Welcome to KH-vids Read the rules --> http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=32838 Post A lot No spamming outside the Spamming zone Make friends Don't get into trouble Have fun!
Bubble Wrap- Mcfly
Hello welcome to Kh-vids Read the rules Post a lot Spam ONLY in the spamming Zone Have fun and don't get into trouble
yes all the wins for me
huh? I'm confuseds, but whatever I win :3
OOC: well me have to go now. Im leaving to California and not going to be on until tomorrow so I'll try to get on as soon as possible :3 bye bye
"I wonder...what happened to the old principals." Yuna said with a grin."Come on lets find out." she contiued on.
OOC: Omg! yur finally on XP Yuna walked to thr fountain and took a drink. When she turned around she saw Anna and Orhime and ran to them.
Is in Halloween Town
Sum 41- With me
Is currently everywhere? ....okay....
Sum41- With Me
I have them too so my mom finally got annoyed she told us to wait until the voicemail came on so if we know them we'll pick up.
OOC: Hey...bored Yuna walked through the halls with her book bag dangling from her side.
Quite fisty right now *backs off* alrighty then
I agree to the highst Percentage XD and.. is tired right now
Has a funny avatar
Knows I like Mcfly
Saying Dredica is being corrected
Eddie's Song- Son Of Dork