Welcome, glad you became a member. Post some comments, play in the arcade, watch some cutscenes and have fun. LATA
Well if you like Kingdom Hearts your cool with me.. Have fun talking on posts, play in the arcade, or just watch the KH cutscenes from the archives(this is awesome and really helpful to understand the whole story.
THe playstation network got hacked again i heard so there is no way to connect to the playstation store or internet.
Havent you played Birth By Sleep. She saved Terra (when Master Xehanort was in his body) from the world of darkness. Watch the cutscenes from the archives they really help out to solve the problems.
Just be nice to her. I hate ****** bags that treat woman with no respect and expect all respect back. Just be cool dont expect to much from her and dont rush anything just let stuff happen.
THank your brother for serving and sacrificing for his country. You should have went with a chibi sora doll he could totally beat that chibi vincent.
Are you high...and she has a terrible voice to go with it...ITS FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY...kill me now. HAHAHA you gotta watch this video parody of that song. [video=youtube;nVlY3ZTrBkw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVlY3ZTrBkw&feature=player_detailpage[/video]
My top five songs would be: 1. I see the light - Tangled 2. Hakuna Matata - Lion King 3. Go the distance - Hercules 4. Be our Guest - Beauty and the Beast 5. Never had a friend like me - Aladdin
Maybe he just tired of talking to people he has never met...hmm...
Kingdom Hearts 1 will always and forever be the best game ive ever played of the Kingdom Hearts series because it is the game that sucked me in and made me continue with this unstoppable and undying will to understand what was going on and how this all started haha.
You know you post to many comments and replies when other people are commenting and replying to you to shut up. LOL
Jafar from Aladdin even in a video game he is the most annoying enemy...HE JUST WONT FREAKIN' GO AWAY. He reminds me of all the old perverts and pedifiles out there he even has the pedifile mustache and beard haha what a ******.
O ok first of all the chesire cat from Alice in wonderland use to freak me out so much when i was little. That creepy smile made me crap my pants haha. ANYWHO...my favorite of all time disney animal would have to be... (this was a really really hard decision bc there are so many out there.) Pascal from the new disney movie "Tangled" If you LOVE disney movies, such as myself, you will definetly LOVE this movie and this character.
Ok ive researched and researched online and all a couple of threads are saying that your suppose to freeze the bubble and then jump on it and then glide over to grab on the ledge. Im not sure thats right but i could be wrong. Also some are saying that its an impossible chest to get to and that its just a glitch or something...but again i dont think thats right. The only real advice i could give you is to complete Hollow bastion completely and then go explore the castle for the treasure chests. Make sure you look at your journal for a reference on how many treasures are in the world. Goodluck i remember that was a pain for me when i played that level. Just remember you dont need all the treasure chest to complete the game and get the secret ending if thats what your going for. But im sure your going for perfection since thats what everyone else was or is doing lol.
Cool with me thanks DPWolf. Do you think you can do something with this picture?
I appreciate the replies and friend request you guys. hope to get to know you all a lil better in the near future through these forums. Lata
I appreciate it alot. But if you can find an image you think can go well with it im down lol. Anyhow thank you not many people would go through the trouble. Are you just gonna send it to my page or email, or what just so i know where i can expect it.
Hello i would like a signature plz. If you are still doing them that is. Size: just default. Image: Ur choice. You dont even need a picture just my name and then streaks and graphics. Text:BloodPrince Color scheme: Black and red Border: Nop Thank you for doing this i really appreciate it. I just dont have the talent and patients to do stuff like this.
whats up. Like you i just joined as well if youd like to add me as a friend i would be glad to accept.
First id like to thank KH-Vids.net for allowing me the oppurtunity to watch and express my opinions on videos retaining to Kingdom Hearts. I have been a fan of KH ever since the first game came out. I have not fully understood the story until just recently when watching the cutscences and reading the forums. So id like to express my gratitude for having these cutscenes in a location that is easy to use. Also i am glad i am with such an active forum page. I am sure i will meet some good people that having interesting things to say and have the same interest and dislikes that i have. I look forward to talking to you all.