Shinjiru walked in the hall quietly with her headphones in her ear. She traveled throguh the halls and finally reached her dorm. She put away her ipod and picked up her bag and left.
Wow lovely...The emotions flow together well. And I love your ryhme schemes.
The old Disney Movies of course. Like Bambi, Beauty and the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty. The new films aren't animated such as High School Musical which sux.
Yeah, but you can learn it. Everyone can...
I don't know....we're just regular people! We don't get like stuff early because we're asian.
Yes...and there is nothing special about being one.
I'm asian and there is nothing special about it only that we get like a lot of anime stuff, but that's because we know where to go....
Jane returned to her cabin and put away her camera and headed back outside.
MALE: Vincent Valentine and Cloud Strife FEMALE: Yuna and Yuffie
"Bye!" Jane yelled back. Before she left she took a picture of the whole scene. She put away her picture and went back to her cabin.
OCC: Nvm okay w/e ignore what I said.... "We better get back or we'll be reported missing..." Jane said with a smile.
OOC: I left the lake?
OOC: new person! The figure was a mountain lion. She walked back to the girl. "My name is Jane" she asked.
OOC: What's with the "yeah" Jane sat there alone. "Yes, peace and quiet" she said and then heard someone. She quickly turned around. "Oh Hi, I'm sorry I just wanted some pictures." she said. She saw something in the distance. She got up and started to walk toward it."Sorry, I'm going to be right back. I need to see what it is." She then concentrated on the faint figure. It got clearer and clearer. Jane then heard growling. "Oh, my" Jane said and took some pictures.
Jane stood there looking around. She saw people searching for there cabins. "I'll be back, I'm cabin 5 so I'm going to go look for it really quick." Jane said and windered off. She found her cabin quite early so decided to sneak off. Jane ran out to the lake and and looked at it."Waoh this is so cool." she said and sat down. She took out a camera and took pictures.
"It's alright...hey what cabin are you in?" Jane asked Stephanie who finally got out.
"Where is that girl?" Jane asked herself as she quickly looked around. She saw her through the window. Jane got back to the bus and called for her. "Come on...let's go it'll be alright." Jane said.
"Thank you," Jane said as she stepped in front of the boy. She stepped outside and smelt the sweet lake breeze.
Jane sat with Stephanie until the bus came to a sudden halt. "We're here..." she mumbled to herself. She felt a cold shiver coming down her spine. "Creepy..." she said and stood up. "You can step out of the vus now!" The driver said.
"Oh, but that was last year. Everything is diffrent. One reason because I'm here and the other is there are many different people. So we both can make friends." Jane said and held out her hand. "My name is Jane Penn, who are you?" she asked.