Karina stumbled through the tree, finding herself falling into the snow before her. Looking around it was bright and cheery and lights were everywhere, including on her nose... on her nose? Karina reached up and tried to grab the glowing light off her nose to no avail. "Damn this blend, the magic must be broken or something this is stupid." Karina mumbled as she found herself in a wintery dress with reindeer antlers, and a glowing nose. "Well at least that ink from before should be easy to spot." She stated to no one in particular, though she knew that Aux was behind her. She didn't want to draw attention to herself and the current state blend put her in. Instead Karina started to look around for some trail to follow so she could kill the rat and get out of that place.
I will take the crowns. Mostro page is complete https://kingdomheartssos.fandom.com/wiki/Monstro
Karina just glanced over at Kel for a moment then back to the door. She reached into her pocket and shoved her gummie phone at Kel. "Here figure out how to do it yourself. I am going to get this door open." While Kel did that she braced one foot on the tree and ripped the door open with as much strength as she could muster before glancing inside. "I am going after that damn rat. And yes Aux it is a literal, gross, disgusting, Son-of-a-rat that we didn't get to deal with properly before you are yours destroyed Disneytown and threw us in the Realm of Darkness and now I am going to finish the job." Karina wasn't going to give him the ammo of the fact that Mortimer kissed her. She instead just snatched her phone back from Kel and without looking back again walked through the door.
https://kingdomheartssos.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_Planet?action=edit§ion=3 Treasure planet wiki page done. I would like the Crowns please
Equipping Oblivion +8 (From +6 before) Claiming reward for updating personal page, Karina.
Karina let out a long sigh as AJ spoke. "Thanks AJ, even I know what a heart is." She stated before looking back to the tree that Kel referred to as a Christmas tree, something she herself had never know much about. Though as she looked at it, she realized that the black along the outside was not a shadow or an outline, but ink of some sort. Karina wrapped her fingers around the edge of the door that seemed to have been somewhat opened. "Yeah, there is something here, and I think I know what it is. I am going to kill that oversized rat." Karina said back to Aux as she thought about Mortimer, or more accurate the inky form that they learned how to take quite a while before. He was the only one out side of the SoS crew that she knew of that knew how to use it. Karina tugged on the door as hard as she could, she was going to chase that rat down and be sure to murder him this time.
Karina just gave Kel a bit of a nod, but as soon as they were dismissed she walked off, offering no other conversation. She was tired, and annoyed, and still a little stressed about what happened with her father, so she was ready for some rest. Apparently there was a while for rest as Karina had originally thought they had the night, which she spent alone, turned into several days. For the most part she trained and kept to herself during their days off, but made an effort to actually figure out whatever this all was with Beuce, without taking up all his time. Just when he had time to spare for her. Besides that it was filled largely with her trying to make herself feel more powerful after her father took her confidence down a few notches. When it was finally time to leave, she found her way to the ship and let it take them to the next world. She didn't know what she trusted less, auto pilot, or one of the others trying to fly the ship. Neither seemed like a safe option. She was just relieved that they managed to land safely, though in a strange location. A forest with trees that had other things pained on them. She walked over to the tree with a tree painted on it and looked quizzically at it. "No clue why they would do this." She said running her hands over it, trying to give it a better inspection than Faust did.
They were finally able to get off the raft and Karina moved to meet up with everyone else seeming a bit grumpy still from everything that happened. She slowly stepped up alongside Beuce as she huffed and mumbled "Well that was utterly pointless. I don't know what we were supposed to learn from that." She said to him as she turned her attention back towards DJ who had called them to the council room to go over the members of the Hellfire Club. She tried to listen to all the information but only retained bits and pieces as she seemed really bored with it. They were finally told that they would set out tomorrow. "Cool so can we just have the night off? Being able to sleep somewhere that isn't a jail cell would be nice." Karina mentioned, clearly still bitter about what happened on the Sanctuary.
Now that Kel seemed with it, Karina was able to brace again as thunder shook the raft, causing her to grip on tighter and try not to react to the fact that the sound was loud enough she could feel the vibration. This was pathetic and she knew it, but she at least had to try holding on until Shiro finally called it off, because she knew she could. Just a little longer. Though she didn't know how long he would make the damn test go on for. She just hoped that he decided they were worthy soon and actually showed them how to unlock their aura's instead of just putting them through basic strength and endurance training when they were already pretty strong in both those areas.
