xD .
Don't worry about it too much!
Everyone has mistakes xD
Like I said, no worries ^^
I know only that Roxas and Xinia are in the kitchen. Xigbar, Demyx and maybe Xemnas are together somewhere so are Cloud and Zexion and Katie,...
I was thinking about spiky bunnies xD
No worries ^^
I don't really have friends in school. I used to hang out with my boyfriend but when we broke up, I was always alone...
My summer vacation started just before June. So I had ten weeks... And the girls I hate hadn't changed school's like they had talked about last year D:
'Kay. .
Sure, I'll then take you out of the list.
In about five to ten minutes, I'll be leaving my house to go to school.
Yeah, I felt like turning 'spiky'. But I'm still the bunny queen xD Just have to find away to combine bunnies and hedgehogs O.o
I don't know.
I'm going to say no to your no.
D: a
Why not?
It depends on what grade you change your school. When you're still a kid, new students are usually treated pretty well. At least in my school. But when you're a teenager... Well, teens can be a pain in the ass...
She would say that. She hates people who disrespect her xD So I'll take your name out of the list? 'Kay then.