Katie shyly followed Roy as he searched for her room. "Ah, this must be it. 69g." he said. Katie opened her room and stepped in. The place looked really nice. It had a nice view and a a big balcony. Katie chose her bed and threw her backs on it. "You want me to hang with you here or-" Roy asked but Katie shook her head. "Let's go see your room." she said.
"Um, are you sure we should be going through just random doors?" Katie asked.
"Oh, um... I'm Katie..." Katie said and blushed.
"Okay..." Katie mumbled and walked towards the common room.
"Me?" Roy asked. He saw an other teen come there. Katie stood still quietly.
Katie saw a mouse suddenly pop in. "What?" she mumbled. "Whatever..." she said slashing some heartless and running close to the door.
"Hello." Roy said and shook Zack's hand.
Katie sighed and walked to the boys bathroom's door. "Here it is." she said
Ooc: Yeah. Bic: "Where are you staying?" Roy asked Katie. "I'm not sure..." Katie mumbled. "Come on. I'll help you find it." Roy said and took Katie's hand.
"Hm, fine." Roy said and gave out a grin. Katie walked to them. She threw the skittles to Dan and gave Laila her mountain dew and fruit pastilles. She looked at Roy shyly and turned a bit away. Roy saw Katie's shyness. "I'm Roy." he said to them all.