At least Faust seemed like he was doing okay. Kel was managing but wasn't entirely calm, meaning she had to figure it out. Slowly Karina knelt down to grab the edges of the boat to stabilize herself. Just as she did, thunder cracked and she dug her nails into the wood. Karina squeezed her eyes shut and breathed in deep. She had to calm down, she had to keep herself there in that moment and stay on the raft. "Just a little longer." She told herself, before looking to the others. "Just a little longer." She shouted over the noise of the waves and the thunder. Karina found herself looking into the water below wondering if they got knocked off if she would be able to swim. But she had swam in some bad situations before. When she returned and they were in that underwater world. Through the wind and the thrashing she spotted her necklace. Right last time she was under water she gave Beuce the necklace. It was of flames. She hadn't thought about it before but it had to be her fire. She had given him something that was a part of her, now she couldn't let that go to waste, she couldn't lose that fire. Karina's eyes suddenly cleared as she found her balance enough to move a little closer to Kel and reach for him. "We are going to do this. You are too strong to not."
Karina followed Shiro to the raft that they were to do their final test. At least it wasn't that damn obstacle course again. "Alright lets get this over with." She said. She hoped that everyone would be able to hold their own because she didn't particularly feel like trying to save them. She didn't know if she even if she tried. Though at first it didn't seem too bad. Even with the storm Karina managed to hold her ground pretty well, shifting her knees to match the shifting of the waves. When the thunder cracked however that is when things went down hill. Karina flinched away from it and nearly lost her balance as it cracked again. She tried to keep the small amount of fear off her face, but she really hated the sound. For some reason it tended to remind her of her fathers booming voice as he yelled at her. She couldn't help but flinch away from it and want to protect herself. She glanced to the others and hoped that they wouldn't notice as she kept trying to keep her balance.
Well if Faust could handle himself, then they could finish this. Karina put all her her effort into another aura, her power aura. It would give her the extra boost that she needed to finish the course even though she was already sore from what they had done up until now. Karina took a moment to stretch out her arms before running forward. She kept speed with Faust, even though he was using his magic, she just was determined not to lose this, she had to get stronger, she had to get a better aura. Soon Karina found herself stumbling over the finish line as she looked at the new guests, but didn't bother actually acknowledging them. She was just too tired to bother as she flopped on her back trying to catch her breath.
Kel was closer behind her than Faust, Kel also seemed to be using his aura to help him get through. Karina couldn't let him catch up to her though, even as her aura was waning. She had to push forward while she still had the advantage of fire burning its way through the snow around her. She began pushing forward and running once more, taking deep breaths in order to keep her stamina. Damn that was harder than she thought as she crested up to the top of the third hill in the course. Karina only took a moment to look behind her to see where the others were before she pushed herself forward again at a slightly slower pace than before, but still upholding a jog despite the weather. At the end of the second run, her aura was gone and Karina found herself blowing in her hands to warm them up as she jogged around the corner to start her third run, already preparing for the monkey bars. The third and forth run Karina found herself significantly slower, as she tried to fight the elements as she made her way through. The longer they were on the course, the more snow built up, which tripped her up from time to time. Her fingers froze anytime she had to grip or climb something, but she kept pushing on, even as her breaths became more laboured. She could do this, she had to do this. She had gone long enough without proper training, there was no avoiding it now. As Karina got to her last lap though she picked up speed once more. She just wanted to keep herself in the lead, prove that she was stronger than this stupid thing. The resolve gave her the burst of energy needed to nearly tie her time for the first run of the course. As Karina finally hit the end though she knelt in the snow breathing heavy. Despite the cold, sweat beaded on her brow as she tried to gulp down air the best she could. Every breath was a struggle, but she had at least a bit of a triumphant look on her face knowing that she had done it, and had done it first. Now she could just watch as the others completed the course and came to join her.
This wasn't nearly as bad as Karina had expected it to be. It was more climbing and balancing than having to crawl and scrape. She could get behind that to some extent. Then Shiro flipped a switch and snow and sleet started to fill the area. Oh course this would happen. "He might have said that we couldn't use our keyblades, but didn't he said nothing about our aura's and what better way to train them, than to use them?" Karina glanced at Kel before fire lit up around her to keep her warm. "I will be here waiting when you are done." She warned before taking off onto the obstacle course, full speed ahead. She let the flames leave a bit of a trail behind her, which quickly faded with the blasting snow, but it kept her warm as she grabbed the rope to help pull her up the first incline, not thinking too much about the climb before running down the other side. She then jumped and even as the cold of the monkey bars should have hurt her hands, the flame aura around her made it bearable to keep her grip and she swung forward, from one to another, occasionally skipping a bar before jumping down off of them and continuing on to tires on the ground which she started to jump through before she found herself facing another climbing wall. Karina managed to get to the top of it but was starting to feel the run wear on her a bit, as well as her aura. She couldn't keep this up all 5 runs, but she wanted to give herself a lead on the others as she pressed forward to finish the first lap, even if it left her flames a mere flicker by the time she got to the end of it and started again.
