You'll be the next best jedi since Mace Windu. XD
I still find it funny that you're jealous of a boy, not to mention your boyfriend. XD
I also love to play Kirby Island Adventure.
Oh, another obsession. Watching the 40 Year Old Virgin marathon on PPV.
Rejected Cartoons = Epic funny winz
lol I still have that in my N64 collection.
lol Don's commercial cartoons. I laugh because he has the first name as me. HOLYSHIZWTF?!
I play all of the Mario games in an SNES cartridge "Super Mario All-Stars."
I love to pull on my hair when I have absolutely nothing to do, which is hard because i just got Guitar Hero III. XD
XIII Mushroom Keyblade Name: Winner's Proof ATK: 5 MAG: 7 Ability: EXP Zero - You gain no experience. Help any?
Hades. He is such a ******.
lol I just noticed that our posts ARE EXACTLY the same. Twilight Zone crap is coming on. XD I can't believe that still.
I hope you're writing more please. That was really great.
This is in the wrong section. The 'Anything Else' section would be beter suited for this thread.
Shadowjak?! Wtf?!?!!?!?
It's Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan, from 'I'm Not There'. :3
I just wish Auron is in this since they put in TIDUS.
This place too is my addiction. It's my marijuana of addictions. lol
Please refrain from spamming. Only post if you'd like to contribute something to the thread. I think that Valor form would've gotten in a pickle with the red outfit.
I'm sure it'll have a level up system, but don't expect it to have a masterpiece of weapons and abilities like KH2. After all, it's only on one DS card. lol