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  1. Aelin
    Hm, I don't know how I feel about the implications of this chapter.
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 13, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Aelin
    They are gooood
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 12, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Aelin
    That just makes me more mad then you dying
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 10, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Aelin
    Nooooo cstarrrr. I will avange you as best waifus do.
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 10, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Aelin
    Or his ego will be as big as his state and make him not want to help. But if he is your ally in theory he would end up mine, and I would rather have him on my side.
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 9, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Aelin
    If that is the case I bet you are glad you changed your username
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 9, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Aelin
    Good @Arch made it c:<
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 8, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Aelin
    Oh no, the sudden bust of activity has awakened the rules lawyer in Amaury. We must all run. It is scarier than any ghost.
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Aelin
    Should I be worried?
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Aelin
    Post by: Aelin, Dec 7, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Aelin
    Karina watched Shiro leave then tried to push herself up off the bed. "Spar with each other? That guy must be more of an idiot than I originally thought." Karina mumbled as her bad arm gave out under her and she fell back to the bed, a wave of dizziness coming over her. Letting out a bit of a groan, Karina took a moment to lay there before trying again. "Where the hell are the others. They should be back by now. We need more competent people here then Shiro. I am going to go find DJ or something, maybe he will actually know something." Karina finally got her feet under her but her legs were more than a little shaky as she began trying to make her way forward towards the door to the infirmary, the devices that were attached to her starting to reach the end of their wires, but Karina didn't care. She didn't know how to remove them properly so she figured they would just pull off. ​
    Post by: Aelin, Nov 27, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    There was a bit of annoyance when she felt Shiro pick her up. He was the last one that she wanted to deal with at this time but her head was pounding too much and she couldn't bring herself to fight him. At least the bed was more comfortable than the floor she had collapsed on. "Overexert? No, it would have been fine if you gave us a challenge or taught us how to use our weapons." She mumbled to Shiro. Even though she was barely keeping her eyes open she still managed to glare at Shiro. "I thought we were supposed to be training or getting trained not another mundane battle that I had to find a way to spice up myself." She continued. She tried to think of more ways to express her frustration but words failed her. Was it because she hit her head? Or was it the lack of sleep she got? Either way whatever Shiro was deciding was decisively wrong. "By the way one of Nequa's people was here. I doubt you noticed." Then she closed her eyes to rest. Everything hurt, so much.​
    Post by: Aelin, Sep 12, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    Kel at least tried to help, but it didn't seem to help at least right away as Gilgamesh seemed to have found what he was looking for in A.J. some how. A.J. didn't seem to want any of it, but still she was more than willing to leave him to deal with that mess as Faust finally finished his battle and the simulation ended providing a door. "On it." Karina said to Kel as she went to leave. The first step forward left Karina feeling dizzy and nausious. She planted her keyblade into the ground for support as she held back the need to throw up. After a few deep breaths to steady herself again, Karina continued out the door, only making it part way down the hall before swaying into the wall, which left her arm in pain. At least she was out of the arena and the others could deal with Gilgamesh and whatever else Shiro had for them. Meanwhile she decided it was a good idea just to take a break there, in the hall. Sitting down Karina leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment. Part of her wondered if that was a good idea, but she didn't care. Her head hurt. Her arm hurt. And she couldn't even see right anymore, she didn't even think she could find the infirmary if she wanted to. ​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 20, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    This was... whatever this was Karina couldn't handle it in the slightest. She couldn't even comprehend what was going on anymore as she looked to Kel. All Karina knew was she was thankful that he moved on after whatever that was. The rose slid harmlessly off her head as Karina glanced at AJ. "Well lucky for you AJ looks ready to pick a fight. Why don't you talk to him for a while." Karina spoke in almost an amused fashion. At least as much of one as she could muster at that time. With Gilgamesh distracted Karina turned to Kel and spoke quietly so hopefully their enemy didn't hear. "You have to get me out of here. As much as I would like to stab him in the back, I think I might just pass out." She admitted. It didn't feel good to admit to her own weakness, but she would rather that than die here in this stupid training that no one was overseeing. ​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 16, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    This was ridiculous. Really what was this guy doing? Working for Nequa? Vendettas? It was getting too much for Karina to focus on at once. "Yes yes we all have a vendetta against Nequa, but coming here doesn't get you a rival, it gets you killed if you are working for her." Karina stated as she summoned her keyblade from the other side of the room. She gripped it in her left hand taking a bit of an awkward fighting stance given she wasn't left handed at all. "It was stupid for you to come here, especially announcing that you are with her." Karina warned hoping that Gilgamesh would just take that as a cue to leave.​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 15, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    Claiming blue mage
    Buying off world record to get Gladiator
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 13, 2021 in forum: OOC Lounge
  17. Aelin
    Karina was waiting rather angrily to be acknowledged. She vaguely realized that Kel had gone through the battle but didn't focus on that. She was just trying to keep the black spots from taking over her vision completely. Karina wasn't one hundred percent sure if the spots were from pain in her arm or something to do with the way she had hit her head, either way it wasn't going to be good. Pain flared through her shoulder and Karina almost felt dizzy a moment as someone tapped it. Turning to look she saw some guy. Karina tried to subtly move to hold her arm, she was in no shape for fighting, but she was wary of this guy as she tried to take a step back watching him closely. "I don't know what you are talking about. Who the hell are you anyways and what are you doing here?" Karina sounded annoyed as she tried to rush through the conversation a bit hopefully he would take the hint and go.​
    Post by: Aelin, Aug 13, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    Decent training indeed. Karina was unprepared for how difficult the task she had given herself was. Sure she had been practicing how to swing a scythe, but dodging with that extra weight was something entirely different. Karina tried to side step one of the swipes, but was too slow. The icy claw of the titan slammed into Karina sending her off her feet and skidding across the arena. Her scythe was jarred out of her hand as she hit one of the walls, breath knocked from her. As the titan stomped towards her, Karina pushed herself to her knees, grabbing her scythe and using it to help get her up. She was barely on her feet when the titan bore down on her again.

