"a world is a place where people live. Like this computer, or the town." Sora said. "I don't see what the big deal is! Tron is my friend, and I trust him!" Sora said
"Nox...I'll be fine! promice! besides...he would kill me wether or not we were traveling together, so what dose it matter?" she asked
"I only lost grip cuz you hit me! Tron is my friend and I milion people know about there being tuns of worlds!" Sora said geting anoyed
"nice to meet you!" Anna said "well atleast you didn't get slaped agin! every other girl we have run into has slaped Leo!"
"I won't! I'm a tuth little cookie!" she said with a smile
"oh shush you attemptid baby murderor!" Sora replied
*Anna watched*
*she huged him giggeling* "she is a cluless and care free as always..." sora said suprised even a baby couldd be this happey
"why?!?!? Did I do sompting wrong?" She asked fealing hurt
*Anna looked around*
"OMG!!!!! THANK YOU TRON!!!!!" Sora said happily *Trinity huged Tron*
"what's wrong?" she asked him worried
*Mickey cought Sora off gard and he lost grip of Trinity*
"I think they're still at disney castles...that's there home world" Sora said
"hmmm..what about cooking?" she asked
*she lissend to him*
"What? Cid has some explaining to do! I'm sorry I don't know much about what's going on right now, but I sorta just got called in." Sora apolegised after geting Trinity to let go
"what virus???" Sora asked *Trinity grabed Sora's hair and pulled* "AAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP THAT!!!!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sora yelled
"hmmm...have youever tryed danceing?" she asked ooc: wb