"well...you are very speshal to me..." she said
"I...ummm...I guess so..." he said
ooc: front bic: *she laughed as they played*
"ok and not realy..." She said
"well...ummm..." she said begining to blush ooc: yes he is!!! XD
*Erin ran into her room* "ALEX! WHAT'S WRONG?!?!?!?!?!" he asked
"nice to meet you Rex" Erin said
*Anna played with Matthew*
*Erin looked at the kid*
"I...uhhh...kissed you on the cheack..." she said
*Anna was cluless*
"Erin...what's yours?" he asked
*She sat outside*
"right" she said
*she smiled*
"it's ok" Erin said
*Anna was shocked*
*She kept watching Matthew*
*she kissed him on the cheack*
"head back to the house" she said after healing him