    If she was going to win this she couldn't just dodge, that was quickly becoming obvious. This was something that she could never learn practicing with dummies in the middle of the night. That was why she traded out her keyblade. If this was only going to be a battle then she would learn something from it, with or without anyone else's help. There was a moment that she looked towards where Shiro had gone off to, but she couldn't afford to look away as she tried to outmatch the titan, swiping at it to meet it's blow, but even with all her strength she couldn't match it. The weight of the fist crushed down on her, straining her arms which were already having some trouble keeping up. Karina lost her footing and was forced to roll out of the way to avoid getting crushed. "No... this isn't over yet." Karina had to tell herself because she felt so tired and not ready to get back to her feet yet, but that wasn't an option.

    The fire around her flared slightly as she got back up one more time. This time when she met the titans attack, she pushed back harder. Her arms shook and she barely had the strength for it, but soon the blade slid forward, inch by inch until it melted through the ice. As she felt some leeway, some success with the battle, the other hand came across and smacked her back into the wall. This time being so close, Karina hit the wall as she felt something go off. Her arm hung limp at her side shoulder seeming out of place. A slight bit of blood tricked down the back of her head and neck. and her eyes couldn't focus. For all intents and purposes she knew that she should just stay down. If not that at least summon her keyblade to her. She didn't know how to use a scythe, this wasn't the time to be teaching it to herself, but if no one else was going to so she needed to learn even if it hurt her. At least she wasn't going to be hurt for training on top of this. It was the only comfort she had from it.

    Trying to bring her eyes back into focus, Karina barely noticed the next attack, but managed to just get out of the way before getting up once again. The fire flared brighter this time as she got up, the drive to learn the drive to get through this within the bounds she set for herself instead of taking the easy way out or giving up like she had before. She spit some blood on the ground before taking the only moment of clarity she had in her mind and through the blur of her eyes. There was less defense now that one of it's arms were missing, but she still had to be careful. The titan was slow, but so was she in this state and it was stronger than she was. Holding the scythe above her, Karina caught the arm with the rod of it. The fire in full force now caused it to back off from the heat. The flames of her own determination would push her through. The flames that she didn't ask for, but Lea entrusted her with. They would carry her through, they would be enough just for this.

    The blood that was still flowing from the back of her head sizzled from that heat, but that sizzling was overtaken by the sound of fire on ice. As ice melted and steam filled the air around her, Karina used the arm that she could barely lift to help put force behind the scythe as it was aimed to cut through the center of the titan. Tears filled her eyes that were uncontrolled. It hurt, a lot, but she kept pushing. Every inched gained gave her the determination to push harder. Her right arm became completely useless half way though, but she kept pushing with her left hand. The titan's fist came down one more time to try and stop her but it was too late. As it came down towards her, Karina managed to get through the titan's body. The first ended up falling right beside her head, barely scraping against her damaged arm, but it was enough for her to feel the overwhelming pain as the flames around her died down.

    Staggering forward Karina aimed for the way out of the arena. "I am done." She tried to call to Shiro. She didn't care if he expected her to stay and help the other, it wasn't worth it. She didn't know if she had a concussion, or what she did to her shoulder, but she couldn't keep going. She did what she was told to do, she had fought what she needed to fight and went above and beyond. She didn't just not use any of her special abilities at all, but she did it without her keyblade. The scythe she was using laid a bit bent on the ground where she had been fighting, abandoned completely for the time being. She would come back for it eventually when she was ready to learn again, but for now she just really want to sleep.​
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 31, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    There was something very unsatisfying about this training. She had expected actual training, instructions. She had hoped that she would have to do things that would challenge her. That would get her thinking and working. She was hoping for something new, and this, this was the same thing she did in every battle and she found herself bored, even though she was tired. Well at least she could keep herself training if no one else was going to properly train her. Karina ducked under the swipe of the ice titan. Thankfully it was slow so she had enough time to stroll to the edge of the room and pick up the scythe that she had leaned against the wall when she came in. To make a point to, she rested her keyblade where it once sat for all to see. Her arms trembled slightly as she heaved the weapon up but she got it up and the fire started wrapping around it like it did her keyblade. After that Karina jumped back in the combat, swinging down at the wrist of the titan as it swiped for her. Her moves were still a bit sloppy and untrained, but no where near as bad as they were hours before. At least this would be some decent training for her.​
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 20, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    Well at least this was going to be easy training. All she had to do was what she normally had to do. Karina let out a bit of a sigh of relief, she was too tired to deal with this anyways. "Leave the ice guy to me." Karina said as she ignited her fire aura. Perhaps it wasn't her preferred aura to use, but it was the one she was told that she had to use, so she would make it work. She just hoped that the ice didn't somehow melt into a water titan, that wouldn't work too well for her. At least for the most part she excelled at simple combo's. Not being able to use her abilities more than once likely wouldn't be an issue, at all, for her. ​
    Post by: Aelin, Jul 11, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena