gave it away D: I was the only one who played it! well I mostly only played the sonic games XD Mannnn I miss it, you guys are lucky that your parents didn't give it away >.>
Ava: 9/10 Sig: 7/10 :D I love the ava heaps!
Yes, I love Super Smash Bros.! I like the one on Nintendo 64 better than the WII but I do love them both! :D And it would be awesome if it did come onto DS ^.^
thats creepy o.o the most I have been creeped out is when someone rang me and said: Caller: "What are you wearing?" me: "what?" Caller: "Are you outside?" Me: "uhhh no.... who are you?" Caller: "Isn't this Kelly?" Me: "uhhh no." Caller: "oh sorry wrong number" that was creepy o.o
I have gone off Pokemon abit I miss the old Pokemon, I don't really know who these new people are? But if its good, then I may consider it, if it comes to Australia XD
I dunno if this is in the right "thread forum" or not? but I would just like to ask... Did anyone get any weird glitches playing KH 1? I just finished the game again, and I realised I had a few hahaha Like the first time I played KH, when Alice was suppose to show up with all the Evil Disney guys, like Hook, Hades, Malificent, etc... Snow White did... and then when I played this again, (this happend twice) Fire just appeard out of nowhere in the middle of the game when in the colloseum doing the hercules cup, and it was there for like three battles xD hahaha just wondering if odd things ever happend, becuase I haven't played this for a long time, but when that glitch happend it reminded me of Alice... Snow White turned up instead o.O hahaha XD
Oh wow o.O I am only good at easy XD
"Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls, but feat. also Avril Lavigne.
I love Kairi, she is awesome :D