Faustalot? Was that his full name? It sounded ridiculous, but maybe? She could at least believe it for Kel, but Faust? Whatever it didn't matter, apparently they were to run an obstacle course of some kind. Karina stripped off her coat and spaced it to the side before taking off the bag strapped to the side and piling it with that and her necklace. "No need to get this stuff needlessly filthy. At least if it is anything like the courses I have seen back home." Something told her though that it would be worse. Shiro would take pride in making it much, much worse on them. He did say it was meant to break their bodies and Karina was not looking forward to that part. Resilience was by far not her strong suite. She was mighty strong but if Shiro wasn't talking about strength, then she was not too sure how to deal with it. She supposed that was what this was about, it was time to learn to make herself better, stronger, more worth while. They had to deal with No Heart and they needed to be more powerful for that.
Karina grabbed the orb that was tossed to her and she watched it flare red. "Well I suppose that Lea rubbed off on me a little bit. Damn it." She mumbled. It wasn't that it was a bad thing, she just didn't want to admit that something to do with Lea actually stuck around. She never thought of it as a primary aura ability. She had for a long time thought of it as something else, something stronger, but this was telling she supposed. "Well are you guys ready for military training. It is going to suck." Karina rolled her eyes as she spoke to Kel and Faust who were apparently with her in this.
Shiro lectured like a drill sergeant on her world. She so looked forward to dealing with that... Not. At one point she had looked on from where she was serving her father wishing she could be among the men training instead of serving wine and food to those who believed themselves past the need to train. Not anymore though, she may have liked to fight but this was it. She didn't need an army to fight, just a purpose and she no longer envied those who were drilled day in and day out. It shouldn't have surprised her that Shiro sounded like he was training an army though. He had always known exactly who she was, where she came from. He likely had a similar background, something connected with Uniform, which in turn connected to her father. Karina just let out a sigh. "Alright let's get this started then."
Listening and observing what was going on around her, Karina just sighed. It wasn't like it was bad to check things out again, but she didn't think it necessary. "I doubt that Orion came with anyone else. If he did he probably wouldn't have had to resort to begging anyone who would listen to take him back, not that it worked out well for him in the first place. If DJ is locking down Central Haven, then I am sure it would be fine. But if you want to go on a wild goose chase after another one of his poor lies, then go ahead. I will not stop you, but nor will I be joining you." She stated before walking over and taking a phone, looking at it like it was a foreign object. "For now I think we can leave Orion in more capable hands than our own." She motioned to Shiro and DJ who were already handling it. There was no point in them complicating it more and trying to bud in to help if they didn't really have anything to contribute, and Karina highly doubted anyone here was highly researched in separating a possessed body. Karina spent a moment after looking at the phone. She managed to make the screen light up and go dark a few times. It was after all the same button to start and stop recording on the voice recorder she had been given all those years ago. This however was far beyond it. "Stay in touch, right. However that one works." Karina mumbled to herself. She didn't even know if she wanted to learn how it worked. It seemed more like a pain in the butt than anything else. She glanced towards where DJ and Shiro left before looking to where Luna and Koa left and then sighed. "So are we all just going to sleep or are we going to do something more interesting. I am in the mood to punch something." Karina stated. After that run in with Orion she would be more than happy to take her frustration out on something.
At least she could say that she tried. That didn't stop her from being annoyed though at how blatantly Kurt plowed through her and into the castle itself, quickly making it to where the meeting was being held. Instead of taking AJ's hand she batted it away and simply got up herself, just in time to see Shiro knock him out with his hammer type blade. Well at least she knew that everyone was on the same wave length when it came to dealing with the guy then. No one seemed eager to just go with what he said. Karina walked towards the rest with her arms folded as she looked over to Aux. "Your grandfather is a terrible liar, I hope you know that. And terribly naive as well." She added in seeing on how he didn't believe her that they would stick together. "So Kurt, aka Orion, aka Terra is here as well, so what does that mean for us and whatever you guys were planning in there? I can't see this boding well for whatever you thought was going on." Orion just showing up out of the blue when they said there was no one around. It couldn't be good.
Karina just took up a fast stroll to take up residence in the entry way before Kurt could get there and crossed her arms. Kel mostly said what she wanted to, so she didn't feel the need to speak too much, more than just block the way. "You aren't going anywhere near them." She stated coldly, widening her stance to try and block him as fully as she could and stand her ground the best she could. He wasn't just going to walk away from them so easily. Not a chance in the world that she was letting that happen.