Hey i just posted my first ever amv check it out for me and leave me ur comments and criticism i need it. and maybe a few helpful hints on how to make it better http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=343
I think its gonna be a great movie but ill wait for it to come out on redbox lol what i really wanna see is green lanturn now that looks cool.
Anchorman Legend of Ron Burgendy hilarious movie and def a classic All disney and looney toons
Def xehanort bc he needed two people to destroy him sepiroth just needed one. if-so-facto Xehanort would win
Welcome to kh vids. Its awesome here dont forget to play some of the arcade games i dare you to try and beat some of my scores i think ive spent most part of my day getting top 5 in like 4 of the games hahaha i kno im lame. Anywayz...nice to meet see you around.
Mangas are awesome!!! Especially the KH series. My favorite is the battle between the Alice in wonderland boss when donald is shouting at sora to think of the coldest blizzard and then a huge wave of ice comes out of the keyblade and delivers the final blow to the heartless. Thats my favorite scene.
In Fallout 2 Whenever im in a dark cave or in the sewers and those zombie/human things that rush at your are the freakiest things ever. Also when your running around at night and the monsters jump out of nowhere and scare the living s**t out of me.
Yea ive played it its kind of like spiderman but on steriods LOTS AND LOTS of steriods. But its a relatively interesting game.
Yes definetly like their music. I orginally thought and believed that the song Bring me to life had something to do with Kingdom Hearts. I think thats why i loved it so much [video=youtube;3YxaaGgTQYM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YxaaGgTQYM&feature=player_detailpage[/video]
I think Namine is the best looking just bc i love blonds and she is way hotter than kairi and aqua.
that dudes got issues haha
Stand up comedy, anime, action, and suspense.
i saw a ghost with heart shaped eyes is that right?
This is my first poll...im really bored and i thought this would spark some contraversy lol. I didnt put Xion or Roxas bc they look like Kiari and Ventus. I might make another poll on something else to fit them in. Looks like alot of males on this forum site hahah My bad if the names are spelled wrong i just went with it.
sorry about that made a mistake...
Username: BloodPrince Name: Tristian Knight Age and grade: 17 Junior Gender: Male Appearance: 6'1" 175 Brown Hair, Brown eyes, Ethnicity White, Handsome, Athletic build and wears a casual look such as jeans and long sleeve shirts but always pulls up the sleeves. http://www.yboo.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/mens-hairstyles-2010.jpg Personality: Seems to be the strong silent type but always second guesses his resolve and is basically good for nothing when it comes to making decisions. Biography:World revolves around sports and impressing his father who is always pushing him to be better at sports but never taking the time to talk about life or love, since Tristian's mother passed away when he was five. Club/ job (right now students can only be Glee club members, coach has to teach one or two subjects): Glee Preferred singing genre: Alternative Rock and Pop Other: "I'm a Gleek"
Maybe you can say that these bad people are trying rid the world of all big evil corporations or a specific race of people to name a few examples. Or maybe they are trying to blow up the congress building to get rid of all the congressmen that tweet their private parts to randoms haha.
HAHAH good one that made me giggle
Lets Go- Cartel this song is in my head all damn day
Well being a military brat, we've had to live oversees and where we lived didnt have a lot of kid channels so disney movies were really popular between my brother and me so weve practically seen all of them. By the way the black couldran was one of my favorites and should be put into kingdom hearts series but thats a other thread we could post lol.