'the black hole' is a world and sora meets the anthony perkins and is like "dang strange boy we are studying the black hole and the origins of darkness and light" and since sora is some dummy he will join on in the fun. fun mini game initiated with V.I.N.CENT FUN boss battle with Reinhardt 2ND FUN boss battle with a merged Reinhardt with Maximilian then the world end with a fun cutscene with sora sonald and soofy traveling through heaven and hell
and i forgot how great the wonderland chapters are
Why is Demyx always depicted as some incompetent 'lol so randum' character? To be honest he seems to be one of the biggest jackasses in the order, since he tries to suck just so he wont get sent on missions because of pure laziness. Its just something that never made sense to me.
its such a garbage series Spoiler
what the hell (also wow riku and sora were so gay)
so heres my first vita selfie!1!1! it was 2 am when i took it so im obviously not prepared to look good right now and im gonna buy a 3DS+animal crossing+kh3d+p4golden tomorrow too
Aside from cookie cutter characters it was pretty good. Mako was adorable and I wish the other pilots were developed more. Ron Perlmans character was so silly but only he could pull it off Idris Elba is still hot
????????????????????????????????? I FORGOT NOW I NEED TO STEP MY GAME UP
this is just for fun, i actually dont want them to make ANOTHER ONE JFC but i think it would be cool if an older dajh was a main character and had a chocobo mount
the best part is that jack is voiced by phill lamar and the scotsman is john dimaggio so its basically bender and hermes [ PLS REPLY SO I CAN SPAM THIS THREAD WITH CUTE IMAGES OF THESE DUDES!!!]
I GOT A JOB AND IM GRADUATING HOW CRAZY!!!!!! [hey man i hate little ceasars but its a JOB!!]